Saturday, March 30, 2013

Understanding of Colonialism and Neo Colonialism

Small Business School - Colonialism and Neo Colonialism. The debate on colonialism still continues to this day. Whether it is the impact of colonialism are often more helpful or harmful to the colonized nations. Various got up. Those who are pro with colonialism saying that colonialism can be profitable for colonized countries in order to develop infrastructure, politics and economics through the laws brought by colonial rule.

They point to countries like USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and so as the result of colonialism. The country inherited colonial laws. And the country has been able to become a strong nation.

However, responses colonialism also declined slightly. They say that
colonialism political damage, psychological, and moral colonized countries. Others say that colonialism is actually a transfer of power from a colonized country to country colonizers. It inhibits the development and progress of the colonized countries. Colonialism often eliminating human elements. Colonialism is very miserable man.

Colonialism and Neo Colonialism

Colonialism is actually derived from the Latin, colonia, meaning land of the settlement. This term appears when the waves spread Christianity by the missionaries. Countries visited by missionaries is ground settlement. However, over the times and the needs of the Europeans, the missionaries who initially had the goal to spread the religion of Christian; turned into action with a certain mastery of the state military dominance. Mastery aims to control the source of wealth. Mastery comes from both natural sources and from human labor.

This is what we know as colonialism. Although it has become the ruler of the colonies, the colonizers is still in touch with their home country. The advent of colonialism is influenced by a variety of events and upheavals in European countries such as the emergence of mercantilist policy, the outbreak of the industrial revolution, the French revolution, and the rise of capitalism understood.

Merkantilsme is a policy in which the government interfere in a rigorous and fully in the economy. The government fosters the precious metal as much as a standard property owned. Metal is a measure of a country's wealth and power. Mercantilism aimed at developing countries in Europe, especially England. At that time the British were trying to grow the system of industrial. Rupture of the industrial revolution, led England to find raw materials at low prices, but should get the benefit of being big.

Search of natural resources to the weaker countries is then blaze as colonialism. With the advent of the industrial revolution, many of the owners of capital who also want to invest. Those who have a lot of capital, being able to control all economic activity. Then comes the which we know as the understanding of capitalism.

Impact of Colonialism

Colonialism had such a huge impact on the countries that colonized (colonized). As already mentioned in the beginning was a little on the pros and cons of colonialism. Colonialism has a beneficial effect and adverse. One of the beneficial effects of colonialism is the development of infrastructure or public facilities that may not be established solely by the colonized. As colonialism in Indonesia, the Netherlands at that builds roads Anyer-Panarukan during the reign Deandles and the construction of railroads. However, the indirect benefits but big enough is the birth of the intellectual class.

Dutch colonialism in Indonesia for hundreds of years Indonesia encourage people to learn and think about how to break away from the colonial Dutch. When we know the negative effects of colonialism, the benefits resulting from the colonialism was destroyed. Because after colonialism has made the people miserable, crying and screaming. They trampled on the body and self-esteem. It can be seen from stelsel Culture system implemented by the Dutch. At that time the Netherlands had a deficit in its finances, so the Netherlands looking for a solution to resolve the issue.

Then came the idea of Johannes Van Den Bosh, the forced cultivation (Cultivation stelsel). This inhumane policy that lasted for 40 years (1830-1870). Inhumane policy is able to save the Dutch from the economic collapse that swept over her. Colonial army atrocities that affected the people of Indonesia also recorded by Dutch people who are concerned and ironic look at the atrocities committed people. Douwes Dekker is that through a book called Max Havelaar. Book of Douwes Dekker or if among indigenous people familiar with the name Multatuli, was able to open the eyes of the European political atrocities in forced cultivation.

Colonialism with all its advantages and benefits still have to be eliminated over the world. It's like it says in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution. Advantage or benefit directly from colonialism, the fact can be obtained without dropping a lot of casualties and suffering caused by colonialism is.

A Continuation Of Colonialism: Neo Colonialism

As much blasphemy and criticism on colonialism, the nations who have mental colonists were confused to find a way to channel his hobby (colonized) is. Comes now neo colonialism or new style. However, before entering the neo colonialism itself, there is a term that is close to this, the orientalism. Orientalism is the worldview of the West over the East. The East in this respect has always identified with Islam. It is influenced by Islam brought by the waves were very big at the time of the crusade. So the purpose of the route west to east are as follows.

At first only singing western Christian; patient religion. They sent the missionaries. Due to the increasingly urgent need for European nations to obtain raw materials or natural resources, there was colonialism.

The missionaries who first arrived in the colonized countries have a big enough role. They provide information to the military troops who want to take over the country. When the wave of colonialism has declined due to the many colonized countries is getting stronger and has a high nationalism, many countries are trying to find another form of colonialism or we often refer to as neo colonialism.

This can be through the doctrine west towards the east. Either through a western view attached to the eastern world. Then comes the orientalism. Western views often do not correspond to reality and imaged publicized through the media. West currently has the power and dominance easily create an image of the eastern or other doctrines. This is what often can be dropped eastern countries. For example on the 11th of September, 2001.

When there is a plane that crashed into one of the tallest buildings in the United States, they immediately use this incident to strike the East, especially Islam. Image of Islam that developed in the western world today is a terrorist. That's because it is formed by the western countries. Furthermore such a rapid technological development is a promising means to launch neo colonialism. Technology as a medium of information, currently used as a deployment issues are often not correspond to reality. As if the country that launched the neo colonialism is a super hero who saved the world.

Various manipulation has occurred. Currently neo colonialism can be encountered with various shapes. Various cultures go through the TV and the internet without being able to heavily filtered. West is trying to make a cultural (peer) that make young people in the east trying to keep up. That way they will forget their culture and will be more easily monitored and regulated by the West through the subterfuge universal. And we can know that the noble cultural resources from the east, so we as heir to keep and preserve it.

Social networks are increasingly prevalent at this time can also be used by the West as an observer of life around the world. Log in what we do by entering your email was already recorded and monitored by the headquarters of the social networks that are in the west. Ironically, Indonesia is one of the largest social networking users. This means that all human activity Indonesia will be more easily monitored and seeing by other countries. This is very dangerous for the defense and security of our nation.

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