Saturday, February 23, 2013

Choosing Blogspot Templates, Blog More Attractive To Display

Choosing Blogspot Templates, Blog More Attractive To Display. Blog has long been recognized as one of the media web applications that are used to load writings on the web generally, to make the blog look more attractive an application that you can use is to use a template blogspot. If the analogy, the template on the blog as well as clothes that enhance and beautify your appearance. So, blogspot template is what will make your blog look more attractive too.

Blogspot templates which would you choose, in accordance with the tastes, desires and needs as a user. Blogs are used to record daily activities or as a diary would be different with the blog that you use for commercial purposes such as to market the products you are selling. You do not need to worry because the blog is providing blogspot templates that you can choose according to your wants and needs are.

Blogspot template that looks boring may be affecting your mood to surf in cyberspace, so with that change or look of your blog template to make it look as attractive as possible to be things to consider for your convenience to be able to use and exploit the optimum blog. Change blogspot template is easy, and not as difficult as imagined.

Blogspot Template - How to Create a Blog ?

Before you go any further discusses about how to change blogspot template to be more attractive, make sure you already have your own blog. If not, here's a guide in making blogspot account.
  1. You must have a gmail account first, as this is a mandatory prerequisite for the next making blogspot account. If you do not already have it better to register in advance to
  2. Once you have a gmail account, you can open and sign in using gmail account (also known as the Google account).
  3. You will enter the first display that sign up for blogger. Fill in the name of the view with a name that will be displayed on the front page blogpot. Then tick the acceptance requirements, and Click continue.
  4. Next you'll be on page dashboard. Navigate to the Manage menu click on Create a Blog and Your Blog.
  5. Next you give the title for your blog and your blog address as you want. To determine whether your chosen blog address has not been used by others, then you can click the Check Availability under the blog address. Then click continue.
  6. You will be prompted to choose a template beginning. Chose blogspot template you want, for a discussion on replacing this template will be discussed next. Then click Continue.
  7. If all phases of the registration has been successful you've been through, it will display an image that states your Blog is so. Then click Start Blogging.
  8. After all stages of registration you have done, then that way you already have a blogspot account. If you feel less like the look of your blog with a template of your choice, then you can change your blogspot template to another.
Blogspot Template, How to Get Interesting ?

 Although there are many blogspot templates available, but for some people the options are less attractive or even too simple. For personal satisfaction, many prefer a blog look as attractive as possible. When you want to change the look of the blog, so make sure the first blogspot template like what you are looking for and want. For example, in terms of the number of columns in the blog. There is a template with the number 2, 3, or 4 columns. Once again, depending on the tastes and needs you to specify how many columns you want.

Some people prefer blogspot template with 3 columns, the reason there is enough space to display gadgets in the blog. Template with 2 column was chosen because it looks too simple and if you are happy to put the gadget in the blog so readers who want to see the contents side bar you have to move the mouse more downward.

While the template with 4 columns rarely chosen, because of course the space in your blog will look very crowded. However, it is up to you to be able to choose a suitable template blogspot. Once you know clearly, blogspot template like what you want. So now is the time to find a template that suits your desires. There are many resources you can use to get the template, the easiest way is to find a template blogspot in Google search engine.

That must be considered in the search template blogspot, should enter specific keywords. For example, if you want a template with 3 columns, then enter the keyword "3 column blogger template". Many templates that you can download for free, but some require you to pay some dollars to get it. If you want to download the template for free of charge do not forget to add the key word being "free 3 column blogger template" to be more specific. Afterwards, let the search engines work, and before long you've got blogspot template you want.

Each template is always accompanied by the preview button to preview the template display on the blog later. If it feels right, do not forget to save a template that you get in your hard disk, make sure that your blogspot template file format is. XML.

How to Change Blogspot Template ?

As a personal web, of course you want to make your blogspot account looks very attractive with a wide selection of templates blogspot available. To change the template according to your wants and needs, here are the steps you need to do to change the blogspot template.
  1. First, you must log-in first to, then enter your email address and password.
  2. After that, go to blogger and click design dashboard located in the right column below.
  3. Click on Edit HTML, which is in the upper left column.
  4. Then click Browse to locate the file that you saved template before.
  5. Click Upload or Upload.
  6. Last stage is Click Save button. So that way there already have a new blogspot template as you wish.
  7. To be clearly, you can preview or preview to see changes to the look of your blog.

Address problems in reimbursement Blogspot Template

When you try to change your blogspot template, may be you will find problems. And unfortunately, the google and blogger did not clearly identify where the fault or command that you are not doing right. So, that's what made you become confused to cope. And most often occurs when there is an error blogpot template you want to change. Here are some tips and suggestions that you can do when faced disruption when to replace your blogspot template.
  • First, of course you have to recognize where the real problem lies. If it is error gadgets, then you need to do is to press the Confirm & Save / Preserve Gadget. This is because, there are gadgets on your new template is not the same as the gadgets contained in the old template.
  • If you do not want to get confused with it, another way to do this is to remove all the gadgets that are in your old blogspot template, but you should back up your old template in advance, by pressing the Download Full Template.
  • Once you are done backing up your old template, then delete all existing gadgets.
  • And then finally you can change your blogspot template with the desired template.
So, make your blog look more attractive look is not difficult. By replacing your template blogspot template other more interesting then your blog will be more beautiful in look. Good luck.

Tips and Tricks for Template Blogspot Template Regarding Images

Blogspot template you can get through or What is the function of this blogspot template ? By using blogspot template, you can get the blog to your liking. Although the content in your blog that determine whether visitors would remain open or not your blog, but do not underestimate the role of template blogspot. Not least also for most visitors like to open a blog with blogspot template display an attractive and colorful.

Blogspot template you can make yourself or using blogspot templates available. To be more practical, you should just use a different blogspot templates ready for use, either in WordPress or Blogger or Blogspot. If you want to get a ready-made template blogspot, does not mean you can not organize or add other components to the blogspot template you have chosen. For that, you at least understand the things associated with the template. Anything we can learn about this blogspot template? You can read more in this article.

Blogspot Template - Tips for Choosing a Blogspot Template
Blogspot template can we rely on to attract visitors kept open our blog. But blogspot template can not always one hundred percent reliable. Sometimes we are obsessed with colorful template, so many visitors forget that fact is not so concerned with blogspot template we use, because they go to the blog because it is interesting, original and unique. So what should we do if it is to choose a template blogspot and remains crowded visitors ?
  • These sites  with traffic average height using a simple template blogspot. We'll see as the three high traffic sites in the world, such as,, and Three sites using templates with minimalist white background, black font and color paper writing on the menu is not so obvious. We can follow the tricks of the three sites when choosing a template blogspot.
  • Should we choose blogspot template is simple and simple impressed. If blogspot template we used our decorative such a way, and affect the loading time on the blog, visitors will not be interested.
  • To attract visitors to be loyal to your blog, you should blogspot templates that already exist are not coupled with a lot of scripts, because it seemed complicated.
  • Choose blogspot templates that you can freely set, so neat. That is the arrangement blogspot template with Sidebar does not sag. Front article is quite one color and one kind, Blogroll or Banner installed neatly and orderly, as well as suitable and can be opened with different browsers, especially IE and firefox.
  • For users of the template in, to replace template after you log in, click Display or Presentation, after which you can see a row or set of templates below, last you click the template that you like.
  • For users blogspot, blogspot template although the original was not any good, but you can for an opportunity to opt-made designer blogspot templates.
Blogspot Template - Tips and Tricks Regarding Template. The Things To Look For When Replacing Blogspot Template.
  1. First, you need to back up first blogspot template if you do not make a new template installed. How ? You go to Layout >> Edit HTML menu, then you click link Download Full Template and save the given file.
  2. Furthermore, you should look after his blogspot template backup, you back up the elements or widgets that you've installed. Quite easy, you go to Page Element menu, on the menu there elements that you plug it in, then you can click Edit one by one, and copy the contents of that element and put it in a notepad. If you want to change the blogspot template and want to put those elements just copy from notepad and plug in the Add Page Element.
  3. If the templates and elements you've backed up the next step is to upload a blogspot template you have downloaded. Usually blogspot template files downloaded xml extension, but sometimes there are also zip or winrar extension. If so you need to extract them first so that you will get a file with xml. How do I upload it? You return to the Edit HTML, then click the Brows button and locate the file that you want to blogspot template used after being downloaded before, last click Upload.
  4. After clicking Upload, you will receive a confirmation order, which means that these elements will be removed. Once confirmed, you click the Confirm button and Save.
  5. If it appears not as you want, it means there is something wrong with blogspot template, and you can not use the blogspot template for your blog, so you replace it with another blogspot template.
How to Overcome Read More on Blogspot Template ?
Read more or often called posts on the blog post summary, sometimes often have problems. Existing problems such as the Sidebar does not appear on the home page template blogspot, blogspot template home page does not show everything, and the whole post on your blogspot template remains on the home page. Are you also experiencing the same thing with the read more in blogspot template ? If so, how do I fix this ?
  1. Make sure before publishing posts on blogspot template, you click again on the Edit HTML Toolbar at the top of the side menu Compose.
  2. You will see a summary post code opener, and a summary post code cover.
  3. If you find an opening and closing code summay post more than one post to be published, then that's where his sickness bugs. What should you do ? You should delete them.
  4. After leaving only one unlock code and a code of cover, you just click publish.
  5. You can resume activity on blogspot template.
Adding Accessories Tips on Blogspot Template

It may be we use a simple blogspot template, as with a white background, but that does not mean we can not add a variety of additional accessories to display plain blogspot template that is not monotonous. How tricks ? You can follow a few tips to add accessories in blogspot template, as follows :
  1. Guest Book. Guestbook in blogspot template will work to see your interaction with visitors to the blog, so that from the guest book can show that you are the person reasonably accessible in the world of bloggers. How do I add a guest book in the blogspot template ? You register first to, and follow the instructions. Log in with your ID and password that are registered, click on the Generate Code, copy the HTML code and insert it into your blogspot template in the Sidebar, finally click Save Settings and republish.
  2. Statistic and Tracker. For what this tracker statistics and accessories ? Accessories are working to determine how many visitors come to open your blogspot templates every day, every week and every month, and from which countries. Besides that statistic and tracker will also tell you where your blog visitors come. Statistic and tracker you can get free extreme form Sitemeter and Tracking. You can sign up to the following link to get danextreme Sitemeter tracking in, and
  3. Online Dictionary. You can also add accessories online dictionary into blogspot template. Online dictionary that you can plug in the form of an Indonesian-English dictionary and English-Indonesian, so that visitors can while you learn English through your blog.
  4. Schedule Prayer. To remind visitors of the blog you can see the time of prayer, you can install the accessories schedule five daily prayers. You can choose by city and state, and to get this prayer schedule, you can grab the code at
  5. Wall Clock. Your blog so that visitors do not lose track of time, or forget to wear a watch and want to know what time it is, you can help by adding accessories clocks at template blogspot. You can take the code to put the clock in
  6. Map. In addition to the prayer wall clocks and schedules, you can also add a map with a map of the village called birth blogspot template. Where to get it? You simply register at, and follow the installation instructions.

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