Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to Learning Arabic and Independent Offers ?

How to Learning Arabic and Independent Offers ? Arabic is classified as an international language so learning Arabic was the important thing for anyone. However, often the question how to learn it on the cheap, easy and independent. Because not everyone has the money to be able to follow a course to learn Arabic.

Learning Arabic

Learning Arabic is actually not much different from other foreign languages. The most important must-have is, the learner has a strong commitment to learning in earnest, ready to study hard, take time to learn, and have devices that can be supported, such as Arabic dictionaries, and books that can help.

After having three, then learning Arabic can then be done using the following ways.

1. Learning from the Qur'an and translation

If the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and its translation is the mainstream media to learn Arabic. In addition to the Qur'an, we can also use books purchased conversational Arabic in bookshops or pre owned.

2. Notice the word and sentence

Note the word by word and sentence by sentence in the Qur'an or Arabic conversation book. That is, should know what type these words. Of course, you can already tell which verbs, nouns, adjectives, and letters in the Indonesian language, is not it ? In Arabic, the words are not much different. For example, the stand is a verb, a table is a noun, an adjective that is bold, etc..

3. Tried Changing Sentence

Then take Arabic dictionaries. Note the words in the Qur'an or Arabic conversation book owned. Replace the word you want to change. For example, if the Qur'an was the word mall Qaari'ah (Is it doomsday ?). Try searching noun can replace the word al-Qaari'ah. You find the word Al-kitab (book) in the dictionary, then replace the word Al-Qoriah with al-kitab. So the sound is turned into a mall book (if it's the book ?).

Or for example you find in the book conversational Arabic phrase "ainal Walad ? Al-waladu fil Baiti "(Where's the boy ? Young boy in the house). If you want to change the sentence to a boy in class, in the market, in the park, then immediately do is to find Arabic classes, markets, and parks in the dictionary. If you have found, then substitute the position al-Baiti words found. So it will be like this language, "al-fil waladu fahsli (class), or fis suuqi (in the market), fil hadiqati (in the garden).

For those who want just Learning Arabic only, then this will suffice. It can be said to be able to learn basic Arabic passive. If you want to further improve further, it must be an extra again to learn more. You have to buy the book there is also a translation of the original Arabic books. For example, you buy the original book and its translation Fathul qorib. Slowly you learn how to study compiled verbatim into a sentence so perfect and understandable. And, you also learn how to translate.

Learning Arabic - Learning Grammar

If you want to learn grammar, then you can also buy the book an-Nahwu and sharaf. Both books are books containing the Arabic grammatical. You can buy a book that has been composed by Indonesian writers such as the book "Nahwu flash" Syamsul Ma'arif essay or book "Mukhtasar Jiddan" authored by Syed Ahmad Zaini Dahlan also has many translations.

Institute for Arabic Language Learning Course El-Sharif

Apart from being one international language, Arabic was used as a communication language Muslims. In order for the Arabic language into a language more preferably, not more shunned, and not abandoned by the Muslims, non-Arabic language course El-Sharif create a new method. With this method, the Arabic language is considered hard to learn will be easy. Arabic is considered difficult to learn by adults, is now easily learned by children though. Arabic that is considered boring packed so more attractive.

By joining the program to learn Arabic method of El-Sharif for three days (intensive program), participants are guaranteed to be able to communicate, speak, and write in Arabic. In fact, the participants would be able to teach Arabic language to others. Not only that, the course participants will know the meaning of reading prayers.

1. Background

Over time, the struggle of the maximum number of Arabic linguists socialize not show meaningful results. In fact, the results tend to decrease. A meanwhile, indications visible decline of the rare smart people who speak Arabic. Tutoring is also difficult to find.

We are all aware that the presence of the Arabic language it is totally universal. Besides being international language and culture, Arabic language is being hailed as a use religion and worship for Muslims in the world. But, on the other hand, there are many issues that make Arabic is not so well-known among his own people. Here's some cause.
  • Arabic for it is identical with Nahwu Sharaf.
  • Sharaf Nahwu studied for some people regarded as something scary. The reason, in addition to take a long time and the patience, intelligence also needed.
  • The method used is less systematic.
  • Most people do not find the prospect of economic and strategic value of the material than English or other international languages.
  • In various media, rarely encountered, be it writing or dialogue, taking Arabic.

In fact, communication is not always synonymous with mastery of grammar. The proof, the people of Indonesia are very eloquent and fluent in Indonesia language, although they are not familiar with the grammar. Just the thing with the British and the Arabs.

In addition, people who have mastered Nahwu, Sharaf, balaghah and Mantiq was not necessarily smooth or fluent in Arabic. In fact, the students in various boarding schools that have been memorized Nadzam Alfiyah Ibn Aqil in his head does not automatically communicate fluently in Arabic.

See reality as it is, El-Sharif was present to offer a method of systematic Arabic language courses and phenomenal. El-Sharif was fought in order to realize these things.
  1. 10 years to come, Arabic will be able to become the second language of instruction in all educational institutions in Indonesia.
  2. 10 years to come, the Arabic language is expected to be the second language after Indonesian.
  3. Realizing systematic learning Arabic that are entertaining and well appreciated by the public.
  4. Creating a systematic learning Arabic easier.

2. Special Programs

El-Sharif offers an intensive 3 day program. Here are three programs offered by El-Sharif.
  1. Intensive three-day program specifically for teachers PAI, Arabic, and mainstream teachers in schools who take shelter under the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Jakarta and surrounding cities.
  2. Intensive three-day program for Diniyah Madrasah teachers, teachers teaching in mosques, teachers TKA / TPA, and coaches Majlis Taklim in Jakarta and surrounding areas.
  3. Intensive three-day program for the general public.

Happy Learning Arabic are cheap, easy, and independent.

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