Monday, February 25, 2013

Definition and Description of Family

Definition and Description of Family. Having a happy family is a dream for many people. Build it certainly is not an easy matter. There are many things that must be done so that a harmonious and happy family is not just a dream. The most fundamental is the mutual understanding and respect. The family is the smallest community environment. There, humans learn to socialize with anyone outside of himself. Humans learn how to coexist with others through my brothers, and parents. This family is the one who is the first introduction of the human social environment.

According to the root of the word, the family comes from Sanskrit, meaning family members, race. Literally, the definition of family means can be defined as a group of people from the same race. However, more specifically, the family designation reserved for a group of people who are still bound by the similarity of the blood in his body. Subject of the same race and the term family can be found all around us. It must be admitted, that those who come from racial (ethnic) equal, tend to have a stronger familiarity compared with those from racial (ethnic) different. Although neither of them no blood ties.

In one area, you will find a bunch of people from one tribe, they have a fairly close kinship, especially if by chance they are a group of nomads. Circle-community people will you meet. For example, the Java community in Sundanese, Javanese community in Minangkabau society, etc.. Broadly, the family was referring to things like that. Referring to something that has a familial trait. The properties of kinship, among others to protect and help. In a community, such properties are the most dominant.

Talking about the family ties of blood relationship, called the small family is comprised of a husband and wife. Later on, the father, mother and child. This small family who will give birth or produce descendants that will form a large family. In a family, each member of each role. Obligations and rights acquired are also different. In this case, the family is like an organization. Work together to realize a "unity" extraordinary.

There is a saying that blood is thicker than water. Maxim illustrates that family ties are stronger than other bonds. However, the maxim seems countered by a variety of phenomena that occur in the community. For example, in the case of inheritance rights struggle. Just because some amount of money or property, a family get together blaspheme, vilify and even ended up in court.

Conversely, they are not even blood relatives, live in peace, to help without expecting anything in return. It is indeed related to each individual. However, these cases seem fairly describe the situation in Indonesian society. Acts of crimes against family members was also made by the families that are still close. Sad. That blood, the same blood flowing in their bodies is not a guarantee for good behavior.

If it simply, the term family is divided into two, as described briefly. However, it turns out there is a term to refer to family members in large numbers. Is a family konjugal. Family konjugal refers to the age of the family members who have started up. So there is interaction with other family members. There is also a spacious family designation. The sense is someone who is a family on the basis of lineage. What is called the extended family is the younger brother of the father and mother, brother, father and mother, the family of the grandmother, the grandfather of the party, and so on.

Role of Family

As explained above, each family member has a role. You also must know for sure. In theory, the role held by each member of the family is :

1. Role of Father

Father or mother's husband has a role as head of the family. He has the ideal role as controller of the household. Financially, the father has a duty to fulfill a need of the family. The role of a psychic, the father is the protector and role model for the entire family. The role of the father as this is ideal. However, in reality, we can not turn a blind eye to the presence of fathers "other" who can not play its role perfectly. For example, a father who is a wife or mother of unemployment so that for a living. He just acts as a "crutch", not the "main character". Nonetheless, the father should still get their right to be respected by all members of the family.

2. Role of Mother

Mom has a role as the second person in the family. He acts as a counterweight to the role of fathers. Mother is the one who plays soothing when conditions were chaotic family. Mother is a shield for their children when the father showed his authority as head of the family. Mother is he who has heaven on his feet. All sorts of matters relating to the affairs of the household, the responsibility of the mother. Mother also act as protective, encouraging, nanny of his children. The opposite of this phenomenon father's role, there are some mothers who act as the main breadwinner. In this case, the mother means running multiple roles at once, as the breadwinner, housekeeper and nanny of his children. That's why paradise is under the mother's feet.

Both roles are the main thing in a family. Father and mother then be decisive for the role of the child. The role is a dutiful child, of course, be dedicated to both parents, and be age appropriate.
Family Function

Make no mistake, the family also has a function. Its function is :
  1. The function of education. Providing education to the child, either formally want any informal is the duty of every parent. Education that is filled not only with regard to the nature of science education, but also educational in nature personality. Father, mother is a teacher for the subject's personality.
  2. Social functioning. Communicate with other members of the family teaches how to socialize. Being told fellow members of the family, justify wrong, praising the truth is a valuable social lesson to form the basis of personality.
  3. Religion functions. A good family is the basis of all things in the family religion. Religious lessons inculcated early to children will form a private individual child close to his Lord.
  4. Economic Functions. The family also has an economic function. Needs of all family members are only able to be met with a few pieces of money. The father to earn money to support his family is also one example of the economic functions of the family.
  5. Biological function. Biological functions that run a family can be seen from the way they are bred.
The five functions of the family is the primary and vital function in a family. In addition, there are several other functions that are also owned by a family. There is a recreational function, protection function, and the function of feeling.

Forms of Family
Besides having the function, the family is also distinguished on location of residence after marriage and authority in a family.

Based on residence, namely :
  1. Utrolokal. It is a custom that frees couples to decide to stay where after they were married. Is close to the family of the husband or wife.
  2. Virilokal. Is customary to determine that a married couple should live near the neighborhood of the husband.
  3. Uxurilokal. The opposite of virilokal. Determining a married couple should live near the wife's family.
  4. Bilokal. This is a combination of indigenous and uxurilokal virilokal. That is, both husband and wife should move, whether live around the wife or husband.
  5. Neolokal. It is a custom that allows married couples to live in new areas, far from the husband or wife.
  6. Avunkulokal. It is a custom that requires the couple to stay at the residence of the brother of the mother of the husband. Thus, maternal uncle.
  7. Natalokal. Indigenous is determined that the husband and wife each live separately. The husband in the family, even with his wife.
By authority of :

Authorities owned by a family is divided into three, namely :
  1. Patriarchal. The existence of the authority possessed by men (the oldest man, usually the father)
  2. Matriarchal. The existence of the authority held by women (the oldest women, usually the mother)
  3. Equalitarian. The existence possessed equal authority, by the husband or wife.

Family is an interesting study. Both in the social sciences, economics, psychology and other applied sciences. Families and where people grow and develop.

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