Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Baby Childbirth Preparation Tips

Baby Childbirth Preparation Tips. Ahead of the birth of a baby, the husband usually assisted childbirth preparation. For pregnant women who recently gave birth the first time is usually a lot of consultation with family, friends, or relatives close enough to read the tips on preparation for childbirth. The next delivery is expected by the pregnant women. The struggle since the first month to the ninth month of pregnancy was not yet complete because the baby has not been born safely and healthy. The period around childbirth also presents a variety of feelings, from anxiety, worry, happiness, and fear.

Fishing Birth Process
Advanced stage of pregnancy is the most difficult stage of the entire pregnancy. This is the period in which the mother-to-be often complain of aches and pains and feeling tired as well. Waiting time can be very frustrating. With the help and guidance of the obstetrician and gynecologist, you can use the following methods to induce labor naturally. Methods for inducing labor naturally safe and has no side effects. This kind of method also does not cause any harm to the health of infants and mothers. Here are some natural methods:

Walking : Very often, walking induce childbirth in late pregnancy, because of the force of gravity. The baby's head is in a position down in the pelvic region. Many a time, women were also asked to climb the ladder to increase pressure on the cervix.

Health care pros also recommend walking to speed up the process after the mother has given birth. Standing upright puts pressure on the cervix, which helps in dilation. Pedaling a stationary bicycle use is also recommended to initiate contraction. It is suggested that a high intake of fluids when you're running, and if your body will tell that you're tired, stop walking or pedaling away.

Prostaglandins and hormone Oxytocin: Oxytocin is a hormone that causes the uterus to contract. It was released in the body after sexual intercourse. Also, orgasm helps in activating the uterus. Semen contains prostaglandins, which help in softening the cervix. Therefore, sexual activity is recommended. If sex is difficult for you at this stage, nipple stimulation is recommended, although strong nipple stimulation can cause severe labor contractions. It also helps in the release of oxytocin.

It is important that you verify that your water is not broken before you enjoy any sexual act. Much of the time, sexual selection was ruled out for women who have a low-lying placenta or other complications.

Castor Oil : This is an Egyptian method of inducing labor naturally. A dose of 60 ml is usually advisable to induce labor. Although some women feel nauseated after taking castor oil.

Herbs and Spices
: The food is very spicy said to help to induce labor naturally. But be careful you do not upset your stomach because the spices. Herbs such as basil and oregano are also said to help induce labor.

Tropical Fruit
: tropical fruits such as mango, papaya, pineapple and kiwi also helps in inducing labor. They contain enzymes that help induce labor.

: Research has shown that applying pressure to certain sensitive parts of the body to stimulate contraction. Acupressure childbirth can easily be done at home. This is one of the safest method to induce labor naturally.

Then spoke baby talk
: Several studies have shown that talking to the baby and make her feel welcome will help in starting the work cycle. It is said that it was the baby who started the work cycle is complex. In Indian mythology book, the Mahabharata, Abhimanyu deemed to have heard the strategy of war told his mother, when she was still in her womb. War strategy is said to be used by him in a real war. If the fetus can learn the strategy of war, then it will definitely listen lip by her mother.

Spotless clean house
: Many women have given birth while they were cleaning the house in an advanced stage of pregnancy. House cleaning involves activities such as bending, squatting, walking, etc. Squatting is a good way to stretch the pelvic region. Lifting things while cleaning puts pressure on the chest and abdominal cavity, which will help in starting labor.

: And last but certainly not least, the relaxation helped many to induce labor naturally. There are many relaxation techniques that you can use. Warm bath is one - I emphasize, the water is warm and not hot. Meditation is another technique that can be used for relaxation.

Techniques to induce labor naturally safe, but it is recommended you talk to your health care professional to avoid complications.

Some Childbirth Preparation

For those of you who will be living it, here are some tips on preparation for childbirth interesting to note :
  1. Follow your doctor's advice
  2. Today many myths and tendency to use drugs or medical methods outside. Some were good, some were not good. As the use of grass Fatima is believed to be waging birth.
  3. You need to know that the grass can cause contractions Fatima extraordinary unchecked, thus if taken before his time and the dosage is excessive, then the child may be born prematurely. So you should avoid it.
  4. Similarly, the 'belief' that cesarean section is a 'subterfuge' gynecologist to reap more profits. In fact, it is not always the case. In some cases, the mother is not allowed to push for the sake of safety, and cesarean section is the best way to save the lives of both. There is also the use of Chinese medicine to speed up recovery after cesarean section. It is also not good in terms of medical care.
  5. So any advice you receive, either from parents or relatives, should consult with your obstetrician, whether the advice is either followed or not.
Current Chapter

Keep your weight gain that is not too far from normal. Obesity in pregnant women can lead to not i m confidence the smooth bowel and fetal birth. So consume enough fiber foods that you are surfing the previous chapter.

Lots of walking and normal activities

Lots of walking will also help expedite the birth. By walking, the muscles limber and your femininity to be trained. Also do your normal activities, avoid idleness so your body fit. It will be helpful for vaginal delivery.

Mother Milk
  1. Childbirth preparation tips this one is very important for the growth and development of the baby. Entering the last trimester, after the content of a 6 month old, be diligent to massage your breasts at least 2x a day which the bath. Use baby oil while massaging, do massage outwards to each breast.
  2. After that, compress with warm water. This is to stimulate the release of milk. With regular massage, breastfeeding even be out in 7-8 months gestation. If you want to breastfeed exclusively, tell the nurse when you give birth, so that nurses do not give your baby formula.
  3. Use your breasts alternately left and right to breastfeed to avoid swelling due to clot milk. If the breasts are swollen due to excess breast milk, give a massage on the hard. But if the opposite occurs, your milk has not come out, keep massaging routine and specialized nursing mothers consume dairy.

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