Thursday, February 28, 2013

Knowing History of Athletics Sports

Knowing History of Athletics Sports. Athletics Sports is a sport that grows and develops together with the natural human activity. Sports are included in the category of athletics, including running, jumping, and throwing. The third branch is the part that can not be separated from human life day round trip of his life.

Athletics is an original event at the first Olympics were held in 776 BC, where the only event was a race run or Stade. There are some games that are held during the classic era of Europe, among others, as follows.
  • Panhellenic Games,
  • The Pythian Games (founded in 6 BC) held in Argolid every two years,
  • The Isthmian Games (beginning in 523 BC) which was held at the Isthmus of Corint every 2 years,
  • The Roman Games, from Greece. Roman sports games usually consist of throwing and running. Unlike the chariot races and wrestling, sport wear gladiator who must fight to the death to determine the champion. This sport began in 527 BC and held every four years at Delphi.
  • The Nemean Games (founded in the year 51 BC and performed on the stage).
Athletics in the Age of Greece

In ancient Greece, athletics, especially running, originally used as a religious ritual. However, this sport then used as one of the event to get awards or gifts from the king of Greece at the time. To get it, the participants not only risking the prestige and ability alone, because it was often widened lives at stake. Yes, many participants in this sport have lost their lives.

The famous Greek high culture that has slowly started to organize this athletic-related regulations. The participants who follow this sport then do not have to lose their lives at the end of the game. With the new regulations, the participants began to uphold sportsmanship, where the loser is not necessarily destroyed by the winner, but was saved by a man who served as observers match (currently known as the referee).

Sports Athletics Classic in Various European Countries

In addition to Greece, other countries also participated fond of this sport. Some countries are known to do a lot of sports activities, among them Celts, Teutons, Goths, and oaring-rang who lives in Rome. However, in some countries earlier this sport often with to combat training.

In the Middle Ages, the son of a nobleman will be trained to run, fight, and wrestle. In addition, there are also some additional exercise, a case of archery, horseback riding, and weapons training. Contest fight and friends are common in this arena.

Athletics in the 19th Century

In the 19th century, the modern formal organization of the event began famous. These include the presence of regular sports and exercise into school regimes. Royal Military College, Sandhurst has claimed that the first time the sport event started there in 1812 and 1825, but there is no real evidence to strengthen their claims.

Athletics official match in recorded history was when the first time held a marathon race as far as 40 miles, held in Athens in the Olympics in 1896. This marathon race is actually already been done in 490 BC.

Investigate a calibration, marathon name apparently derived from a name of a small town called Marathon, which is 40 km from Athens. At that time, there was a resident who ran as far as 40 miles from Marathon to Athens because of an interest.

After the 1896 Olympic event, marathon distances ranging standardized distance 42.195 km on tahun1908. Since then, the branch ran a marathon has always been a highlight of the entire series as well as covering sporting events in the Olympics, including the Seoul Olympics were held in the modern era.

In the mid-19th century, English has developed a variety of athletic sports to many parts of the world which is a colony. In fact, several universities in the UK have organized athletic events, as happened Exter College in 1850 and at Cambridge University in 1855.

In the United States, the moment the first time competed athletics was in 1876. It was limited among college course. At that time, high between school in the United States often hold athletic events. Then, in 1870 an organization called appear Athletic Club in New York. This organization was the first to hold a track meet for the general public.

Athletics Championships in Modern Era

Athletics was included into the modern Olympics in 1896. Since then that sport began to form solid foundations. Field events (jumping and throwing) often use the tracks are indoor courts, while running 100 to 400 meters using a track in the open field.

At the beginning of joining athletics into the modern Olympics, the participants were allowed to enter the championship is just a man. Only later in the Olympics in 1929, a woman participant was allowed to follow athletics championships in an Olympic event.

In 1912, an international athletics governing body (IAAF) was officially formed. IAAF began holding separate outdoor World Championships in 1883. There are a number of successful regional games held, such as the European Championships, Pan-American Games, and Common-wealth games. In addition, there are professional Golden League circuit which accumulated in the IAAF World Athletics Final and indoor championships such as the World Indoor Championships.

Athletics in Indonesia

If we review the history of the sport was athletics in many parts of the world, then how athletics beginning to enter Indonesia ? In Indonesia, the first athletic scattered after the Dutch government started to incorporate athletics into one of the subjects in special schools Dutch nobility.

Initially, the Indonesian people do not know what it is athletics, but as more and more indigenous students who attend schools Dutch nobleman, the distribution of this sport began to bloom so that the public is increasingly recognized homeland.

Among colonialism then form NIAU (Nederlands Indische Athletiek Unie), an organization responsible for holding athletic games. Later in the emerging field SAB (Sumatra Athletiek Bond) that organizes matches between Mulo, HBS, and other colleges Sawata. Similarly, in Java, began appearing organizers athletic organizations.

Until the end, led to the development of athletics Athletics Association of Indonesia (PASI) on 3 September 1990 in Semarang. The first activity was recorded, at the end of the year was also the first athletic PASI held in Bandung. The match, held in Bandung is well to choose athletic ambassadors who will represent Indonesia to attend the first Asian Games in New Delhi in 1951.

A list of the names of the athletes Indonesia began to decorate the world athletics homeland. Until today, the various branches of athletics diperlombakan increasingly experiencing significant growth. Yes, the sport of athletics has become one of the favorite sports, athletics both branches run, high jump, long jump, hurdles, relay, discus throwing, shot put up.

Well, that glance overview of the history of the sport of athletics from the beginnings to become a popular sport in the country. Hopefully useful.

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