Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Guidelines for Determining the Key Results Areas

Guidelines for Determining the Key Results Areas

Guidelines for Determining the Key Results Areas - The following basic guidelines can be used to help determine the Area Key results of your units.
  1. Identification of five to eight key areas where the unit you should achieved significant results during the coming year. Key Results Areas such as results of operations and productivity may be continuous and included in each plan. Some other key areas, such as the development of products / services or image of the organization, may be  included only when identified as critical issues.
  2. Enter the fields of financial and nonfinancial. Although the results Bottom-linel / earnings (the last line in the income statement) has always been attention, but in general this is not the bottom line, and rightfully not, represent the overall picture of your organization's performance. things like quality of products / services, research and development, and employee development An equally important part to illustrate the performance of the organization whole.
  3. Choose areas that directly or indirectly support the plan you and your organization's strategic plan at a higher level of others. Area The key results you have to be associated with one or more elements of a strategic  plan you and other plan-related organizations.
  4. Do not expect your Key Results Areas include the entire output of the unit, However, the identification of some areas but that is absolutely vital that need to  be the center of your attention. Many things will be achieved in your unit are essential for the performance of the running but is not considered important by other units. This is a reason to limit the number of Key Results Areas to be five to eight. limitation is forcing you and your planning team to determine Which is a bit field but it is really important to be of attention.
  5. Be aware that many of the Key Results Areas that will require working across functional. at the organizational level, most of the Key Results Areas will requires the active participation of two or more major functions or segments the organization. Some areas, such as product quality or customer service, may 
  6. requires the active involvement of seruruh organization. Key Results Areas for the  unit You also must take into account the interdependence with other units, which can be regarded as an internal customer relations or cross-functional integration.
  7. Each Key Results Areas should generally be limited to two or three words and not declared with the statement that can be measured but must contain the factors that allow it to be made to be measurable Key Results Areas must be specific enough to identify the type of results you need but general enough to provide flexibility and, where appropriate, more than one result specific. Limiting Key Results Areas in short phrases easier to focus on particular outcomes are needed.

Is that the Key Results Areas ?

Is that the Key Results Areas ?

Is that the Key Results Areas ? - The key result areas is just the areas or categories of results that are essential for effective performance in your organization-bdang In the field is required organisation achievement if you want to run their mission successfully and meet the expectations generated by your plan. Key Results Areas are not includes all the things that your units will be achieved. These areas were introduced under the broad canopy where your targets are developed for approval and reviewed periodically by your immediate supervisor and / or institutions at other higher levels. These areas also provide the basis to identify critical issues that may need to be analyzed before the target is set.

As a preparation to identify critical issues and / or selecting a target.   Key Results Areas unit is a vital element that helps you and your team to separate and classify the types of results that are needed. It would be very useful to identify key areas hasi that primarily affects certain stakeholders. Owners / shareholders will be interested on things like revenue / sales. Profits / earnings, and growth.

Customers affected by the quality of the product. new products, and customer services. Kayawan development. and productivity of production planning will have an impact on employees. Determining the Key Results Areas also reduce the possibility of neglect of the factors which although less visible than others, but vital to carry out the mission of the unit, such as cross-functional integration and customer relationship / client / user. In addition, Key Results Are as also provid continuity in your plan from one year into the next year by highlighting the areas of performance are essential, such as public relations or safety that currently may not be identified as critical issue.

How to Determine the Key of Areas Unit results ?

How to Determine the Key of Areas Unit results ?

How to Determine the Key of Areas Unit results ? - Efficiency is doing things right; Effectiveness is doing
things right! A statement issued by Peter Drucker is to determine importance of focusing on those areas that is right for investment time, effort, talent, and other resources to achieve results. 

Too many organizations working hard to be efficient in the things that are not needs to be done at all. Key results Areas will help you as president of the unit, to concentrate efforts in the category of performance that 
will bring would be the best outcome for you, your unit, and the organization you serve.

Envelope or Letters Addresing

Envelope or Letters Addresing

Envelope or Letters Addresing - Type such words as Personal and Confidential in the bottom left-hand corner. (They may be typed in the upper left-hand half, above the addressee’s name but only when they are no higher than 40 mm from the top edge of the envelope or letters. The examples show, respectively, the indented form of address and the blocked form of address. In the second method the word ‘Confidential” could be placed at the bottom left or, more usually, the top left corner of the envelope.


HOW TO ADDRESSING ENVELOPES THAT IS RIGHT ? - The three important requirements of ennvelope addressing are accuracy, legibility and god appearance--in that order. The examples shown illustrate the rules to be Followed.

  1. Begin the first tine about half way down the envelope leaving at least 40 mm of clear space for the postmark
  2. Type your correspondent’s name exactly as he uses it himself and be sure to spell it correctly. To fail in this it to be discourteous as well as careless.
  3. Type in double line spacing using either the indented on the blocked form of layout. The indented form makes for easier reading and for quicker sorting at the Post Office ? But there is a growing preference for the blocked form on the ground that it is time-saving for the typist. (single line spacing and the blocked form are often adopted for the plate and stencils used with addressing machines.)
  4. Don't abbreviate such words as Road, Street, Avenue. It is more helpful to the Post office when they are typed in full. 
  5. Type the name or the town in block capitals and add the name of the county or region--in full, unless there is a recognized abbreviation for it, and preferably on a separate line. But when a postcode is used and it is desired to restrict the number of lines, the county name or its abbreviation may be written on th same line as the town name.
  6. In general the name of time county is necessary to facilitate sorting, but it may be omitted from addresses of large and well known cities and towns (e.g. Liverpool, Cardiff, Glasgow) and of county towns that give their name to the county (e.g. Durham, Lincoln, Gloucester).

May be this post is very usefull for you, all of my friends,,,

The first methods of letters

The first methods of letters

The first methods of letters - The first of these methods is now rarely used. The second is the one most commonly used, but the most effective is the third, particularly with lengthy letters, because it marks the points at which the enclosures are referred to and enables the kind as well as the number of enclosures to be speedily checked.

Structure of the business letter with methods ?

Structure of the business letter with methods ?

Structure of the business letter with methods ?This is one of various methods in correspondence that we can use in general. Since the method of making a business letter is frequently encountered both in scale businesses both large and small businesses. With the form and structure that is so easy and simple, so widely used and in the interest by the secretary of a company in making the letters to relatives or their partners in a business relationship.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Enclosures style letter methods

letter methods style

Enclosures style letter methods, To send a letter without its enclosures is inefficient; to receive such a letter is annoying. It is the responsibility of the person who makes up the post to prevent this. He or she must have some means of knowing at a glance which letters need enclosures.

The following are the methods in use.
  1. Affix a coloured, usually red, adhesive “Enclosure” label to the letter in the top or bottom left-hand position.
  2. Type the word Enclosure, or an abbreviation of it, at the foot of the letter, with a figure indicating the number of enclosures, if there are more than one.
  3. Type a horizontal line, or a solidus (/), or a line of dots, in the left-hand margin immediately opposite the lines that mention the enclosure.

The three methods are illustrated in the up letters.

Examples and how to put the proper signatures on the letter of the company's business ?

how to put the proper signatures on the official letter ?

Examples and how to put the proper signatures on the letter of the company's business ? - For the client can pick-up our company's reputation. So do not be in any place that you put a signature in the official letter of your business. So that our company's image will remain good in the eyes of our clients. The spirit of formal business letter. Because many signatures are illegible, it is good model practice to type the name or the signer and to place the signature immediately above it.Up.

Structure of the business letter sample

Structure of the business letter sample

Structure of the business letter sample - The complimentary closure, The subscription or complimentary closure, like the salutation is purely a matter of custom and a polite way or bringing letter to a close. The expression used must suit the occasion. It must also match the salutation, the form of which is governes by the relationship between the parties.The following salutations, with their matching closures, are the ones most commonly used in the modern business letter. Up.

Sample Business letter in english

Sample Business letter in english, blocked letter style
Sample Business letter in english - Certainly !! in some or several business we have to get it. Rest assured! in the business world we are in dire need of writing a letter or handyman who can write well and politely as necessary we will use. This is very influential with our client relationships. In order to maintain relationships with our clients, we should also respect and do their best for clients and ourselves.

How to write official letter in english

Indented Letter Style

How to write official letter in english - Indented Letter Style, this is it, many people regard this as the most attraettve of all letter stylen. The blocked inside name and address is liked because it is compact and tidy. This style still appeals to readers. They like its balanced appearance and the indented paragraphing which reading of printed matter has made so familiar. They claim that it makes for easy reading. Others dislike the indentations because, they claim, they waute the typiw's time.

Monday, December 26, 2011

How to created a Business Letter Writing with essential qualities ?

How to created a Business Letter Writing with essential qualities ?

How to created a Business Letter Writing with essential qualities ? - The business letter is the principal means used by a business firm to keep in touch with its customers; Often enough it is the only one and Their customers form impressions of the firm from the tone and quality of the letters it sends out. Good quality paper and an attractive letter-head play Their part in this, but They are less Important than They carry the message. Business does not call foi the elegant language of the poet, but it does require us to express Ourselves accurately in plain language That is clear and readily understood.

Writing plainly That does not mean letters must be confined to a mere recital of facts, in a style That is dull and unattractive. When We write a letter We enter into a personal relationship with our readers. Like us he has feelings and We can not afford to disregard Them. This is a reminder Necessary Because many People who are warm and friendly by nature become persons of quite another sort Pls They sit down to write or dictate a business letter. They seem to think That call for business letters a special kind of "Business Classic". They forget 

That They are holding a conversation by post "and the make use of impersonal Constructions That product a cold and aloof tone. They prefer to write Your letter has been received rather than the warmer and homelier I have received your letter, and Your complaint is being looked into rather than i am looking into your complaint.
Often They refer to themselves as "The writer" and say Thye writer visited your showrooms, Should They say I Visited your showrooms. Personal Constructions, with the emphasis on  you and i or We, help to Produce the warm and friendly tone more suited to letter writing.

The whole secret of good business letter writing is to write simply, in an easy and natural way like one friendly human being talking to another. Make your letters, then, sound as much as posiible like good conversation. Would not you say on this.

You're upset about your future

You're upset about your future, listen to this ...."Do not you make your work possible disppointed as a barrier." Know that anxiety in the delay - out of fear of disappointment, is feeling worse than the real disappointment.

Your way of disturbing the possibility of disappointment, make you have a wobbly stance doubter and do not sleep soundly. God made you strong, but he did not create strong enough to be at once repeated regret your past, while completing your tasks today, while raising worries about the future.

That's why God gave you intelligence to prioritize which you should heed, and that should leave you leave. Only with it you will be called wise. My brother, remember ...

"The policy is to give priority to good intelligence."

Prayer Hemisphere Broom Universe

Prayer Hemisphere Broom Universe - For you who missed parts of your soul, remember that your Lord Almighty and Merciful, then ask for the best. Say it with all the tenderness of your heart to God the Merciful,

Lord, allow me to free my request Lor a soul mate who Thy loving, healthy, loving heart, virtuous, intelligent, personable, knowledgeable, great economic potential, authoritative, upholder of truth, goodness spreader, Invitor fellow to the Lord, environmental warrior, and the intimate and sticky to me.




There is a successfully proven his ways well, and braced herself and her life. And anyone managed to prove that his ways are not making anything of value to himself and others. But, why would anyone keep up to parents to do something that will only weaken it?

That's because ...

A mistake made ??in the belief, that he is doing is correct. Thus, People who had long been in a state that is not her happy, must be willing to check the accuracy of which is believed and he did.

Hmm ... that's why, the simple people of humble family, managed to burst out of poverty, believing things that are simple, and follow up with honesty and hard work. So let us ask God to bless our efforts to simplify and not complicate what we believe, to hasten action in honesty, so that we HAPPIES in a prosperous family and in an important role in society.


Jealousy is proof that LOVE TO HAVE

Jealousy is proof that LOVE TO HAVE - This image is one of many Oneliners (counsel one line) you receive automatically and for FREE kontents here. At your monitor, if you use Super Computer Applications. Instructions to get there at the bottom of this post.

You're jealous, remember this ...Jealousy is the proof that love must have. If he's important to you, do not be ashamed to jealousy of him. Because it is a sign for him, that he is important to you. Do not be concerned with prestige and falsifying jealousy, and replace it with a pompous air of no need.

And do not aggravate the situation with a low force to make it back jealousy of you. Nurture says the beauty and attitude. Be open about the taste your jealousy. Convey him that you expect him to apply to prove that you are the only one. Be good, so that the soul is immediately apparent whether he was well prepared by your Lord, or people who have to fake you left off.

That is the way to jealous of grace.



A good friend of my heart, In the morning, a beautiful and peaceful, let us intend this as our personal steps to become a more peaceful person addressing the difference, so we accepted as leader by the people of the widest ...

Our God Almighty, who weak is not proportional, You created us as human beings that you respect and who you would expect mutual respect for our neighbors. Indeed, if you please we'll make you one of the perfect similarity. But, thou all-willed, and it is Your will that You created us as different clans within our equality, and equal in our differences. You expect us to build a peaceful, prosperous and mutual respect, that we be a blessing for others and nature.

Lord, we ask that you remove our uncertainty in the association is important and extensive, that we find and develop qualities that good for us to be leaders for the widest possible community. Make us a leader who became a fellow and life preserver by natural beauty.


Whatever you want to enjoy with ease

Whatever you want to enjoy with ease, always require you to work hard to overcome adversity. TROUBLE IS A REQUIREMENT FOR CONVENIENCE. So be grateful if you have trouble, do not complain, work earnestly, be patient in waiting for results, always wear your friendly faces, and therefore all the better for you, rather than just complain and demand the ease of living.

Be patient in your honesty and hard work. May God suffice every detail of your ability to achieve the maximum results for the welfare and happiness of you and your beloved family.

My friends a good heart, Let us preserve the peace and robustness of our respective faith, and was not feeling shaky and lose stability - just as like to congratulate our friends and brothers who celebrate their religious holidays, as they also pray for the good of us on our feast days .


Religion is rahmatan lil alamin GRACE IS FOR ALL NATURAL, then let us act as a mercy to our neighbor, as God also loves those who differ with our beliefs. If we do not agree, at least we have the honor to ourselves and to others, to maintain the beauty and said as exemplary attitude is expected from people of faith and religion. Goodness itself is a testament to the beauty of understanding about faith and religion.

Do not be angry, reply

Do not be angry, replyThe best way to take revenge against people who insult you, is to become more successful than she. Successful completion of many of your problems, and funny thing a new problem for people who hate you. But, do not make the hatred of others as a barrier to your success.

Whatever anybody else says, learn and work hard for your successDo not get mad, retaliate with success . My brother is young and often worry about the criticism of others, listen to this ...

You will not be criticized IF you are an ordinary person who did not achieve results that exceed the results of the souls that have not been out there it's peaceful. Just because you are more of them, they lose control of themselves and not ashamed to announce his feelings left behind by trying to patronize you.

People who are fond of criticizing and demeaning others, often do not realize that he Criticizing LESSER OF PLACE. You are young, remember that the journey is still long. Whatever their criticisms, stay focused study and work to make yourself better and more capable. Please be patient.

Remain faithful to the truth that make you heart fellow breeders.

Praying tho the god

Praying tho the godThou whose minds wander in uncertainty about your position in this life, ponder this ...

Softened hearts with gratitude to god, to be better prepared to face disappointment. The mind is aligned with the laws of decency, be ready to adapt to changing circumstances. So tonight, convey a sense of thanksgiving to God for the gift of life that has been around you, and ask His guidance for your effort to menginkatkan quality yourselves, that ye be proper for a better life.

Hopefully tomorrow morning you are awakened in the health and peace, opened the door to their heart that matters to you, launched efforts to build economic capacity is good, and so you be happy in a loving family.


BE A WHOLE PERSON whose energy

BE A WHOLE PERSON whose energy

Her good friends, On this beautiful morning, and say this seriously own as your sentence ...

My God That So Strong, I was energetic beings, with which you expect me to use it for my kindness and good neighbor. But, in my daily, go watch me floating You have no energy and it worked like without bones, but very powerful when angry and worried about the little things are not important.

My Lord the Almighty,

Give my efforts to live in a good pattern, to pick out the good as the content of my heart and mind, so strong that my body and my mental alacrity. Hopefully with my body strength and mental alertness, I became more fit for the life of a powerful and full of joy, which produce physical well-being and glory of the soul.

Lord, I ask you to spare me from the life of the weak and the losers.


A good friend of my heart always

A good friend of my heart alwaysMaybe you need the following information. Yesterday, after we saw some people writing aggressive comments, here is some feedback we received :

  1. A wife of interfaith marriage, her husband is very surprised to read comments that blasphemed the religion of the wife. He was very disappointed, because it means that during their marriage the husband was not sincere.
  2. There is a blaspheme other religions and states that unlawful for him to convey the congratulations of other religious celebrations, was in his office he expressed congratulations to his superiors. But his superiors already know the blasphemy he did, and did not see him as someone who could be trusted again.
  3. A prospective in-laws asked her to reconsider her wedding plans with a gallant suitor who insult other people, who were friends of his father. 
  4. A head of the purchasing plan for the cancellation of the purchase of a sales supervisor who blaspheme religion owners. The owner ordered the breakup. 

And much more ...

A good friend of my heart alwaysLoving you all as always



My story will be your work experience since you youth ? Hmm ... starting from the high school, huh ? In 1975, the first child of the family as a simple soldier in Semarang, I received a scholarship to high school in Chicago - American, for 2 year - in class 2-3. Due to insufficient pocket money, I have to work for extra money to buy books.

I started by walking around my home placement, by offering services to clean the toilets, bathrooms, kitchen, and carpet in homes in the complex. From cleaning the house, I caught the 'class' a grass cutter, after finish the park, and a house painter.

At night, I also worked as a cleaner kitchen and restaurant floor. When the long holiday, I was cutting grass in the highway median. And at night, I was painting for sale through the gallery near the house. At each end of the week, I display my paintings at supermarket parking lot - during the day,  hot, without a roof; the hope there are mothers who will buy one or two of my paintings.

I continue when I return to America on a scholarship program S2, to finance the life is not cheap as a student at Indiana University (Bloomington) in America. LIFE IS NOT EASY, but if we live it with sincerity, the difficulty will be memorable in our lives when facilitated by the Lord.

Thus, "As difficult as our journey whatever, the important thing is to continue the journey."

We're going up. Insha Allah.

Loving you all as always

My friend whose heart was in need of tenderness of God

My friend whose heart was in need of tenderness of God, listen to this ..."The fastest way to be saved by God, is an easily applicable pitied by God." 

That is ...

Work hard at your job though small and trivial. Be honest even easier for you to steal. Be thankful though small your result. Be ok though you yourself are still shortcomings. Optimize neighbor who is sad, even though you yourself are upset. Draw near to God, even if you do not feel clean. And ask for help in crying to God, though thou feel not worthy to ask.

Thou soul that loved God. Release work with joy as you have paid and highly valued. Your kind heart who make you a soul that God pitied. God could not have the heart to see you are obedient to Him, lingering sincere and grateful to receive a minor in earnest working great. With the awareness that the Lord was watching the sincerity of your work, say it ...

My God, Most Gracious and Most Merciful, Look at your little lover's hopes comply with this, ... I know You, the Most Merciful, but please ... more love to me. Lord, help me, save me, and lift me.

Softless treatment of this life to me.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

What is the advantage of the planning process ?

What is the advantage of the planning process ?

What is the advantage of the planning process ?Planning, as described in this book, has some advantages :
  1. Build a bridge to your organization's strategic plan, ensuring suitability of short-term results with long-term direction.
  2. It is an effective means of communication, connecting your current plan with the plans of others in your organization.
  3. Reduce the potential for semantic confusion by providing language planning the same throughout your organization.
  4. Can be customized easily to meet the requirements of planning any special or budgeting that may exist in your organization.
  5. Provide a means to improve the checks and balances possibilities for the plan to address the real issues your organization faced with action-oriented results.
  6. Help foster working groups throughout the organization, in as well as key inter-unit organizations.

How to Develop a Tactical Plan ?

How to Develop a Tactical Plan ?

How to Develop a Tactical Plan ?Planning is a dynamic process that requires communication at all
-direction of top-down, bottom-up, and to the side if you want to be effective. Clearly, there must be understanding of the organization of executive-level direction for each form a coherent plan to run together. There also needs input from organizational level at which the work is done to ensure that critical factors are not overlooked and targets set makes it possible to achieve. 

Similarly, any plan that does not consider the necessary support and its impact on all relevant functions is a small chance of success and the proper approach should be. One approach that seems to utilize the best aspects of this communication channel is what I call a Yo-yo approach the top management to start with a "fuzzy ball" which includes :

Direction formulas that are consistent with the strategic plan. List of Key Results area to the entire organization contains "set" the results are uncertain and do not need to be modified. List of critical issues, priorities, assumptions, and analysis is completed partially or entirely as it should. While the target list and plans suggested actions Appropriate comments to guide managers across the organization in decision-making process.

"Fuzzy ball" was rolled further down the thread and manajer2x with their respective interests have the opportunity to alter or modify the proposed plan based on the opportunities and felt needs. From that point the manager will set up its own unit plan includes what will be done to meet the comic. The unit's commitment to the entire plan and execute your role and mission, the mission itself.This may require "fuzzy ball" rocked from side to side : While making sure that proper coordination between the units of mutual line of sight. 

"Ball" was then rolled back up the thread to see if its new form is acceptable or whether additional modifications required Although this approach to planning takes more time, Gan ..,.,., than top-down approach to rigid, potential results are comparable. With an investment of time and effort spent. Real understanding of the openness and flexibility between top management and leadership is very necessary that this approach runs. 

Two specific devices that will be useful especially when you assess where you are now in the planning position and when preparing running the process, introduced in Chapter nine.Assessment checklist Planning will help you identify what is will satisfy and where attention should be focused.Plan to Plan will show you how schedule that makes sense for the preparation of your pla

Overview of Plans

Overview of Plans

Overview of Plans - Review Plans to close the circle in the planning process by ensuring that what you set out to achieve translated into actual action that leads to the result. Review this plan includes the submission of three fundamental questions related to performance in four basic elements of time, resources, quality, and quantity :
  1. What is likely to change?
  2. How and when will you know?
  3. What would you do?

Plan review is designed to help you monitor performance against targets so that you can take corrective action or implement change plans if necessary. 

Action Plan

Action Plan

Action PlanThe Action Plan is the specific actions required to achieve their respective targets. These plans can be formulated in one or a combination of the three following forms :

  1. Especialy activity or event that should not be inter-related 
  2. A series of interconnected events that follow the approach analytical or problem-solving approach
  3. A series of smaller goals or short-term 

Your action plan will include a specific time frame, the requirements resources, and responsibilities for each stage. Plans were also is an effective way to validate (or not validate) the assumptions made in the previous stage.

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators - Key outcome indicators are factors that can be measured in each key result areas you want to set specific targets. Since there are many ways to measure your results, it is important for you to clearly identify and agree on indicators which will provide the best visibility on the expected results. In addition, the Performance Indicators often the key factor that can act as you noted in monitoring progress toward achieving your goals. 

Some indicators can be quantified, such as the implementation of programs, number of units or dollars of sales, number of production units, and the percentage of market share, and such indicators are very useful and usually easy to note. However, other indicators are not easily quantified, such as the implementation of programs, research capabilities and development, and introduction of new products, are also valuable in assessing the type of results expected. 

In any case, the indicators chosen should be understood and agreed by those involved. (In previous blogs I introduced the element immediately after discussing Area Indicators key results. My efforts toward the clients recently showed that it would be beneficial to first  perform Analysis of Critical Issues in advance as an additional means to identify Key Performance Indicators.)

Critical Analysis of Rumors

Critical Analysis of Rumors

Critical Analysis of Rumors - Here you will assess the current status of the organization's performance and specific issues a great impact on your business over a period of years. It was here, in the tactical planning process, factors such as technological change, globalization, changing consumer expectations, and concerns Another contemporary was appointed to the surface and analyzed. These issues can be shaped assumptions that need to be reviewed and justified, as well as issues clearly recognizable. There are three main sources of critical issues :

  1. Organization's strategic plan, to help you identify the factors who require short-term interest-for example, needs for advertising materials to promote new products or services which has been projected.
  2. Plan and your performance this year, for the issues that will switch to The next plan year, for example, increasing the number of people who trained to provide services that demand is increasing
  3. Other issues, current issues, or opportunities that may impact on your organization during the plan-for example, the need to reduce costs in the face of pressure from competitors you.

Part of the element analysis is particularly useful to help you and the people around you to focus on identifying issues correct, validate, and test alternative ways to deal with. analysis of Issues Critical is also valuable as a means of solving problems that occur and retrieval the decision.

Key Results Areas

Key Results Areas

Key Results Areas - Key Results Areas are priority areas in which you need achieve results that are rojected during the planning period. use Key Results area to ensure continuity in key performance areas essential to the results of your organization. At the organizational level, the key results areas may include areas such as financial results, sales performance, customer service, and new product development. May be very helpful to see some of the Key Results Areas in terms of its impact on stakeholders (parties important with the organization) primary such as owners / shareholders, customers, and employees. 

Typically, fields hand this would be broad enough to incorporate the results of more than one department or segment of an organization. At the unit level (unit includes any unit distinct within the entire organization, from the operating divisions or departments up to one-man operation), Key Results Areas focused on the principal result of the unit particular, which could include such things as improved quality, productivity, cost control, and employee morale.

What elements of Tactical planning and How They Corresponding ?

What elements of Tactical planning and How They Corresponding ?

What elements of Tactical planning and How They Corresponding ? - Tactical planning process is composed of six main elements as shown in the article yesterday, which is associated with the elements of tactical plans that have been written before. The process is illustrated in the chart MOP is a little adaptation channel. (Management By Objective and Result) which was first introduced in various publications regarding my management by objectives and results (see Resources Annotated).

The emphasis in this book is more on organizational rather than individual applications. The chart illustrates how the planning and managerial decision moving from a broad and general way to a narrow and specific. One way to make more effective the plan is to reduce the size managerial decisions by breaking it into parts more small. We start with a relatively large elements, and the Key Results Areas narrower and more specific as we move through the process. (To facilitate communication, so in this book the words of the plan and tactical planning must be interpreted with unless otherwise noted on another meaning.)

You will see that the budget is not included in the planning model This, though in my previous book, The Executive Guide to operational Planning, is part of the model. Is the budget preparation organizations and units are part of the planning process? Sure! I have chosen to not include it here for three reasons main :

  1. Most organizations already have a budgeting process that well-established and most managers have to prepare their budget in line with the process. Introduce a variation on the process is, in my assessment, it may tend to confuse the middle managers and first-line use of this book to guide their planning efforts.
  2. For most managers, budget preparation is an event, while it is planning, as covered in this book, is activities that take place continually. With the task systematic planning throughout the year, you will be relatively easy to customize the information you are planning to meet organization's budgeting process requirements. 
  3. My desire that this blog concise and easy to follow. I'm not sure can do justice to the preparation of the budget in that context. (See Section Annotated Sources for some of the blogs advised on the preparation of the budget.)

If your organization has developed a strategic plan, the first order Your effort of course is to review the plan. You want to feel confident that there is a clear  understanding of the concept and direction of the organization and that critical issues are addressed, your organization's mission statement, in particular is a critical foundation document for any planning effort. If there is no strategic plan to be referred, then you can formulate the roles and functions for the organization or your unit as the first stage in this process. (See Appendix at the instructions on the preparation of the role and mission statement for the unit, which can also be adapted for use across an organization.)

Is it planning process Tactical ?

Is it planning process Tactical ?

Is it planning process Tactical ? - The planning process is ongoing involvement from managers and key personnel in producing the plan and, more importantly, the results are robust for the entire organization and also for their units individually. As explained in previous articles, special strength of this process is its emphasis on the planning team. Working together as a team will build trust and commitment to the plan of organization, as this will give participants a sense of ownership of plans and projected results.

In many cases, it may seem that parts of this approach were obvious. But how often "the apparent jeras" became one of the things that you might miss! For example, your company ready to enter new markets, it's just support materials specifically to enter the market had not been booked. 

Or maybe you install a new inventory control system and you know there is no provision was made for train-related issues. The planning process provides an obvious way to implement the plan and the means to ensure understanding of and commitment to the plan. The success of your organization is as important as your people, financial resources, products, and your technology. You do not can continually succeed and grow without a defined tactical plans is clear.

Strategic planning focuses on the future direction and position organisi. Two blgo first in three consecutive series focusing on strategic thinking and planning long term, that together to cover the strategic aspects of planning. tactical planning, which became focus of this book, discusses the implementation of strategic plans and production of short-term results. Regarding the overall planning process. note that each of the two first components of the process through to the next component, ultimately leading to an effective implementation plan.

My observation is difficult, if not impossible, to run strategic planning and tactical at the same time. When you discuss issues of strategic and tactical, tactical urgency of interest you will tend to dominate. strategic planning, on the one hand, more intuitive than analytical and more focused on the external environment and the factors which probably requires a fundamental change during the period of extension. Tactical planning, on the other hand, many analytical, more focused into, and much more specific and detailed.

Tactical planning plays a different role with planning strategic planning process of your organization. If the strategic planning bagimana should focus on your organization's business and the direction where to go, tactical planning focusing on the direction-term objectives Short of your organization and how to get there. plan tactical usually have a period of one year and generally prepared for ages last of the previous fiscal year. Your tactical plan to be developed after the strategic plan (which is usually prepared at the beginning of the year), because one of the goals of the tactical plan is to carry out part of the plan strategically.

The planning process can be started with a strategic plan or plans tactical, or a combination of both (eg preparing a mission statement prior first, and then initiate a plan to achieve short term results, depending on your needs. important to note that the planning process has a nonlinear nature and repetitive. You can start with any element in the process relating to your current needs this. Next, the completion of the element specific eremen may cause Your review the assumptions and decisions which are made therein, to ensure consistency and accuracy of projections. as well as those who need to act to make your organization more successful become more know about the various stages of planning and more actively involved in it, their commitment to significant results will become increasingly important. Remember, the purpose of planning is not primarily to produce a plan, but gets results. planning is the process of and the focus of this blog is to make it different at all levels.