Sunday, July 24, 2016

Food for Pregnancy

Food for Pregnancy
Food for Pregnancy - Food for Pregnancy Women 2 Months.Entering the first two months of pregnancy you undergo psychological changes that occur although physically not so visible. The development of which started in the first 2 months of that heartbeat is already started on his own. Even the placenta and umbilical cord are already working. Still in the first month of pregnant mothers in the second month, the formation of more perfect ear. Similarly, the digestion has begun to form, even the embryo of the kidneys has been formed. (See also: Food pregnant women)

In the middle of the second month of pregnancy the formation of the lungs, pancreas, thyroid and heart. Even at this week's oral cavity is already taking shape. Even the infant's ability in the second month of pregnancy already noticeable. Infants have the reflexes and also move spontaneously. Despite the spontaneous movement of the fetus in uterus is not that you can see.

Furthermore, at the end of two months the fetus is able to hear even in the brain neural networks can connect with the olfactory fetal brain. The development of important organs formed in two months and should be supported by the health condition of pregnant women. (Read: Fetal Development Age 2 Months). In supporting the health of pregnant women, it is equipped with the right foods for pregnant women 2 months:

1. Folic acid

Folic acid is important for pregnant women. At the beginning you are planning a pregnancy. Folic acid content is in green vegetables, beef liver, avocado and citrus. With adequate folic acid will help in the central nervous system and also the blood of the fetus. Even that adequate folic acid will reduce the risk of birth defects.

2. Iron

In the second month of pregnancy, you need iron. Lack of iron in pregnant women it will disrupt the cycle of the release of eggs in pregnant women. Iron is found in green leafy vegetables, red meat, egg yolks, orange and liver.

3. Substance

Do you know that zinc can also help in the production of materials generate when conception. As for foods that contain iron include, ie nuts, seeds, eggs and meat.

4. Vitamin C

Complete your food consumption C.Vitamin with vitamin C can help to build the body tissues of the fetus in addition to vitamin C is fulfilled it will help in the absorption of iron maximum and reduce the risk of preeclampsia. The source of vitamin C which is good for pregnant women in the second month, namely orange, kiwi, broccoli and strowberry.

5. Vitamin A, B, D and E

No less important is vitamin A, B, D and E to help grow flowers in forming new blood cells, the formation of teeth, bones and metabolism. Therefore fill in all of vitamins from fruits and vegetables varied colors.

6. Carbohydrates

No less important is the carbohydrate content. In the second month of fetal growth very rapidly so that the energy needs of pregnant women should be maintained. You can adjust the intake of carbohydrates although morning sickness intrusive.

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