Sunday, July 31, 2016

Twins Pregnancy Signs

Twins Pregnancy Signs
Twins Pregnancy Signs - Twins Pregnancy Signs. Who would have thought that you are pregnant with two fetuses ? Yes, pregnancy twins can you know through pregnancy signs following. For you or your husband comes from a family with twin offspring possibility of getting twins very big. And for those of you who want to twins in hopes of raising two babies at once would have been very happy.

Just not all women know that pregnancy twins when a twin pregnancy had marks / traits that differ from pregnancy in general. You can find signs of twin pregnancy following a twin pregnancy signs :

This is the sign you are pregnant twins :

1. Level of Sensitivity Women Stronger

Women who are pregnant with twins, usually have greater more sensitivity. Only for the first pregnancy is hard to feel that the pregnancy is single or twin pregnancy. Most women say that intuition already know that pregnancy is being undertaken with twins, especially if the family are twin offspring.

2. Is More Severe Morning Sickness

The next condition is the HCG hormone levels is further improved compared with usually. Place of pregnancy hormone HCG to maintain the pregnancy, the placenta to grow and develop. Adaptation of the body when this hormone appears it will cause nausea or morning sickness known.

Pregnant women will experience morning sickness twins are more bad. Than a single pregnancy hormone HCG alone could double within two or three days, while for twin pregnancy will increase and cause the mother to experience nausea and vomiting worse. Consult with your obstetrician or midwife so as not to disturb the health of the mother and fetus. (Related article: Sign of the pregnancy)

3. Wight Agency Drastic Increase in First Trimester

Increased weight more rapidly in the first three months of pregnancy can be a sign that you're having twins. It's just that most women who experience severe morning sickness that inhibits the intake of nutrients into the body. While the fetus needs nutrients especially folic acid since the first week of pregnancy. The study found that weight gain in the first trimester is very important because it will affect the pregnancy in the second trimester significantly to the fetus.

4. Uterus growing in the first trimester

Ultrasound examination is the right way you can do to find out the baby pregnancy twins. In woman carrying twins generally the larger the size of the uterus according to gestational age were more consistent. Generally for a single pregnancy uterine size can reach 38x40 cm whereas for twin pregnancies can reach 48 cm. This is the most prominent sign of twin pregnancies, gestational age is fairly young though already seen the uterus is large enough.

5. Intolerance On Specific Food

Mother will experience a very severe intolerance to one meal. Texture and smell can be one of the obstacles of food consumed during pregnancy. Some pregnant women do experience very sensitive olfactory while for women who conceive twins often accompanied by a very severe condition. Some foods that are avoided are sea food, meat, coffee, tea or some other food with strong odors.

6. More Tired

Every expectant mother will feel tired while you are pregnant for twins can make your activities very quickly tired than usual. In addition to pregnant women will feel the mood is more easily changed. Pregnant women will get tired because the physical condition of the women who experienced more severe morning sickness, experience dizziness and mood changes. One way to get rid of fatigue is to get a boost from the family, especially from her husband.

Whitish, Early Signs of Pregnancy ?

Whitish, Early Signs of Pregnancy ?
Whitish, Early Signs of Pregnancy ? - Whitish, Early Signs of Pregnancy ? Mood swings experienced by pregnant women would trigger a discharge. Like what whitish mark in early pregnancy, is dangerous to health ? Changes experienced by pregnant women both physically and hormonal changed. Wrong will trigger a hormonal form only changes that the blood flow to the V area increasingly heavy resulting in increased vaginal fluids. Although very common vaginal discharge experienced by pregnant women known as leucorrhea, vaginal discharge is not a danger signs to look out for during pregnancy. Pregnant women suffer as childbirth and before childbirth will experience this condition.

Whitish experienced by women in early pregnancy due to vaginal moisture which is getting up. This condition is because of hormonal changes in estrogen that occurs early in pregnancy and in the final trimester of pregnancy. This time we will tell the difference whiteness as an early sign of pregnancy or as health problems experienced by women early in pregnancy.

Here you could see the difference when experiencing vaginal discharge in early pregnancy :

1. White
Liquid and Not Smelling

When you experience vaginal discharge as a sign of pregnancy. It is common is hormonal changes experienced by the body. White vaginal discharge and odor, is one sign of a reasonable discharge occurs. Whitish happens it does not cause itching or irritation. Most of Whitish women experience early in pregnancy and increased at the end of gestation. Whitish serves to avoid the area of femininity become dry which triggers on fire and itching sensation.

2. Grayish-white liquid

Be careful with this whitish, the secretion of hormones that will cause excess bacteria in the area of femininity. This condition would disrupt the normal balance of bacteria causing the infection known as bacterial vaginosis. Whitish is characterized by a grayish color and exit when urinating and also trigger itching in the area of femininity. Immediately consult your doctor and get treatment so that bacteria do not enter into the birth canal and the house of the fetus.

3. Yellowish White

Next is a yellowish white fluid that is experienced is one indication that the feminine area has been invaded by fungi. Especially when you're pregnant their estrogen and progesterone production is increased so that the fungus is getting settled. The emergence of mushroom growing will bring up a yellowish liquid, whereas for women who experience pain and swelling in the area of femininity. For those of you who feel that this condition is getting worse because of swelling in the surrounding labia and a burning sensation during urination immediately consult a doctor.
4. Foamed and Colour Whitish

Last is the young pregnant women who experience vaginal discharge with a characteristic foamy, foul odor, and yellow-green. This condition is triggered by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. This condition transmitted sexually. Consult a doctor immediately so as not to disturb the comfort during pregnancy.

It can be concluded that the discharge can be regarded as a sign of a healthy pregnancy when you experience vaginal discharge that is clear, odorless, does not cause itching, burning sensation of heat in the area of femininity. For those of you who experience vaginal discharge apart from all the characteristics should be examined / consult your doctor feared to disturb your health during pregnancy progresses.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

9 Weeks Day Fetal Development

9 Weeks Day Fetal Development
9 Weeks Day Fetal Development - 9 Weeks Day Fetal Development. Happy mother, now after your pregnancy has entered the age of 9 weeks where this means the first trimester of pregnancy middle period of three trimesters you live. Now the fetal growing inside the mother's womb is already developing into a fetus because the organs in baby has begun to take shape slowly. Similarly to his internal organs, like the heart, liver and blood vessels are already formed and functioning as the expansion in general.

This development is certainly a good news for you today. So you can now more thrilled with the development of the fetus in your belly is so rapid. But remember yes ma'am, still keep a healthy lifestyle and apply the rules of good diet. For this, the tiny body of the fetus will be maintained growth supported by nutrition of pregnant women.

Everything was the mother of consumption, especially food nutritious will be streamed on the mother of the fetus through the placenta. Thus, if the mother does not keep the intake of these foods, then the development of the baby in the womb could be disrupted.

Baby's Development 9 Weeks Day

At this developmental age, weight of the fetus has been increased up to 10 grams. But not to worry bu, the size of this weight will certainly continue to rise and continued growth along with the development of the fetus in the mother's womb. Now, all parts of organs in the fetus has begun to grow, including legs, arms, eyes, genitals and organs sharing. Although this growth has not been calculated perfectly, but changes this development will certainly be a happy moment for all of us who have been looking forward to the baby's presence.

In development at this age, placenta fully functional flow of nutrients and nutrients to the fetus in your womb and works to filter out waste that may enter in. For this reason, we recommend inadequate nutritional needs and avoid the habit of consumption of foods that are not nutritious. Because when a woman is pregnant, then what he consume will also be felt by the baby in the womb.

Entering the last week by week 9, now the length of the fetus has reached 2.3 cm and weighs continues to evolve with time. If in the previous week eyelids begin to cover the eyes of a tiny baby. This week, the formation of the eyelids have already formed, so now this section will cover fully the eyes of the baby and the condition blindfolded This will continue for a long time, which is where the baby in the womb you will not open his eyes until later at the age of 26 Sunday.

Not only that, both ears are tiny now starting to look and form slowly. Your baby's development in the days of the week it felt it should be noted or remembered how amazing this development can happen so fast in your uterus. Because at the turn of this time, such a baby has begun much like a tiny human being. His wrist had already started to grow and he can flex. Likewise with his ankle that has begun to form. Even today the fingers and toes of the baby already can be seen clearly.

But so, at the age of this week or in the second month of pregnancy, you still can not see the development of the fetus and of gender specifically through ultrasound, because at this age the baby's genitals are still in the process of formation. However, around the 24th day in the development of the baby, his heart began to beat now, but now the valve begins to form and the heart has been divided into four spaces. His face was already beginning to show clearly where there has been formed nose, eyes, mouth and tongue.

At this time, the placenta in the uterus begin to develop and change its size becomes larger. This is certainly going to support the production of hormones in it. As for the performance of the placenta in the womb is to distribute nutrients and nutrition for the baby and filter out waste products that enter into it. Well, at this age pregnancy, then you should already start screening together with a midwife or doctor nearby. In this way, the doctor or midwife who handles will begin to do the test and take samples of your blood as routine tests to monitor your condition until the day of the birth arrived.

If you are aged 35 years or history of your family have a history of certain diseases, then you should consider doing a test sample of chorionic villi (CSV), one of the common antenatal test run is usually performed between week 10 and week 12 of gestation. It is enabled to detect if there are defects or abnormalities in the baby at birth later.

Pregnancy Body Changes 9 Weeks Day

In addition, the development of fetuses this age would certainly bring a change in your body and your physical appearance. Well, to find out what are the changes that will be experienced by pregnant women at the age of 9 weeks of pregnancy, consider the following. In this week of pregnancy, you have not seen a big belly that makes you like a pregnant. However, for a woman who had experienced a previous pregnancy, it may already be familiar to you.

However, this week's gestation will begin to make you feel frequent fatigue and weakness. Not to mention, the feeling of nausea and vomiting will often you experienced and this condition for some people may not just happen mornings only. At a certain time the condition of nausea and vomiting will be able to come anytime. An increase in the hormones in your body, it will probably make you feel disturbed. Because this will also affect emotions and your mood changes. In pregnancy there will be emotional changes that happen to you, you probably will tend become more sensitive, irritable, angry, sad, and so forth.

In addition, the increase in this hormone will also create conditions that you need to be alert. Changes in the body are flooded with hormones will also make the area more vulnerable femininity with the development of the fungus. Well, this is what generally became frightened many pregnant women. However, this condition not be the things you fear and make you overwhelmed. Avoid all the symptoms that come to you to maintain the health and personal hygiene, especially in the female organs.

Changes that occur in women who are pregnant is a natural thing. However, if you are able to maintain the condition of the body to be healthy, fit and clean. So no need to worry about this condition so that you can pass more easily.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Stimulation Touch of Tranquility Give To Mother and Fetus In Content

Stimulation Touch of Tranquility Give To Mother and Fetus In Content
Stimulation Touch of Tranquility Give To Mother and Fetus In Content - Stimulation Touch of Tranquility Give To Mother and Fetus In Content. Gestational age trimester second step on exactly when entering the fourth month, the skin on the mother's fetus is already able to feel stimulation given from the outside. All forms of stimulation that occurs outside or administered will also be felt by the mother's fetus, including when the mother gives a touch warm stimulation. The process of arousal or stimulation of touch turned out to have much impact so good on brain development of the fetus.

Pregnancy is the most thrilling and fun in the life of a woman, how not with the presence of the baby in the middle of the family would make a small family atmosphere the couple became more cheerful. That is why no wonder that women will become mothers so keep well and be careful of her pregnancy. All that is good and beneficial for the health of the pregnancy would always be carried by mothers who wanted to have healthy offspring. Well, one way to maintain a healthy pregnancy is seeking every effort so that the health of the mother and the fetus remains in a healthy state. As for some way to keep the fetus in the womb in order to develop properly is to provide some stimulation, one of which is the stimulation of touch.

Stimulation can be started with a sweep touch gently on the mother's abdomen. This sweep will be able to calm the fetus or fetus moves as a response given. In certain circumstances unisex some things that trigger the movement of the fetus in the womb to be so active of them heard a noise, the weather was too hot and contention. But with a touch and caress the mother gave, it will be able to soothe the fetus in the womb.

Besides the sweep, the mother also could caress her baby. Caresses can be done starting from the back of the head near Fetus and forwarded to go to the buttocks slowly. The caresses do repeatedly, if your fetus is already active, then they will give a response in the form of movement. This stimulation can be done anytime and helpful in reducing the stress experienced by pregnant women, because this activity so much fun.

The next caresses movement is patting the back of the fetus from the part close to the butt to the head. Only in this movement must be done more carefully lest the baby's head touching or given pressure. Perform this stimulation with slow and painless. This stimulation can be done as like a mother who wanted to lull the baby, so do it with love and affection. The purpose of giving this stimulation is to create new brain tissue in the fetus. One nerve cell to be linked with other nerve through the synapse so that will form a new cell lines that are connected to one another. For this reason, it is important to mothers so that they can provide stimulation to arouse the snaps.

Many synapse is formed showing the extent of fetal brain tissue so as to accelerate the process of thinking of the fetus at a later date. It is also stated by experts who said that with the increasing number of cell synapse is formed, then the smarter person's tendency to be higher. Besides stimulation of touch before the birth is also beneficial to get closer bond between mother and fetus. With stimulation, then the mother would feel the baby's presence. Which will facilitate the process of adaptation of mother and baby after delivery.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Causes of Back Pain During Pregnancy

Causes of Back Pain During Pregnancy
Causes of Back Pain During Pregnancy - Causes of Back Pain During Pregnancy. Growing uterus affect the center of gravity, stretches out and weakens your abdominal muscles, change your posture and puts pressure on your back. It can also cause back pain if it presses on a nerve. In addition, overweight you will certainly affect your muscles to do more work so that the resulting stress on the joints, even your back may feel more pain at night.

Moreover, the hormonal changes of pregnancy can loosen joints and ligaments that cause in your pelvis to spine. And sure, it can make you feel less stable and cause pain when you walk, stand, sit for a long time, rolling over in bed, and stood at the time we were seated in a chair or while you clean the tub, driving, or lift a load heavy.

You are not alone. As many as three-quarters of pregnant women experience back pain at some point. Most often the pain appears in the next month or sicker if pregnancy is getting bigger. Back pain can also be felt after the baby born, and there is...but postpartum that back pain usually resolves within a few months.

The good news is that there is no relationship between back pain and pregnancy outcome.

What types of lower back pain is common in pregnancy ?

Experts explain the two common patterns of lower back pain in pregnancy that Lumbar pain (pain behind) occurred in the area of the spine in the lower back and posterior pelvic pain (pelvic area) is felt in the back of the pelvis. Some women have symptoms of both types of the low back pain.

Low back pain is as well as lower back pain you may experience before you become pregnant. You may also have pain that radiates to your feet. Sitting or standing for long periods of time and lifting usually makes it hurt, and it tends to be more intense in a few days.

At the time of pregnant women experience posterior pelvic pain, which is felt in the lower part of your body than lumbar pain. You may feel pain in the butt, on one or both sides or the back of your thigh. It may be triggered by activities such as walking, climbing stairs, getting in and out when cleaning the tub or sit in a chair, rolling over in bed, or twisting and lifting.

The position in which you bend over, the waist will begin to feel - like sitting in a chair and leaning forward while working at the desk and can create more pain posterior pelvic pain. Women with posterior pelvic pain were also more likely to have pain above the pubic bone them.

Could Pelvic Experiencing Pain ?

When back pain radiating to the buttocks and thighs, you often feel confused with rheumatic pain in the pelvis where an actual condition is relatively uncommon. True pelvic pains, which can be caused by lower part of the spine, affecting only about 1 percent of pregnant women.

If you feel pelvic pains, leg pain you will usually more severe than your back pain. You may feel pain below the knee as well, and may even spread to your feet and toes. And you may feel tingling, or perhaps some numbness. With severe sciatica, you may feel numbness in the groin or genital area too. You even be difficult to urinate or defecate.

If you feel shooting pain in the pelvis, be sure to check it out to see a doctor. Check immediately if you feel any pain relief or weakened at one or both legs, or loss of pain in the groin, bladder, or genitals (which may make it difficult to urinate or defecate).

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Food for Pregnancy

Food for Pregnancy
Food for Pregnancy - Food for Pregnancy Women 2 Months.Entering the first two months of pregnancy you undergo psychological changes that occur although physically not so visible. The development of which started in the first 2 months of that heartbeat is already started on his own. Even the placenta and umbilical cord are already working. Still in the first month of pregnant mothers in the second month, the formation of more perfect ear. Similarly, the digestion has begun to form, even the embryo of the kidneys has been formed. (See also: Food pregnant women)

In the middle of the second month of pregnancy the formation of the lungs, pancreas, thyroid and heart. Even at this week's oral cavity is already taking shape. Even the infant's ability in the second month of pregnancy already noticeable. Infants have the reflexes and also move spontaneously. Despite the spontaneous movement of the fetus in uterus is not that you can see.

Furthermore, at the end of two months the fetus is able to hear even in the brain neural networks can connect with the olfactory fetal brain. The development of important organs formed in two months and should be supported by the health condition of pregnant women. (Read: Fetal Development Age 2 Months). In supporting the health of pregnant women, it is equipped with the right foods for pregnant women 2 months:

1. Folic acid

Folic acid is important for pregnant women. At the beginning you are planning a pregnancy. Folic acid content is in green vegetables, beef liver, avocado and citrus. With adequate folic acid will help in the central nervous system and also the blood of the fetus. Even that adequate folic acid will reduce the risk of birth defects.

2. Iron

In the second month of pregnancy, you need iron. Lack of iron in pregnant women it will disrupt the cycle of the release of eggs in pregnant women. Iron is found in green leafy vegetables, red meat, egg yolks, orange and liver.

3. Substance

Do you know that zinc can also help in the production of materials generate when conception. As for foods that contain iron include, ie nuts, seeds, eggs and meat.

4. Vitamin C

Complete your food consumption C.Vitamin with vitamin C can help to build the body tissues of the fetus in addition to vitamin C is fulfilled it will help in the absorption of iron maximum and reduce the risk of preeclampsia. The source of vitamin C which is good for pregnant women in the second month, namely orange, kiwi, broccoli and strowberry.

5. Vitamin A, B, D and E

No less important is vitamin A, B, D and E to help grow flowers in forming new blood cells, the formation of teeth, bones and metabolism. Therefore fill in all of vitamins from fruits and vegetables varied colors.

6. Carbohydrates

No less important is the carbohydrate content. In the second month of fetal growth very rapidly so that the energy needs of pregnant women should be maintained. You can adjust the intake of carbohydrates although morning sickness intrusive.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

6 Restrictions for Pregnant Women

6 Restrictions for Pregnant Women
6 Restrictions for Pregnant Women - 6 Restrictions for Pregnant Women. Development of the fetus in the womb is very vulnerable to the effects that occur both arising from a derivative or pattern of your life that cause disturbances in fetal development. Having a baby is born healthy into hope every pregnant woman, across various methods are used to maintain the health of your baby. Even a lot of tradition in the community related to pregnancy, a tradition that aims to keep the fetus for nine months until birth. Medically there may be some traditions that can be received even though most of it is still the development of medical research to determine the relationship between tradition evolved with pregnancy. During pregnancy you are required to meet the nutritional intake as a supporter wrong fetal development during pregnancy. Unisex also become taboo consumption of some foods or lifestyle that will affect the health of the fetus.

Here is a taboo for pregnant women associated with everyday activities and also the consumption of certain foods :

1. Raw Food

Raw foods derived from animals and vegetables have a high risk of lead to health problems. The food of raw fish such as sushi, meat half cookie and raw cookie dough that still contain bacteria, viruses, and parasites that more that interfere with the development of your fetus. Moreover, if the young age pregnancy still susceptible to miscarriage. Raw vegetables such as raw sprouts have a higher risk of bacteria compared with other vegetables. A good idea to consume these foods by cooking cooked to avoid health risks. (Other articles: Healthy food young pregnant women)

2. Fish with Mercury Content

Generally marine fish is very good for health, including the health of your fetus. But you have to be selective because of the type of fish that contain mercury is not good for your growing baby. Fish that contain high mercury types are mackerel, swordfish, tile fish feared its mercury content disturb the development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus.

3. Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages will prevent intake of nutrients to your baby of oxygen needed besides the fetus will be hampered. Alcohol affects the brain's ability fetus so for those who consume alcohol when it contains a high risk in some disorders of newborn including IQ and physical disorders.

4. Caffeine

Many studies linking caffeine to pregnancy. In normal circumstances it does not contain caffeine is not good consumed in excess each day as well with the pregnancy because of the content of caffeine found in a cup of coffee, drinks will result in increased risk of miscarriage and babies born with low weight even in severe cases will resulting in stillbirth.

5. Excess Calories

When you are pregnant do need extra calories but in sufficient quantities in the right portion. This avoids the problem of obesity for those who are pregnant. Pregnant women who are obese before pregnancy and because it will increase the risk of babies born with high weight or at risk for diabetes. But that does not mean you can lose weight during pregnancy inhibits nutrients to the fetus.

6. Wearing tight clothes

Using warm clothes will increase the risk especially in the abdomen which would interfere with fetal development. For those of you who want a lot of fashionable maternity clothes that you can choose which you should know is that the clothes do not have a rubber abdomen. This is done to your health and the fetus.