Thursday, February 28, 2013

Know Your Medium Distance Running

Know Your Medium Distance Running. In athletics, there are many different running numbers based on the mileage sprint (sprint), middle distance running, and long distance running. Each run has a number of techniques and specifically tailored to control distance and trajectory.

Know Your Medium Distance Running is an activity run on a race track that is longer than the distance sprints, could be 3000 meters. The standard length of the track is 800 meters, 1500 meters, 3000 meters can also be inserted into the middle distance class.

Run 880 yards or half a mile, is the origin of middle distance running 800 meters and was initiated on competition in the UK in the 1830s. Middle distance running comes from the 1500 meter run 500 meter track three laps common practice in continental Europe in the 20th century. To run a distance 800 meters using start squatting, while for distance running 1500 meters using standing start.

At 800 meters distance running, runners begin to start on its own trajectory, but after passing through the first corner, runners may enter the track first. Speed and stamina are things that must be attention to runners. Motion middle distance running (800 -1500 meters) slightly different to sprinting. The difference lies in the way the foot flat on the track. In this type of run, feet flat on the heel and toe resist with fingertips.

In this type of run, run movements have to do with rhythmic, foot moved forward at will. Long attempted the same steps except when going into the finish line, swing and footsteps could be extended. There are five important factors that can be used in practicing the basic principles of middle-distance running, which is as follows :
  • Style is the integration of gestures that run compact and harmonious movement.
  • Endurance is the basis of power to a distance.
  • Speed is a major factor for a distance in time to a minimum.
  • Consideration of measures, namely feelings may consider measures that are running.
  • Leadership is skill use strategy and tactics to run.
Medium Distance Running Technique
  • Mechanical start. Start running technique consists of:
  • When, on cue "willing" is sounded, the runners move forward with poise and stood at attention behind the starting line.
  • Cue "ready" to take a stand runners start by putting the left foot forward and right foot back. The position of the body leaning forward and not step on the starting line.
  • Cue "yes" runners started to run at normal speed just pull out a quarter or three-quarters the speed of the runner at full speed.
Movement techniques. Running movement techniques include :
  • The position of the head and the body is not too skewed. Posture as befits the man who ran.
  • Arm angle between 100-1100.
  • Landing on his heels and refused to toe.
  • Swing your arms to compensate for movement of the foot.
  • Not as high as the knee swings hips.
  • Movement of the lower leg from behind the distance is not too high.
Technique when passing the bend, among others :
  • Try to run as close as possible to the left side of the track line.
  • Rotate the shoulders to the left and turn the head tilted to the left anyway.
  • Angle right arm bigger than left arm angle.
Techniques when entering the finish line, namely:
  • Keep running without changing the running style. Footsteps accelerated and broadened. Attention should be focused on the finish line. If there is a tape at the finish line you should never grab it by hand. Run continues until a few meters from the finish line and do not stop abruptly after crossing the finish line.
  • Chest swelled forward and position hands straight back.
  • One of the shoulder forward.
  • Head lowered while the second hand swung back.
Medium Distance Run Race Rules
Regulation athletic competitions for all classes set by the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) at the international level and at the national level set by the Athletics Association of Indonesia (PASI). In all competitions, the sound cue for distance running is "in place, ready" when there is no longer moving, given shots start. At the international race, 800 m middle-distance runners to run at the end of the first corner of each trajectory.

In doing start, allowed two things :
  • Runners start the start the track separately, may enter the main track after the first corner.
  • Do start without sharing the track from behind the starting line made up all run the same distance.
Running track made with the following conditions :
  • The circumference of the track is 400 m in length, bounded by a line made of cement, wood or other material of a width of 5 cm and a height of 5 cm.
  • For the race track at least there are 6, but ideally there are 8 tracks.
  • The width of each track at 1.22 m and each path is restricted line width 5 cm.
  • The slope of the trajectory does not exceed 100.
Competition Rules - Disqualification Medium Distance Run race
Some things that are considered illegal in middle-distance running are :
  • Start making mistakes more than 3 times
  • Entering the other runners track
  • Disturbing other runners
  • Out of the path
  • Evidently taking stimulant
Regulation of Race - Race Officer or Jury Medium Distance Running
The clerk or jury in middle-distance race consisting of:
  • Starter, the officer dispatched runners.
  • Starter Recall that officers check or roll runners.
  • Timer is official timekeeper.
  • Supervisory officers trajectory is established in a particular place and oversees the runners when making mistakes and violations.
  • The arrival of the jury clerk arrival of the first runner up to the last and decisive ranking / order championships.
  • The jury clerk takers are the results after the runners entered the finish line.
Endurance Training for Distance Runners Running Medium
Before starting the exercise, you should consult your medical doctor in order to be ready to do it and get the most out of this exercise endurance. The training program is based on a detailed six phases where each phase consists of repeated plan four weeks.

Workload on the first three weeks should increase each week (easy, medium, hard) and at week four consist of active recovery and evaluation tests to monitor training progress. The purpose of this weekly cycle for building four athletes to the level of fitness (3 weeks), recovery (1 week).

Training plans are based on 3 training sessions per week with the main competition is at phase 5. The duration of each phase are :
  1. Phase 1-16 weeks
  2. Phase 2-8 weeks
  3. Phase 3-8 weeks
  4. Phase 4-8 weeks
  5. Phase 5-8 weeks
  6. Phase 6-4 weeks
The goal of each phase is as follows.
  1. Phase 1 - development of general strength, mobility, endurance and basic technique.
  2. Phase 2 - development of specific fitness and advanced technical skills.
  3. Phase 3 - the experience of competition, achieving the qualifying time for the main competition.
  4. Phase 4 - adjustment of engineering models, preparation for major competitions.
  5. Phase 5 - the experience of competition and achievement of outdoor objects.
  6. Phase 6 - Active recovery, preparation of plans for the upcoming season.

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