Friday, February 22, 2013

Recognizing Emo Style and history

Recognizing Emo Style and history. The development of human life is very fast. All these developments that affect each other. From the music to the world of fashion Adi fashion world to the world of music and other art world. All of this continues to happen along with the rotation of the earth on its axis. So even with the emo style. The style of the dress is so draw attention to the young people. As if their lives to be so beautiful when they are emo style.

Meaning Emo

Emo style of fashion is one that is booming among teenagers Indonesia. They dress with long hair covering the face or one eye. Wearing lots of rings on the face, especially on the lips with a black eye and face as pale as a ghost. Tight shirts, tight jeans, paired with a large belt. Emaciated bodies with black cats shabby shoes. Such style is considered the coolest grooming for today of course.

If the first is something that is embarrassing to have hair disheveled and untidy. The impression is not this neat course will affect the image of someone in the middle of their environment. Cap naughty and rebellious personality is not a good seal and savory heard.

Parents who know how to act definitely will not accept her situation arbitrarily adopt a lifestyle like this. They would want a child who grew up in a normal lifestyle without having to have a unique style or styles that are considered are considered full image of the art.

Though historically styte emo is not a fashion but a kind of similar genre or Skinhead Punk Rock. Emo is shortest of emotional words. The flow of this music is the evolution of the music and the punk who hardline emo genre is a little softer than the melodies used by punk and metal. The term emo is rather soft metal.

Why is emo ? Because the music and lyrics are also sung the theme this emo band flow too examine emotional problems a person, such as despair, broken love, lonely, insecure, depressed and feeling like it took away. Therefore, if you see pictures of emo kids likely to face depression alone. This is the emotion that carried emo kids.

Emotions indulgence

Generation claiming to be emo generation is synonymous also with more frequent indulgence in excessive emotions to express himself with the one problem. As if life is only about his personal life. They feel alone when no one is willing to listen to any complaints. Though probably not as it is enumerated by the people around him. Exaggerating what has been perceived as a style of interaction is carried by children who closely follow the direction of a lifestyle like this.

Clothing that is not in tune with proper clothing worn by most of the people have also made their presence look very different from others. They sometimes live very independent and do not follow any rules or norms guidance. Not one that many parents are really worried when their children have begun to try to live with this style emo style. Concerns were quite reasonable because the concept of this life like a virus. He will spread very quickly and steal someone's personality that wants to live with other styles.

Search and find friends who side themes and rhythm, of course, very exciting. Of course, the heart will be happy and life was very comfortable. But if the lifestyle is not in tune with the norms of religion, the way of life that would cause anxiety itself at one point. It is a fun activity when the activity will not erode personality and will not make the soul rebel. If it often violate regulations established by the Creator of life, then at one stage, life would be empty.

Emptiness exaggeration will not get rid of the void itself, but instead it would be to make yourself feel more empty. When self-feeling hollow, so empty heart will make the soul to lose grip. When the heart has lost its grip, that's when depression attacks and the desire to end her life as the channel continues to whisper through the bloodstream. Not surprisingly, many children living homage to emo and this style looks are not happy and want to try to commit suicide.

Prudence facing child emo style is a step that must be taken. They are very rebellious and they seemed to know what to do. They thought that what they did was great. Not infrequently they do high levels of crime. They also argued that life in this world should be fun so that life should be enjoyed by any means.

A good education is the foundation of the root shielding themselves that determine the direction of the child's life later. Child away from the negative influence is the best way. Although some have argued that not all children emo style is a child of evil, see what they're wearing, it's physical appearance may reflect the appearance of the soul. So, it is not wrong if people put considerable suspicion with kids this emo style.

Confidence they can indeed thumbs up. Unfortunately it was not the confidence to something good sometimes. They are even less likely to get around the city without regard to personal hygiene. The body is thin, which is one characteristic of this generation is even considered ideal. Of course, for a long period of time, a lack of these nutrients will not affect either. They used to share a meal. Then when you're eating together was one of them carrying a germ hepatitis, then the spread of the disease would be very fast.

This is a very worrying many. Not surprisingly, the government of Aceh get and arresting children who look stylish emo or punk style like this. Protecting young people from a bad one is one of the responsibilities of government. However sometimes decisive leadership style and immediately take the necessary actions so that what is done by young people who are considered deviant was quickly straightened out and the kids did not have to live too long in error.

History of Emo

The flow of the emo genre emerged around the mid-eighties in Washington DC. The flow of melodic punk kind of music a lot of the attention immediately young Americans who want to express their emotions through songs melow but punk. Then the band-emo band was scattered from the start of the 90's, like Rites Of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beeffeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, Slightly later, and Moss Icon.

Ways to dress this band eventually imitated by many young people began to enter the U.S. and Indonesia in the 2000s about the popular today. Even now no longer the kind of emo genre but more on fashion. If punk is popular with street children aka filthy tramp that, unlike the case with emo. Emo more narcissistic and very concerned about appearances. Trying to appear nonchalant but ignored arranged in such a way to still look cool and not dirty.

Even the emo kids both men and women tend to wear pale makeup and thick eye liner to look pretty. So emo kids tend to be pretty, both men and women. Emotion Hardcore, they call it that because if you say they are a little punk kid refused. Synonymous with the punk kids bum. Emo is a form of rejection of the ideology of a nation that carries the skinhead-punk anti-establishment.

Punk is a revolt of the poor against oppression doing by rich people. So there arose a bum punk. Emo is a rejection of the tramp. Emo is a form of emotional rich people who feel lonely with what he's got. Therefore, it is more emo than punk. In fact it is difficult to distinguish where the child where the child punk and emo. If it is said that the children had different style emo punk kids, the fact is they are no different.

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