Saturday, February 23, 2013

Definition of Citizen Journalism and Online Media

Definition of Citizen Journalism and Online Media. You will remember with Sinta and Jojo, the lips singer conch Poison song. Both virgin Bandung became suddenly famous after a video footage uploaded on Youtube. Through online media anyway they watched videos and seen thousands of internet users. In a relatively short time, they became famous. Sinta and Jojo phenomenon is the case of most easy for us to understand the sense of online media.

You may also keep track of hoopla about the phenomenon of crop circles found in a rice field in Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta some time ago. Initially, a neighbor who saw the strange phenomena and photograph and upload them to the internet. In a short time, information about the possibility of extraterrestrial spacecraft aka UFO landed in Yogyakarta widespread. Not only in Indonesia, but around the world also had a tantrum with these interesting findings.

Online Media

Any progress is positive and negative effects. We certainly would not object to that effect was positive. We just need to be aware of and avoid the effects are negative. The existence of the Internet together with other media that have specific effects associated with use. Starting from the middle to lower to middle to the top, also from children to adults, the Internet has been rampant. The availability of internet facility which allows users to make internet more and more are wearing.

Ease of using the Internet has been felt at this time. In previous years the internet is very rarely wear, only certain people are using it, which has the internet. Price fixing internet are outrageously expensive, making people think twice to install it. Ease of getting the internet to make the Indonesian people familiar with the internet, especially social networking that is currently very popular with the world.

The main purpose of the internet is to facilitate people in making it easy to communicate and look for an update. However, many current Internet abuse, which affects the man himself. Internet as a medium of information that is complete and a lot of it is true. We live just typing words what we were looking for, then comes the many options associated with the word, staying chosen only what fits with what we were looking for.

The information provided is also up to date or is always new. The incident happened a minute ago, can be directly spread on the internet and the whole world know. Any information, whether at home or abroad, everything is on the internet. The rapid development of the Internet has now spawned a variety of forms of online media. Understanding online media are blogs or sites that serve as a medium to disseminate news or information. Through the website, website, or blog is an opportunity for anyone to create online media. Through online media is also a variety of news and information can quickly be disseminated more widely, more quickly, more open, and certainly cheaper.

To access information through the media and online, anyone can do it. No one even watched or banned when the content of news or information that is presented in the online media containing pornography, violence, or contain elements of sara. Unlike print or electronic media where the station or newspaper owners will be penalized if violated established rules.

At best that can be done to limit access to online media is to do a black list. As an urgency that made the Minister of Communications and Information of the Blackberry in order to censor websites or blogs that show pornography, so it can not be accessed by its users. While the creator of the blog or the site itself did not get any penalties.

Citizen Journalism

One of the developments that is quite interesting is the emergence of online media phenomenon of citizen journalism. Citizen Journalism is a concept of journalism done by, of, and for the community itself. That is, the public as Internet users seek and obtain information from the surrounding environment, as well as upload them via their site or blog, so it can be accessed and read by other internet users.

In these days, the media was strung in various product forms of journalism. Various media are print media, electronic media, and Internet media. Newspapers, tabloids, and newsletters are strung in the form of so-called journalism products with print media. Meanwhile, the electronic media was television and radio stations, and the latter of course the internet is now being grown in the presence of news portals shaped website. Information provided by products such journalism has some things on which to base.

Today there are some news show about lifestyle, health, news and even invite and motivate us to be able to manage their own finances. Information from these journalistic activities have content that may change the attitudes, opinions, and persuade people to respond to that information. And, given the news category of the journalism presented some products now than a portrait of the news, it can also display the comments and reviews.

Comments or reviews in print media usually occurs in rubrics opinions. Meanwhile, in the electronic media, such as television or radio are delivered in the form of question and answer session that displayed visually. However, in the Internet media, with a section known as citizen journalism, in which people who are not journalists or reporters can provide their own news.

Some of the things that the basic characteristics of an online journalism besides zoom shaped web is very very fast message display alternately. But, it makes it easy when issuing a news packed in journalism online because it can make itself at sunrise and make accessing a story.

For example, in some online news portal, is now available a convenience, where we can read the news you missed. That's the advantage gained by the reader. Meanwhile, for which published the news was also easier for them to record their stories. Since it has been stored in a part of the administrator, who had published the news may not be published again and various other mistakes can be avoided in news publishing.

Another trait of an online journalism is the delivery is so fast. For example, when doing a reportage, we can immediately make news, send it to the administrator or manager of news in the web interface and administrators will immediately publish it. Some online media in Indonesia was like that, with the ease of device technologies, namely smart phones or laptops, online media journalists this was quickly convey the events that surround them.

In fact, in the absence of any news of an object, some journalists can make their own news directly. The way of writing in online journalism is still the same as other forms of journalistic activities, which contains elements of 5W +1 H, with the concept of writing that are features. Online journalism does not just talk about what would be served, but also about the layout. Mutimedia exciting online will make readers feel comfortable.

Journalism is thick with high-tech offerings could also create two-way communication between the published and read. With the installation of a hyperlink, then everything can be connected. This is facilitated by the existence of social networks, such as Facebook and the micro blogging site Twitter, which makes a news portal of online journalism can be presented quickly.

The communication was not only the issue of online journalism and its readers, but also several other readers. Even the readers can do online discussion forum with a piece of content in some journalistic product. The technology is made even easier for anyone who enjoyed it. Similarly, online journalism products.

Excited to the news of the finding of crop circle phenomenon associated with the spacecraft landing, is one form of citizen journalism reporting very successful.

In no time, the news was a trending topic, even made a name for Berbah village in Sleman, Yogyakarta became famous around the world. Through this case we can also understand the meaning and function of online media is quite effective and efficient in disseminating the news or information.

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