Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Systematic Research Report Writing

Systematic Research Report Writing - Lately many examples of outstanding research reports, both in hardcopy and softcopy. However, many of them in writing, there are errors that may be due to the author's lack of understanding or perhaps due to an unintentional mistake. And it is not impossible either Systematic writing. Thus, there may be errors in writing systematic research report.

In general, the research report is a report containing the results and a series of research activities conducted by a person or group. Writing a research report itself is not much different from the nature of writing scientific papers. Yes, although certainly there are differences too, of course. Systematic research report writing can we apply if we are going to make a thesis as the final results of our studies in the university.

Thesis is also one kind of research reports that we can make. There are other types of research reports. This article will try to give a description about the systematic research report writing in general, which probably can be used as a general reference to a research report that you are doing.

Here is a presentation on the content of research reports in accordance with report writing systematic research.

1. Opener Research Report

At the opening in the systematic of writing this research report, a research report should at least contain, namely :
  • Title page, this page lists the title or name of the activity you are doing research, logo or symbol as necessary if you think necessary, and usually, the date of the writing of research reports.The title page will be placed at the beginning or the first page of the research report that we make. The title page is mostly consists of only one page. Page titles are usually made into two pages, the title page of the first will be placed on the front cover of the title-page research report, while the second will be placed on the next page. Two pages is exactly the same just made duplicate.
  • Sheet attestation, endorsement listed on this sheet-adoption by some people or institutions that are considered important and need to be included. Approval sheet contains the signatures of the people who are needed in the manufacture of this research report. If the makers of this research report is a student of the endorsement sheet will be filled by the supervisors in conducting such research, associate dean and chair of the department. This approval sheet also contains only one page that is located on the page after the title page.
  • Preface, on this page you can write your foreword as the author of the research report. Preface is a single word or two statements made by the author of the study. Preface can be gratitude to Allah for giving ease of completion of the research report. Further remarks to also thank all the people or those who have helped you solved the research report. In writing systematic research report also set the content of the introduction which gives a glimpse of statements that have been made. After that is the hope and prayer that the research report may provide benefits for others. Furthermore, the introduction that include sorry if there are mistakes in it. The preface ends with a plea criticisms and suggestions for the subsequent reporting, I can make better and not repeat the mistakes made at the time of writing this.
  • Table of contents, the list includes all the content contained in your research paper, which allows the reader to understand the content of your report will be. Table of contents also shows a page from any content available in the research report. Contents are in the next part of the introduction. In a systematic study report writing, creating content is absolutely necessary to make the reader look for the page from the refrigerated section of the report to read.
  • Attachments list, contains lists of attachment that is necessary to support the validity of your research report. When needed to make the inclusion of attachment research reports can be more accountable.

2. Section Contents Research Report

Part content of research reports in accordance with report writing systematic study contains :
  • The background of the problem, this section contains background or the reasons you so try to do the research. Use sentences as efficiently and accurately as possible so that the reader understands. Convey clearly the underlying stuff you in a research report that you have created.
  • Formulation of the problem, a formulation of the problem being you have to offer as a basis for research. In this section you can specify the fundamental points of the research that you have lived.
  • The purpose of the study, an expected goal of the study. Describe the whole purpose of which is already you expect will happen to the research.
  • Benefits of the research, what are the benefits that might be produced by the study. Look for the many benefits that can be generated from your research report. The more benefit from your research report, you certainly will increasingly dissatisfied because the research report can be useful to others.

3. Study Theory or Literature Review Research Report

In part this is explained on the basis of theoretical research reports that we make. The research conducted was supposed to refer to a particular theory. Section studies the theory or literature in a research report in accordance with the systematic of writing research report contains at least some of the following, namely :
  • Theoretical discussion, a discussion of theory that is used during the study. Use the discussion interesting and effective so that interested readers to continue reading the research report.
  • Discussion of the theory is the theory that became the basis for us to do some research this. Can be used multiple theories or more than one of the most important theory is that the theory is appropriate and relevant to the research we conduct.
  • And scientific argumentation framework, the framework is a framework used in the study thinking coherently and clearly.
  • Filing hypothesis, a hypothesis concerning the filing of the problems that have been determined. Use the resources that may valid hypotheses can be accounted for if there is a question of your readers will research report

4. Research Methodology

Research methodology contains many important things used in the study in the form of time and space research, methods and research design, population and sample used in the study data search, research instruments and data collection and data analysis. Everything about the research presented here has been done. But presented is how the implementation of the research that has been implemented on the.

For the contents of research will be presented in the next section is on part research.

5. Research

On the results of the study, the following may contain some content that is generally found in research reports, the descriptions of the research, filing hypotheses have been outlined in the previous section, as well as discussions of research (which will be in the form of disclosure theoretical view of the results obtained ). The results can be presented in various forms. Authors can choose the form of the presentation of results in accordance with what is required. Shape the presentation of results of research can be either table, diagram, translation via word, graphics or any other form that is still possible.

6. Conclusions and Recommendations

In the conclusion section contains conclusions and recommendations derived from the research. Present research results same as possible and make sure everything is spelled out. The exposure was done briefly about the research that has been done. This section also includes suggestions from readers if found some parts that are not appropriate for the perfection of your research report.

7. Section Supporting Research

In the last part of this bibliography included such sources are used throughout the study, both from books and from digital sources. Writing a list of references should be in accordance with the rules of correct writing. This bibliography sometimes at sheet on the last page of a research report.

Hope this article helps you make a systematic research report writing is good and right.

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