Sunday, February 24, 2013

How To Making Blogger Template for Beginners ?

How To Making Blogger Template for Beginners ? Not speak html ? CSS ? PHP ? MySql ? JavaScript ? Relax. Do not worry. All knowledge is 'not needed' to make a blogger template, as long as you know how. Here are some tips on how to make a blogger template for beginners.

How To Make Blogger Template ?

One advantage of the air-blog blogger platform is the ease of modifying or even change the templates provided. In fact, we as a blog owner can create their own templates blogger. Particularly in the bloggers with the latest systems. Although we have no knowledge of the language html, CSS, and so forth, with a menu template editor, a template can be created in seconds. Fast, is not it ?

If you are a blogger user, note that there is a new menu in design features. View tab at the top next to the edit html. Consider writing template editor. Well, we can edit the menu or even customize the template according to our will. So, what to do ? Easy. First, log in to your blogger first. Enter the username and password as usual. Then click enter. Second, go into the design. If so, click the template editor.

Well, in the template menu editor will be available various features associated with the modification of the template. For example change the layout, change the color, change background image, change the footer, and much more. In addition, in the menu editor template provided many standard templates that can be modified. That is, we can choose a template. Then if not satisfied with the template, whether it's on the menu or zoom, we can change it. Fun, is not it ?

One more advantage of the template editor or blogger is a preview of the preview that aired directly. Thus, we can see all the changes on our blog when you modify it. The changes that occur will be displayed in real time on the bottom of the menu template editor. If there is an error or discrepancy, we may be about to find out.

Make Blogger Template by Firdamatic

Firdamatic is among one of the template generator that was deliberately designed as a design template. Do you know what is meant by template generator ? Template generator is one tool that is deliberately designed for the desired blog template. By using this tool you do not need to use web programming code like HTML, CSS, XML and others.

How to create a template using firdamatic bloggger by filling out the form located at the site Inside this tool was given a choice. Do want to choose a design template with two columns or three columns. In making tamplate blogger using your firdamatic only takes about 2 to 3 minutes. Why so soon? The answer tailored to the motto of The Design Tool for the Uninspired webloggers.

To better assure you, I will give an example for the blog template creation using three columns.
  • Once you open the site firdamatic the author explained above, the voting Generate A 3 Column Layout
  • Once open form data that must be filled, then the
  • Enter Your Name is filled with your name or the name of blog users
  • Enter Your Name Address, then put the email address used as a verification or confirmation of Firdamatic
  • Enter Your Weblog Title, the title of the blog is filled with.
  • Weblog Address, then put the full address is blog
  • Blogging Tool Machine, then filled in the form is blogging toolnya, the blogger
  • Blogging Tool Website Address, to form left blank.
To create a header, then you must fill out a form
Enter the URL Image, then insert the photos you store on the photo hosting site like Picasa or Photobucket
  1. Would you like a Title Text ? If you select Yes, I do, then the point is if you want to put the title in the header. If not, then Boutique Locator no.
  2. Header Font, then fill in the font you want to use in the header text
  3. Header Background Colour, then fill in the color of your blog header.
  4. Header Font Colour, then you are prompted to select the font color of your blog header.
  5. To choose a color body blog, you can fill in the form text font color, background color, link color, border color, and the credit box color.
  6. When you have completed everything, then click on the Generate button, then you would see what the display templates that you have created.
  7. To be able to put in your blog, then look at the column Firdamatic Update, and then click the link Copy Paste Here to take the template code.
  8. When you have an open window, Ctrl + A or block all of the code contained in it, then right click select the word Copy.
  9. Open Notepade, then paste the template code into it
  10. To put in your blog template, the steps that you must do is log into blogger. Once the window visible dashboard, select the layout.
  11. Then select Edit HTML ..
  12. Because Firdamatic Classic Templates Templates are still classified, then you must change your template to classic template. You do this by clicking the Revert to Classic Template found at the bottom of the column HTML
  13. After that, Ctrl + A, then right click and select Delete. Or after select all existing code, then click the delete button on the keyboard.
  14. After that, open Notepade which contains codes blog template that you create with Firdamatic. Right click and select copy. Then open the HTML column that you wipe from the previous template code, then paste it into the code firdamatic template that you created.
  15. After that, click Save Template Changes.
  16. So now changed your blog have a template with 3 columns.

Indeed, there are many ways to make blogger templates easily and free of charge. The important task of registering and entering your email owned. Among the sites that make blogger template is, Psycho and Trix. How to register the same. Likewise, bloggers how to post them in your possession are the same. Well, if you have been able to create your own templates with zero experience at all in html or CSS, why not try something else ? Namely an online business !

Blogs and Online Business

A blog or website if you are not used to doing business online, it is very unfortunate. Like a got a stall in the market, but not used for the sale. If you have a blog, but it is only used for media writing hobby, really unfortunate. Let's look at Life is Beautiful
. A site biggest online business community in the country. On site is located at you will get everything related to online business. Like how to make a blog, how to operate it, how to turn a blog into a money machine, and so forth.

If the blog that was created earlier with difficulty and only used as a means of 'doodles', do not let it happen. Scratch that 'produce' the online business in your blog. By learning in Life is Beautiful, you will be taught how to keep the reader interested to read your writing. Not only that, you will be taught how to make your blog in the top position when there is a searching through search engines.

There is still much to be learned in the Life is Beauftiful. You will not feel the loss, even you will be lucky. Since you are automatically also be joining the community of people who have long been in the online business. So you are very easy to learn. Therefore, do not wait too long anymore register soon. Good luck !

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