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Illustration of Ferns |
The Classification Of Ancient Ferns. Classification ancient ferns is not much performed by experts because experts think ferns often outwit although each species has certain characteristics that differentiate one class with other classes. Spikes include the simplest plants. Nail primeval also includes rare plants because there are only ten to thirteen species from two genera. The ancient nails can be found in the tropics and subtropics. High plant can be stunted because only can reach thirty centimeters to one meter. An example of this ancient ferns are popular name rhynia nail primeval not leafy and psilotum has a popular name small-leaved ancient nails. Like and want to taste vegetables ? knowing it !
The ancient ferns is a nail of passage, between homosprora and heterosprora. Nail primeval known by the latin name psilophytinae and the psilophytales. Psilophytales has a rhyniaceae tribe, asteroxylaceae, and pseudosporochnaceae, and the psilolates. Based on the types of spores produced, ferns are distinguished into the nail homospora, heterospora, and nail the transition. Nail homospora said since only produces one type of Spore that is equally great. While nail heterospora types of ferns that generates two types of spores of different sizes. On a transitional nail produces spores with the same shape and size as well as be known among males with the females gametes.
Psilophytinae characteristics of the most striking is the absence of roots and leaves. The ancient ferns which have leaves, the leaves are small-sized and shaped to resemble scales. The stem contains xilem and floem with branch stem containing chlorophyll so that these plants can still conduct Photosynthesis as an energy source. The stem is also plans and real berbuku. Mikrofil and a bunch of the sori are found in all branches of the stem. Each grain homospora that falls will evolve into two small gametophytes, which are commonly called antheridia or the male gametes and archegomia or commonly called the female gametes.
Breeding starts from fertilization by sperm or antheredia which swim towards the egg cell or archegonia. Sperm require energy to reach the egg because it lives in wet habibat. Gametofitnya symbiotes with mushrooms to gain nutrients. On the previous description that the class psilophytinae is divided into several Nations, among others, the psilophytales or better known as the naked nails. Psilophytales found about 350 million years ago during the late Silurian and Devonian as Bush. Psilophytales is further divided into several tribes, including the rhyniaceae or known as the ancient ferns not leafy, asteroxylaceae tribe, and the tribe pseudosporochnaceae.
Rhyniaceae has a high-reaching approximately half a meter, a batang embedded in the soil forming a branch which grow perpendicular to the top. These plants have no roots, just that it has almost the same rizoid with high plant the Rhizome. The branch fork didn't have the mouth skin and leafy. The mouth of the skin serves as a tool of asimiliasi. The carrier file consists of trakeida which thicken to form a ring or spiral is composed, which is a protostele. Sori on this relatively large plants and found on the ends of the branches. An example of this is the plant rhynia major, taeniocrada, and deeheniana, which is partly australianum zosterophyllum live in shallow water.
Asteroxylaceae can grow as high as one meter, the stalks reach a diameter of one centimetre. This plant has a few millimetres long protrusions called with microfil. On a cross-section of latitude, stele in the rod-shaped star. An example of this is the plants and asteroxylon mackei asteroxylon elberfeldense. Pseudosporochnaceae growing reaches a height of less than one metre. At the end of the axis of the tree which does not appear a number of plans a slightly forked branches of fork, but ultimately became a small branches forking.
At the end of the branch there is a spongarium in the form of Mace. At the end of the section exist wide branching and fertil, it is useful to assimilation. An example of this plant is pseudosporochnus krecjii. On the psilotales, it does not have roots but have ground shoots with rizoid-rizoid. This plant is found on the stem mikrofil-shaped scales and not boned. Spongarium is located between the lanceolate-lanceolate, sporofil. This plant has a size of protalium only a few centimeters long, cylindrical and branched. This plant also live in the land which the symbiotes with Boletus mycorrhiza. On the surface there is a anteridium that got a lot of room and take out the sperm.
Protalium this plant is big and there is a file that has a carrier with a wooden ring trakeida. Examples of these plants, among others, psilotum nudum (in Java), psilotum triquetrum (found in tropical areas) and tmesipteris tannesis (in Australia). Ferns have a privileged space in people's lives, such as ornamental plants, medicinal ingredients, vegetables, flowers, and green manure. But there is also the role of the malevolence, which became an agricultural weed. Types that are useful as ornamental plants including adiantum sp or better known as adiantum, platycerium, better known by the name of Platycerium, asplenium or better known as the bird's nest, nephrolepis nail, alsophoila or nail the pole, and selaginella sp or nail rane.
The type that is used as an ingredient of drugs among others well known as equisetum or horsetail name is useful for antidiuretik, i.e. the launch of urine, cyclophorus drug used to cure dizziness and beyond, dryopteris oat address used for tapeworms, platycerium bifurcata used as medicine ear drops out, and lycopodium are used to antidiuretik and laxatives are weak. The types of plants that are used as vegetables, among others, marsila crenata or clover and pteredium aquilinum or nail garuda. One of a kind used for the manufacture of decorative wreaths are lcycopodium cernuum. While the types of crops that become an agricultural weed salvinia natans or kayambang is, this type of attack the rice plant.
This type of plant is also used as green manure, such as azolla pinnata anabaena azollae symbiotes with acts as a binder free nitrogen present in the air. Of this type also there are some people who use it as a tool to scrub and cleanse the epidermis, such as horsetail. Epidermis horsetail is used because it has a rugged structure and there is silicon dioxide. Even in ancient times the fossil ferns form of coal that can be used as fuel. There is also a mention of this plant serves to place the Orchid plant like alsophilla glauca. Can conclude that the traits with the file still protostele, vessel assisted fertilisation with water media, branching that dichotomy, the absence of tapetum tissue nutrient or on the nail is advanced, and sporanya which are homospora make this plant called the ancient ferns.
The ancient ferns is a nail of passage, between homosprora and heterosprora. Nail primeval known by the latin name psilophytinae and the psilophytales. Psilophytales has a rhyniaceae tribe, asteroxylaceae, and pseudosporochnaceae, and the psilolates. Based on the types of spores produced, ferns are distinguished into the nail homospora, heterospora, and nail the transition. Nail homospora said since only produces one type of Spore that is equally great. While nail heterospora types of ferns that generates two types of spores of different sizes. On a transitional nail produces spores with the same shape and size as well as be known among males with the females gametes.
Psilophytinae characteristics of the most striking is the absence of roots and leaves. The ancient ferns which have leaves, the leaves are small-sized and shaped to resemble scales. The stem contains xilem and floem with branch stem containing chlorophyll so that these plants can still conduct Photosynthesis as an energy source. The stem is also plans and real berbuku. Mikrofil and a bunch of the sori are found in all branches of the stem. Each grain homospora that falls will evolve into two small gametophytes, which are commonly called antheridia or the male gametes and archegomia or commonly called the female gametes.
Breeding starts from fertilization by sperm or antheredia which swim towards the egg cell or archegonia. Sperm require energy to reach the egg because it lives in wet habibat. Gametofitnya symbiotes with mushrooms to gain nutrients. On the previous description that the class psilophytinae is divided into several Nations, among others, the psilophytales or better known as the naked nails. Psilophytales found about 350 million years ago during the late Silurian and Devonian as Bush. Psilophytales is further divided into several tribes, including the rhyniaceae or known as the ancient ferns not leafy, asteroxylaceae tribe, and the tribe pseudosporochnaceae.
Rhyniaceae has a high-reaching approximately half a meter, a batang embedded in the soil forming a branch which grow perpendicular to the top. These plants have no roots, just that it has almost the same rizoid with high plant the Rhizome. The branch fork didn't have the mouth skin and leafy. The mouth of the skin serves as a tool of asimiliasi. The carrier file consists of trakeida which thicken to form a ring or spiral is composed, which is a protostele. Sori on this relatively large plants and found on the ends of the branches. An example of this is the plant rhynia major, taeniocrada, and deeheniana, which is partly australianum zosterophyllum live in shallow water.
Asteroxylaceae can grow as high as one meter, the stalks reach a diameter of one centimetre. This plant has a few millimetres long protrusions called with microfil. On a cross-section of latitude, stele in the rod-shaped star. An example of this is the plants and asteroxylon mackei asteroxylon elberfeldense. Pseudosporochnaceae growing reaches a height of less than one metre. At the end of the axis of the tree which does not appear a number of plans a slightly forked branches of fork, but ultimately became a small branches forking.
At the end of the branch there is a spongarium in the form of Mace. At the end of the section exist wide branching and fertil, it is useful to assimilation. An example of this plant is pseudosporochnus krecjii. On the psilotales, it does not have roots but have ground shoots with rizoid-rizoid. This plant is found on the stem mikrofil-shaped scales and not boned. Spongarium is located between the lanceolate-lanceolate, sporofil. This plant has a size of protalium only a few centimeters long, cylindrical and branched. This plant also live in the land which the symbiotes with Boletus mycorrhiza. On the surface there is a anteridium that got a lot of room and take out the sperm.
Protalium this plant is big and there is a file that has a carrier with a wooden ring trakeida. Examples of these plants, among others, psilotum nudum (in Java), psilotum triquetrum (found in tropical areas) and tmesipteris tannesis (in Australia). Ferns have a privileged space in people's lives, such as ornamental plants, medicinal ingredients, vegetables, flowers, and green manure. But there is also the role of the malevolence, which became an agricultural weed. Types that are useful as ornamental plants including adiantum sp or better known as adiantum, platycerium, better known by the name of Platycerium, asplenium or better known as the bird's nest, nephrolepis nail, alsophoila or nail the pole, and selaginella sp or nail rane.
The type that is used as an ingredient of drugs among others well known as equisetum or horsetail name is useful for antidiuretik, i.e. the launch of urine, cyclophorus drug used to cure dizziness and beyond, dryopteris oat address used for tapeworms, platycerium bifurcata used as medicine ear drops out, and lycopodium are used to antidiuretik and laxatives are weak. The types of plants that are used as vegetables, among others, marsila crenata or clover and pteredium aquilinum or nail garuda. One of a kind used for the manufacture of decorative wreaths are lcycopodium cernuum. While the types of crops that become an agricultural weed salvinia natans or kayambang is, this type of attack the rice plant.
This type of plant is also used as green manure, such as azolla pinnata anabaena azollae symbiotes with acts as a binder free nitrogen present in the air. Of this type also there are some people who use it as a tool to scrub and cleanse the epidermis, such as horsetail. Epidermis horsetail is used because it has a rugged structure and there is silicon dioxide. Even in ancient times the fossil ferns form of coal that can be used as fuel. There is also a mention of this plant serves to place the Orchid plant like alsophilla glauca. Can conclude that the traits with the file still protostele, vessel assisted fertilisation with water media, branching that dichotomy, the absence of tapetum tissue nutrient or on the nail is advanced, and sporanya which are homospora make this plant called the ancient ferns.
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