Monday, March 18, 2013

Given Extrinsic Elements of Literary

Given Extrinsic Elements of Literary. Literary works are all products related to the world of literature. Product literature include prose, poetry, and drama or performance art. Creator of a literary work can not be separated from the intrinsic elements of literature and literary extrinsic elements. This is consistent with the approach presented by the structural elements of the building that the literature there are two, namely elements of intrinsic and extrinsic elements of literature. However, as discussed more focused on extrinsic elements and said little about the intrinsic elements for comparison.

Want to know more about the extrinsic elements of literature ? The following will be presented clearly and in detail.

Differences Elements Intrinsic and Extrinsic Elements of Literary

Extrinsic Elements and intrinsic literary work has a very fundamental difference. Whether it's a poem, prose or drama. However, this discussion will be focused on literary prose. Like the short story, novel, or romance. Intrinsic Elements are the building blocks of the literature. That is, a work that is built can not be separated from the existing building on the work itself.

Intrinsic Elements consists of six terms, the theme of the story, characterizations and characterization, plot, story background, the mandate of the story and perspective of the author. Theme of the story is what was said in the story. Characterization and disposition means the name of a character in the story, along with his character.

The plot consists of forward flow, reverse and mixed. Background story is divided into the background atmosphere, time, and place. Mandate story was the message delivered by the author to the reader. The point of view is divided into two, namely the first-person perspective and a third person. While the extrinsic elements are the building blocks of literature from outside. That is, not related to the work of literature itself, but dealing with things that are outside of literature itself.

one example is the background of the life of the author. If the author of the story was a Muslim, it is usually the work produced is also not far from the life of a Muslim.

In order for this difference can be seen more clearly, I would have demonstrated an analysis. If we are going to analyze the intrinsic elements of literary works such as short stories, we will only relate to that story yourself what kind of theme of the story, who the characters are and what the mandate of the story. However, if we analyze the extrinsic elements of literature, then what we need is the analysis of how the author's life or social circumstances such as what lies behind the creation of a masterpiece.

Extrinsic Elements of Literary Understanding

Extrinsic Elements of literature are the elements that are outside of literature, but it does not directly affect the structure or organism system literature. More specifically, it can be said that the role of extrinsic element that affects the buildings element of a story. Therefore, the Extrinsic Elements literature should be regarded as something important.

When writing a story can be compared as well as building a house, then the extrinsic elements of a literary work is not a brick or other materials to build houses. But extrinsic element is the social and cultural conditions that affect the model builder of a house. Social and cultural conditions of rural and urban communities will be different. as well as the model of the house. If a lot of houses in the village are still widespread, so if in town buildings his most minimalist.

Thus, it can be stressed again that the extrinsic element of literature is building elements beyond literary works such as the social and cultural conditions that influence the author creator of a literary work.

Extrinsic Elements of Literary

As well as intrinsic elements, extrinsic elements of literature was composed of several elements. According to Wellek and Warren (1956), part of which included elements of extrinsic literature is as follows.

  1. The state of individual subjectivity authors who have attitudes, beliefs, and worldviews which are all made of literary influence.
  2. Psychological states, both psychologically author, psychological reader, and the application of psychological principles in the works.
  3. Author circumstances, such as economic, social, and political.
  4. Way of life of a nation, a variety of works of art, religion, and so on.

The situation greatly affects subjectivity author who created the work. One is Emha Ainun Najib. He is the author who originated from Java and Java thick with life. So it is not surprising that the literature produced not far from the life of Java. Both of the characters and character created and also from diverse cultures that exist in the short story.

Psychological state will also affect the author and give a different color on the work being created. Psychological state may be reflected in the language, themes, and story lines literature. The work of young writers of literature will certainly be different from the literary works of senior or even a little writers. Circumstances the author, when creating a literary work is also greatly influenced his work. Sometimes, the idea of writing a story from a social and political conditions that are going on.

One example is the novel Ronggeng Paruk Hamlet. The novel was written by the author at the time Indonesia was the country's political instability. This is because at that time the political situation in Indonesia was ruled by communists. It is no wonder, if the background of the novel is not to tell a beautiful rural village, but instead tells aridity and unseen villagers. Told that one of the causes of this aridity is a result of the communist ideology were included in the art of dance. Without them knowing it makes them considered as the communists.

Another example is the novel Five State Tower. This novel tells the social conditions that exist in the schools. How relationships between friends who come from various regions and how to achieve goals. It may be that the author of this novel are familiar with both the social boarding so the author can tell it in detail and well.

View of life or religion of a nation may also affect where the direction of literature. Indonesia was the nation's view of life Pancasila, the novel is usually political backgrounds, believes life than Pancasila, will always be directed back to the philosophy of Pancasila at the end of the story. One example is the novel Ronggeng Paruk Hamlet and Atheism.

Furthermore, the background of the life of the author as part of the extrinsic elements of literary influence. For example, the author of the particular area cultural backgrounds, are consciously or unconsciously, will incorporate cultural elements into literature.

According to Malinowski, which includes elements of culture are language technology systems, livelihood systems, social organization, systems of knowledge, religion, and the arts. Elements of such a supporter basic literature. For example, the novel is deeply Siti Nurbaya Minangkabau culture. This is consistent with the background of the author, Marah Rusli, who comes from the Minangkabau. Similarly, the novel Ceremony Korrie Layun work Rampan the Borneo Dayak cultural background for the author comes from Kalimantan.

Similarly, in the novel Tiger ! Tiger ! Mochtar Lubis's work, we find an intrinsic element in the form of cultural values. Particularly, with regard to livelihood systems, system technology, religion, and the arts. Livelihoods that occupied the characters in the novel as a seeker resin and rattan in the forest. Tools used are still traditional. In addition to cultural, religious or religious background can also influence the author of a literary work. For example, in the novel Kartamihardja Achdiat Atheist Manifesto and Khalifatullah, Danarto the Dome of the novel, or Habiburahman El-Shirazi in the Ayat-Ayat Cinta and When Love.

The background of the author of life will also be important in influencing literary works. Poets who live in rural areas will always depict village life with all its problems. For example, in the novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk Ahmad Tohari work.

Thus, extrinsic elements of literature became an integral part of the building works of literature. Extrinsic Elements of literature gives color and flavor to literature, which in turn can be interpreted as meaning. Extrinsic elements that affect the work can also be used as an objective reality portrait when the work is born. Thus, we as readers can understand the psychological state of the author and the atmosphere at the time.

So a little about the extrinsic elements of literature. Hope can be useful and adds to our knowledge of the literature.

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