Monday, September 9, 2013

Example of speech about technology

Example of speech about technology. Here is example of speech about information and communication technology. Like to read about left and right brain function.  Another example of speech. Let's begin...

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Good morning all, hope with best wishes to all of us,

Dear Mr. principal, dear to Mr. David village chief, to a respectable mothers organization (hereinafter defined)

Earlier, let us praise and Thanksgiving the presence of Almighty God, the Lord of hosts, which that pleased provide us with mercy health care, so that we can all come together in the show........................ without any hitch one.

In this occasion, I would like to convey to the audience a little all about the benefits of information and communication technologies.

Information technology is a way for users of the media to communicate the things that they want to pass on to others. Use of information can be bad and good. The impact of good as we gain much information from sophisticated technology that many popping up lately.

Information and telecommunication technologies can be utilized in a variety of areas of life among others in the fields of education, business, Government and social.

Turned out to be an awful lot of the benefits of information and communication technology in our daily lives.For example in the field of education. With education made possible the deployment of information technology and the transformation of science to education sectors. The students are sitting on the bench of the school and students are also helped by the presence of the internet in school or task assignments in college. Students can search for theses materials on the internet or the students find the material duties of his paper on the internet. With the information and Communication Technology lessons at school, the students can learn and make use of ICT in their daily lives.

The benefits of ICT not only in education but also in the economic sphere.
Information and communication technology can push the rural small and medium enterprises in order to get more value and moves the wheels of the economy of the village. Imagine the benefits obtained in the villagers find the latest information on rice seeds, seedlings or seeds better plants cultivation. Breeders can also find excellent products farms. Fair helps, right ?

The benefits of ICT in the field of e-education also exists. We already know the internet goes to school programs, community access points, e-learning, smart campus.

The Government should also set up the device related regulatory restrictions on the freedom of access to the internet. Access too freely could be fatal to the development community, particularly in areas that are hungry for information.

We have to realize, the internet is simply a particular ICT tools only and not be a solution in the world of education, formal and non-formal. However quality education comes from quality educators plus Government support to the curriculum to suit the needs of students students are implemented correctly and creatively.

Presumably, that's all I can tell, the Less PC, and I apologize.

Wassalamualaikum, wr wb.

I think with this example of speech about technology can help to us and be learning for better speech tomorrow. thanks.

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3 Responses to "Example of speech about technology"

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