Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easy Ways to Learn Japanese Language

Easy Ways to Learn Japanese Language - The number of Japanese movies drama that went into the film industry in Indonesia is making increasing number of young people who want to learn Japanese. In addition, in the Indonesian economy with expansion of Japanese firms may require their employees to speak Japanese.

Japanese Learning - Literacy

Japanese is a language that is very unique. Japanese writing from Chinese Kanji writing are modified and adapted to Japanese culture. Japanese language is divided into three parts, as follows.
  • Kanji

Kanji is a letter that is absorbed from the culture ethnography China to serve as a written language in Japan. Kanji is derived from the Han ji, which means the letters of the Han dynasty. The function of the kanji in Japanese written language is to symbolize a noun, verb or word becomes a symbol of non-physical meaning quick. So beginning kanji is the end of a verbal symbol transformed into a character that has meaning. The number of active kanji used about 10,000 letters.

  • Hiragana letters

Type the second letter in Japanese written language is hiragana. Hiragana was created from the Japanese original letter. Function hiragana to write all the original vocabulary of Japanese. The total number of letters of this type there are 46 letters. Before studying kanji, hiragana first master student or being able to read hiragana.

  • Katakana

Katakana is one of the Japanese characters that have a special writing functions. That used to write all the foreign loan word, or words that are not originally from Japan, for example, the name of the stranger, the name of foreign terms, abbreviations, and so forth. Number katakana 46 letters just like hirgana.


The third type is the romaji letters or letters or roman alphabet. Romaji is used to write a foreign abbreviations, and foreign terms that can not be written in katakana.

Interestingly the four letters in the lives of the Japanese language are all used. So in a Japanese sentence can contain any type of writing. That's the uniqueness of Japanese written language that no other dinegari encountered. Kanji commonly used to express the basic meaning of a word, either a noun, adjective, verb or the article. Hiragana letters are usually written after the kanji that serve to alter the basic meaning of the word, and to adapt to Japanese grammar rules.


Japanese do not recognize punctuation as in the Indonesian language. Although normally functioning punctuation in writing, but when learning Japanese is also required knowledge of punctuation used to decoding of words in a conversation according to the meaning of the word. There are only two punctuation is known in Japanese, namely :

1. Kuten - which serves as a period and is used at the end of the sentence.
2.Toten - Its function is similar to a comma in order to separate the important parts in the sentences for easier reading.

In the system of calculation and use of numbers, Japanese have a few rules that much different from Indonesian. The figures used to express time, quantity of goods, and so has its own rules.

Terms of Use Numbers in Japanese

  1. To figure used to declare goods in general usually end with the letter ~ Tsu. For example, 1 = hitotsu.
  2. Long goods such as pencils, bottles, tree or declared by the unit of length, must end with ~ pounds. For example, 2 meters = nippon
  3. To state the number of sheets, thin items such as clothes, stamps, paper, etc., unit numbers in Japanese should be supplemented with the suffix ~ mai. For example, 1 sheet = Ichimai
  4. Stating that a large number of items such as electronic goods, refrigerators, televisions and other bulky items, suffix used is ~ dai. For example, 1 piece = Ichidai
  5. To calculate the number of people, a number that is used must be terminated by ~ nin.

Japanese Grammar

Japanese grammar is very unique and interesting to learn. The rules that we have to consider is the subjects, with the addition of particles inserted between words to confirm.

Adjectives in Japanese grammar there are only three forms, namely :

1. Keiyoshi - namely the addition of particles `i
2. Keiyodoshi - namely the addition of particles ~ na
3. Rentaishi - ie the actual adjective.
Tips to learn Japanese Language

The main purpose of learning Japanese Language or any other foreign language is steeped in the character of a language. Because language is one of the unique culture of science, can not be learned only through theory alone, but must also be practiced. In addition, the language of science is the science of individual skills, margin lies in how well he was able to speak foreign languages and understand how good grammar too.

With rules and grammar so unique and complicated to some people then the easiest way to learn Japanese is as follows.


Memorizing vocabulary little by little to add to the collection we controlled vocabulary. An easy way to memorize Japanese vocabulary is from objects around you own such as chairs, tables, clothes, bikes, five senses. Why is that, because the objects are close around us, easy to store in the memory of the brain. Because every day always seen. The second way make 10 lists of new vocabulary on a piece of paper, then read in the next stage of a new heart and mind and memorize. When reading new vocabulary should he speak, so that proper intonation.

Steeped grammar

Studying a foreign language is not only learning conversational course, the grammar must be learned in order for you to understand how to talk properly. Japanese grammar or Bunpo is something important to be explored, because the conversation and grammar lessons it has become an integral and inseparable.

Familiar with the language should be used in Japanese by learning from books about learning Japanese are sold in major book stores. Learning grammar through the book actually is not enough, you have to learn directly from the people who truly understand Japanese grammar or graduate, who has a background of Japanese literature. Because Japanese grammar has formulas that must be applied in a practice session.

Often pronounce vocabulary

Learning a language is to learn to speak and learn to talk. So do not be shy or tired to say a line or a new vocabulary. So if there is new vocabulary in a paper written and spoken many times to feel light on the tongue. How effective are considered to be memorized and not easily forgotten. Learning Japanese pronunciation and vocabulary learning through conversation can watch a Japanese drama. Listening to radio broadcasts Japan or even listening directly to the Japanese way.

Taking a course

One way to explore the Japanese are attending classes or Japanese language course so that maximum results. In a big city there are many institutions that offer courses to learn Japanese package corresponding to the desired level. Each level of 3 months duration. In the classroom students are taught to write Japanese characters, reading, listening and speaking training. Sometimes every five meetings conducted evaluation tests. Sometimes, the course brings native speakers to train students conversations. It also serves to build mental students to dare to talk in front of strangers.

Build friendships

Once you learn the Japanese language you'll want to make friends with the natives of Japan through various media such as the internet, social networks or by mail pen. Or reckless chat invites Japanese tourists at tourist spots. Just tell them that you are learning Japanese and want to practice speaking Japanese. To be sure when learning conversational fear lest any one. Continue to be improvised by the word that you are good.

 Japanese language function in the workplace Indonesia

Mastering Japanese proved useful add value to your bargaining when seeking employment. In Indonesia there is a vacancy working world that requires prospective workers learn Japanese properly. For example, a guide or tour guides, translators and others.

So a few tips on learning Japanese. Happy studying !...

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