Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mother's day, Mother's missed

Mother's day, Mother's missed - A good friend of my heart, There is so much we have to remember and we must not forget in our daily busyness, if we want to achieve success we long for it. We all learn, work, and worship to be personal as prayed for by a mother even before our birth.

But, how many people remember that their mother waited in longing, so that the child she loved to spend a little time to call in and say hello, expressed gratitude for the healthy mother, and said that he loved his mother ? Is there anyone who is more important than your mother?

Now ... call the mother, and say that you love him, and that he was always there in your prayers and good wishes. If your mother had been with God - like my mother, let us unite hearts to pray for the beautiful, beautiful place for the mother on the side of God the Most Gentle.

Happy Mother's Day.

Let us love and devotion to Mother.

Mother love second only to love God.

Loving you all as always

God, I compiled all good in my life to atone for mistakes and sins of my mother who has care of me. I, along with all the relatives and friends, beseeching tenderness of love, affection for our parents.

Mommy, I love you.

Your son,

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