Sunday, March 31, 2013

Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation

Small Business School - Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation. Since its birth through the operation of the industrial revolution in Europe, globalization has hit the entire world. Globalization that opens the 'boundaries' between countries, among which unites space and time. Globalization is what allows one or more elements of a socio-cultural global state or global. One is the English translation of the Indonesian language. English as a second language now known in almost every country in the world. Learn or even master the English language can be said to constitute an obligation or necessity.

Inability or lag in mastering the English language is considered as a defect or a disgrace, especially in the big cities, in the institutions, or the main lines of the State. Various movement toward mastery of English conducted at various places. Mentoring services or learn English courses are mushrooming. Schools that include English as a subject in the curriculum of subjects continues to grow.

Mastery of English as a hiring criteria and indicators for companies to be first considered. Practices of English language teaching in universities, such as presentations, seminars, trials, writing scientific papers, continue to be encouraged. Parents push their children to love language. Including other forms of business English translation increasingly provide opportunities to bring great benefits.

Language and Translation Indonesian to English Translation

First language translation may be done, when the two languages intersect in one situation and condition. Translations must be done in order to create a mutual understanding between the different languages. For example, in a meeting, at the convention, treaty, or the reading of documents or related references. Thus translation can be oral or written.

Indonesian to English translation may occur, when there is the need to understand or Indonesian hang themselves through  English. Like when we do the writing, for example, an abstract on our scientific research, which will be read by strangers, who speak English. We want our writing can be understood by the person, so we have translated into a language that people use them.

Or when we're in a foreign country where people speak English and we want to ask the way, then we translate our questions into their language, so that they understand our intentions and answered our questions with precise and accurate as possible. Therefore, the implementation of Indonesian to English translation also can not be arbitrary. Formerly our own need and should know or understand the intent or purpose of our first Indonesian language and why we need to translate it into English.

By first understanding this, we will deliver or provide Indonesian to English translation proper, which will be easily understood also by the party that we are headed. This is the first thing we need to do in making Indonesian to English translation, which is to understand the purpose and our purpose in speaking and in translating.

Characteristics of Language and Contextuality in Indonesian to English Translation

Each individual has their characteristics, different from each other. So it is with nations. Especially with the language because that language reflects the nation. If the nation as the formation of the language only has character, let alone the language into its constituent elements. English is clearly a foreign language, which originated from outside Indonesia. Therefore, it is clear if English would have different characteristics from the Indonesian language.

The difference in the character of this happened because of different contexts. Thus, the difference in the character of this would be possible to understand, if we understand the difference context. Previously we might have to understand first what is the context and contextuality.

Context contexere derived from the Latin meaning 'weave together', or 'knit together', (from the com = 'together' and texere = 'to build', or 'to weave').

Knit or weave in question here is to establish or knitting of words along with the environment, the surrounding circumstances, background, or what was in there with those words, to help find the meaning of the word. In the language, the context is easily found in diction or 'choice of words'. For example, the word 'grand', use the sentence will be different with the word 'noble' or 'great', though all have a similar sense of the word, or all three are able to define its function as a 'synonym'. Using all three will consider the context in which the sentence is placed third.

Other contexts in the language, we can see from the pattern of the word. Indonesian has a pattern of words or legal equivalents DM (Explained-Certify), while English has a pattern of words or legal MD (Explain-Explained). For example :

  1. Indonesia : beautiful women
  2. (Noun 'woman' described by the adjective 'beautiful')
  3. UK: beautiful girl
  4. (Adjective / adjective 'beautiful' explain noun / noun 'girl')

 As discussed in the previous section, that to be able to translate Indonesian into English we must first understand our aims and objectives in the Indonesian language itself. In other words, we must understand the context of our Indonesian language.

A simple example is whether our context in the form of a question, a rhetorical question, or statement, then the translation would be different, ie
  1. Fathers have eaten? = Has Father eaten ?
  2. Dad is eating, right? = Father has eaten, has not he ?
  3. Fathers have eaten. = Father has eaten.

The elements of this language is called contextuality or connection context in the language. Which is important for us to look at when we do the translation Indonesian to English. At first, it may be difficult and complicated because the required accuracy in doing so. But, for all, pay attention to contextuality will further help us in Indonesian to English translations.

Therefore, referring to the sense of the context itself that has been described above, the context is nothing, environment, circumstances, background, which is in the same place with the words, to help us discover the meaning of the word. When we equate the context was different between the two languages, understanding of these languages can be found easily, so the translation was to be young. Is like when we are fishing with bait and nets in the pond with the same lot of fish, or trawl fishing activities be just as easy.

Tips Working Indonesian to English Translation

Following application of contextual learning in technical language translation Indonesian to English is easier, as follows.

1. Understand the purpose and goals before we do the translation Indonesian to English

This can be done by formulating 5W + 1H (who / who, what / what, when / when, where / where, why / why, and how / how). This formulation will focus on the kind of language and style we so in the translation, what we use.

This type of language (oral or written), ie if writing what the hell kind (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, fiction, articles, etc.).
The language (narrative, argumentation, description, etc..) Or hyperbolic, repetition, irony, etc..
Greeting words for the perpetrators (whether directly or indirectly, whether intended for male or female, adult or child).

2. Understanding the Indonesian language to be translated.

Understand Indonesian language we want to translate as a whole, taking into account the coherence and cohesion, word patterns, and sentence patterns, and time / tense (at least in one sentence, the maximum in one paragraph). Only later translated into English directly as a whole as well (one sentence or one paragraph), using the same understanding. Not one word. For example,

A cute girl walking gracefully on the stage through the audience. Being, A beautiful girl walks elegantly on the stage through the audiences. Not by the way,

A girl = a girl; pretty = beautiful; running = walking; gracefully = elegant; passes = through; viewers = the audiences.

Being, A beautiful girl walking through the elegant audiences.

3. Note the choice of words or diction and use context-sensitive term field use.

An example is the word 'build' in English build has synonyms or diction,

ie construct = use in the context of building a concept, idea, model, notation, representation.

erect = make up.

make = the context of creating, creative, producing objects, or made so, forced to make.

manufacture = produce on a large scale.

assemble = gather into groups.

fabricate = form; uniting parts; produce; invation; chop (food ingredients).

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