Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Various Run in Athletics Sports

Various Run in Athletics Sports. Athletics is a combination of several types of exercise can be broadly grouped into running, jumping, and throwing. However, in this article, the author will only discuss one of the athletic sports, the run. Here, I'll cover a variety of topics about running in athletics that includes running a short distance, middle distance running, distance running, relay race, and hurdling.

Definition and some important things related to running in various athletic sports writers will discuss briefly and to the point. You're curious, is not it ? For that, let us begin this discussion with a discussion about running a short distance, then followed by discussion on the various branches of other.

Running Close Up

Sprint also known as the sprint or sprint. In sports sprinting, runners doing the run at high speed along the distance that must be taken. Yes, in this type of run, maximum running speed run or start from the beginning until the end of the run or finish is a priority. Therefore, the power of an absolute physical specimen owned by any sprinter.

The distance covered in sprinting is 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters. Sprint can be followed by both men and women runners. Continuity of motion in the sprints, both the 100 meters, 200 meters, or 400 meters, technically all the same. If there are differences, usually lies in the way savings and use of energy, given the differences in the distance that must be taken. Running a distance of 400 meters, for example. In the endurance run is needed is huge, so there is a call ran 400 meters with the term "endurance sprit" or running melee that requires power body fit.

Medium Distance Running

Middle-distance running is a branch that uses distance run 800 meters and 1500 meters. Movement in middle distance running slightly different from the movement in the near distance running. The most visible difference is the way of the foot tread. In the middle distance running, feet flat on the toe, heel, and refused to toe. While on running distance, distance the toe, the heel hits the ground very little. In addition, even in middle-distance running, more economical movements, in order to save energy.

Lot 800 meters runner who start without help block start, because of the assumption that start in the middle-distance running is not too important. However, many middle-distance runner who assisted with the movement of the beam start. So what about the movement of the intermediate sprints 1500 meters ?

At 1500 meters distance running, running movements should be done with reasonable care, foot swung forward as possible, the step width is not too wide, shoulders relaxed, and swings are not too high, but it must be done in time with the movement of the feet. . The most important principle for middle-distance runners is to "know yourself". The point is that runners are able to master his running speed based on ability. In this case, the runner must be able to control the speed of his run, when to follow the runner in front of him, when to leave his opponents, and should be able to gauge whether the speed so will be able to sprint the last or not. Ability to manage the running speed can be reach by doing exercises a careful, systematic and well-planned.

Running Distance

Distance running also known as the marathon. This run is a run that took the distance as far as 3000 meters, 5000 meters and 10000 meters. Marathon, including run hiking or cross country have to do with movement as economical as possible. That is, any movement must be adapted to endurance. Run with a relaxed, physically and mentally bail is a must for long-distance runners. The swing arm and leg movements must be made as light-light.

The farther run taken, the lower the knees raised, and steps should also be vanishingly small. Feet on the position of the heel hits the ground first and so slip into the toe, then repulsion. In a state run faster, then the runners would like to tread the middle distance running. At the time ran with feet just below the point of weight. Runners must be able to master their own pace so as to cover the entire distance to the stable.

Running Relay
Relay is a relay run continued or done by one team. A team of four runners, each of which serves as the first runner runner, runner second, third runner, and fourth runner .. relay race is run by giving a small stick (baton) that connects between runners. At the time of the baton, there is usually a predetermined distance, so do not go around. In a relay race, usually contested distance is 4 x 100 meters and 4 x 400 meters. That is, each runner is at a distance of 100 meters or 400 feet and ran, carrying the baton. Later, the baton is transferred from the first to the last runner runner up finish.

Baton usually made of wood or other materials weighing about 50 grams. Own about 28-30 cm in length, with a circumference of up to 12 cm. relay the success or failure depends on the smooth turn of the stick. The time would be better achieved if the transfer goes well baton. And vice versa. A runner relay team consisting of both runners will only win if the process of moving the stick goes well and successful.


One sport hurdles is one branch of athletics in the implementation involves running a small goal as a barrier every runner. In these hurdles, runners should have special expertise in addition to running speed and preparation because runners are required to be passing barriers of the net by way of jump. Hurdles are usually made of wood, iron, or aluminum weighing between 3.6 to 4 kg. The length of the net is 1.20 meters, height 91, 4 cm, and leg length as a counterweight goal is 70 cm. Number wicket in each path is usually about 10 pieces. The distance in hurdling for men is 110 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters. As for the women, the distance is 100 meters and 400 meters.

In these hurdles as possible should be done in the sprint movement. At the time over or jump over the net, the motion should be straight, smooth and relaxed. Furthermore, when jumping cultivated not drift too long so keep running speed can be maintained. While at the goal, try to maintain a balance as possible. How to balance the body can be done with the body tipped forward.

Well, that discussion of a variety champs run in athletics. You must be actively practicing if you want to be a Reliable runner. Happy training and good luck.

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