Saturday, February 23, 2013

Email Official Format or Casual ?

Email Official Format or Casual ? During the era of technology as now, the presence of electronic mail or e-mail (electronic mail) is pretty important. In addition to more effective, as well as faster and more convenient, as there are email formats that can be selected as required. Want to email a formal or casual format ? All pre-formatted with neat arrangement of editorial context.

Standard Format

Email that is commonly used is in Gmail and also ymail. And usually they have a fixed format. And there are examples of templates that you can use email as needed.

While the existing email format is standard and is as follows. There are: an email address that will be addressed, additional email addresses (cc), the title or subject of the email (preferably stuffed), attachment (attachment), and the body of the email that contained the contents of emails that you want to write.

Apparently, the format depends on what will be discussed and to whom the email is sent. Generally, formatted email kasuallah most often used because it is the email function to inform the public of things alone. Short, dense, not long-winded. However, it is possible to use a certain format email.

Official Email
VS  Casual Email

At the beginning we mentioned about the email format. There is a formal email format and there is also a casual format. Here are some examples of formal email or formally charged, as follows :
  • Email submission of the proposal.
  • An email employment report.
  • An email with monthly reports.
  • Email daily reports on petty cash.
  • Email response to an incoming job applications.
  • An email with filing a job application.
  • An email response to the proposals.
  • An email with billing or invoice.
  • An email with the cooperation contract.
And so forth.

Next is an example of an email containing some casual email, or its unofficial (non-formal). Such as:
  • Email to a lover or partner.
  • Email to the family.
  • Email to a pen pal.
  • Email to an old friend.
  • Email to your idol, both from the celebrities, toma (community leaders) or toga (religious leaders).
  • Email to parents.
And so forth.

The real difference between formal email format with the casual nature of email, of course, lies in the content. Some of these differences when sorted are as follows :
  1. The email format is usually officially official language in accordance with language. While email-style casual language rather relaxed, informal and shows familiarity to some extent different. Depending on the relationship between the exchanging e-mail with the recipient.
  2. Official formatted email using short sentences and a dense and precise on goal. Email the casual use of a long-term sentences, and sometimes a lot of reviewing on a few topics that are not too important.
  3. Email official, has the raw sequence that contains: opening or introduction, the email content contains goals and objectives, and the cover containing the expectations or desires of the email is sent. While casual email, do not have a regular order. Email sender can talk about anything with the theme talks jump though.
  4. Email formal format usually contain attachments such as: proposals, reports, or charts and analyzes contain certain numbers. While casual email has an attachment in the form of memorable photographs, poems and so on.
  5. Recipients email format is usually formal work colleagues, client, customer or supervisor and your employer immediately. While casual email recipients ranged from family, lover, partner, friend and friend, or friends in your social circle.
Types of Email

a. Email between friends

Email forms and language used up. Free. Customize it with the conditions and circumstances of you and your friends.

b. Newsletters

A wide variety of formats used for sending email newsletters. To be sure, many link. Newsletters are usually made by a particular company or website that is dedicated to its members or to subscribe to the newsletter websiter.

For example, an email from Wawie (Life is Beautiful) contains motivational things that make people excited to start a business online. Email from Oprah Winfrey ( that contains a variety of information from talk shows, the outstanding issues in the community, to health tips, home design, healthy foods, and exercise and diet.

Email from that contains information about universities in Australia, the way visas, and matters relating to the law in Australia. Email from who sent tips on how to make a good proposal.

Or email from the labor market or Which contains information about jobs or job seekers who intend to seek employment, usually also from this email, you will receive information in the form of tips on how to find work, how to deal with job interviews, how to write and submit a job application letter, and so on .

Email format used in the newsletter is different. Wawie, for example. Using block style. All the letters are on the left. Oprah besides contains many links, includes some footage article on Likewise with, email is seen on footage for all the links. While StudyinAustralia, long-term email. Email format is usually semi-block style.

c. Work Cover Letters

Email format for job application letter should be formal. Wearing semi block style better. However, the block style is also not wearing anything. Spoken language should be formal and well have the concept. Typically, a cover letter via email consist of 3-4 paragraphs.

The first paragraph of the desired position and where get information about job openings. The second paragraph contains information relating to the applicant's background, education, personality, achievement, and a desire to join the company. Do not forget stating why you deserve to be accepted.

Third paragraph, contains an attachment, willingness to be interviewed, and a thank you. This rule applies to both English and Indonesian.

d. Email Notifications

Formatted email with the official standard language more appreciated and understood. Moreover, if the notice is about the things that will make the heart recipient to be somewhat disturbed, such as email telling you that an application is rejected or denied script book publishers. So the style of language or grammar that is used, for e-mail notifications are usually selected from the sentence is quite smooth, polite and not too tendentious. So it does not make too sad the recipient.

Email notice there is also a notification in the form of an email containing an invitation to attend a job interview (interview), or an invitation to attend a meeting or a contributor in an official event of the company. And so on. Ease of technology simply can not be denied. Now you can choose your own email formats as you want for all purposes and you need to communicate with others.

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