Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Childbirth Preparation Guidelines for Children First

Childbirth Preparation Guidelines for Children First. First birth will present a variety of feelings in you. Happy, anxious, scared, worried, and more sense of indescribable by words. How could I not ? This is the first time you prepare for the birth of the baby. All kinds of preparation first child was sought.

Things that Need to Prepare

The birth of the first child to be an important moment for you as parents. You do not want to fail in preparing for the birth of the baby. Moreover this is the first experience that will serve as a lesson for the next birth. In addition to input from family and friends, here are also some first childbirth preparation guide that you can follow:

At the gestational age of 6 months

Preparatory step your first child can be initiated when the content has been the age of 6 months. In this age always for breast massage with baby oil or cream special. Breast massage clockwise right and left breast instead. Then compress with warm water. If you massage well and regularly, from the age of 7 months usually contains milk (ASI) has come out and muddy color.

Buying baby gear
  1. Baby items that need to be prepared is baby clothes, pee blanket, waterproof, mosquito nets, pillows, baby bottles, and toiletries. Avoid using disposable diapers because it will irritate the skin and the baby can not feel the wet sensation.
  2. Choose buttoned shirt, not a t-shirt, because the baby is wearing clothes in a sleeping position. You do not need to prepare an octopus and fabric. Use of octopus will interfere with breathing and digestion babies, while will restrict movement and can cause further stress.
Buying your gear

Equipment you need to prepare is a bandage childbirth, nursing bras, panties or corset, shirt buttoned or facilitate breastfeeding, breast pump and bottle ASIP (ASI juice).

Prepare in 1 bag
  1. Because you have to keep on standby, ready in 1 large bag of your equipment and clothing for your baby early. If you feel there is a contraction, you can simply bring along this bag to the hospital.
  2. Especially for labor, bring comfortable clothes and wear gloves. Bring a few pieces for you to wear gloves while in hospital.
Early initiation of breastfeeding

Tell the nurse if you want to breastfeed exclusively. So the nurse would not give him milk and infant formula will be directly handed over to you to early initiation of breastfeeding immediately after birth and cleaned.
  1. While in the hospital, the baby was in a special room nurse babies in hospital care, except when you ask a nurse or nursing bring to you. While you are in separate rooms.
  2. Take advantage of the long days in the hospital, because after being in the house, you are going to undergo the task of the nurse.

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