Thursday, February 21, 2013

Its Multipurpose Free on the Internet

Its Multipurpose Free on the Internet. At a difficult time like this, getting something for free is like hoping the money falling from the sky aka impossible. Far from free, to buy goods at a cheap price too, the difficulty for mercy. Even if there are free, we must fight to get it or wait for one sponsor.

Eiits ... You never say die first, get something for free alias does not charge a penny, you can still get on the internet. Perhaps among the readers have to ask, why many companies voluntarily provide their products free of charge to the consumer ? Here's why :

1. Product promotions

Sometimes to attract consumers, the company advertises the latest products by giving free samples to the public. So the market for new products, not only in the form of TV ads or posters, but it could be a promo activities, such as distributing the product at no charge a penny.

2. Attract more customers

For the online media industry, their main source of income is through advertising. The wider community can reach, the more companies that are interested in advertising their products. To that end, provide a free news service to the community is an advantage for media companies.

This article will inform you, everything is completely free in cyberspace or the internet. These include the following :

Free Download MP3 Songs

Currently, it is very easy to get the songs to suit our desires. No need to bother to go to the store tapes or CD, the Internet has provided a collection of songs, ranging from the latest song, hits, until the old songs old alias. There are some websites or websites that specifically provide or even in search of the source that provides the original source where the file is located. You can get it from the website Youtube, Yahoo, or Google.

In addition to the sites already mentioned, there are many sites that also provide free download service. You need to know, songs that can be downloaded music quality is lowered bit rate. If you buy the original songs, music bit rate is 164/256, while the uploaded to the Internet only 64/128.

Free Download E-book

In recent years, the download is not confined to a song or video. Any books you can get for free. But make no mistake, not all books loh. Usually, the most important books of the lesson. The book had been given free of charge from the government, in order to support the 9-year compulsory education, though not only elementary and junior high school textbooks, but also high school and vocational school.

For other books, such as poetry and a novel, you can read the full. Downloading books is indeed need extra patience, because sometimes often fails so it took many times to try. For those of you who just want to try, just write "download e-book" on one website, then just select the site and the title of the book you are looking for.
Free Game

All free games on the internet at the most sucking enthusiasts, ranging from children to adults. You simply type in the name of the web site or, it will display hundreds of games that can be played for free.

Honestly, these games are offered for free, the quality is mediocre. Do not expect you will find free games that looks three-dimensional, because it is difficult for him. You have to pay or subscribe before you can enjoy 3-D games.

Free Blogging
The term blog is derived from web logs. Is one of the web application that looks common form of writings, hereinafter referred to as posting on a web page. Usually posts or writings sorted from the latest and was followed by a long. You interested in having a personal blog ? Check out how to make it :

Having an email address is still active is one of the requirements to create a blog. If you do not have, it first has to make email on the google site. Why should google ? Because the facility is a free blog google domain so that email using gmail. List of blogs on blogger.
  • Click on the site or on
  • Registration page will open, then click on the bottom right, to change the language of instruction into the Indonesian language. Purpose of changing the language, merely in order to be easily understood.
  • After that, you can simply log in using the user name / username, a password or your Gmail password. Or you can just use your gmail address to log into blogger.
  • Then fill out the form provided on the screen, as follows:
  • Display name: enter the name of the blog you want to display
  • Gender: content according to your gender, such as female-Admission requirements: a column confirmation that you agree on the terms set out in blog creation. Just for advice, read it carefully beforehand what is permitted and not permitted when using the display blogger.
  • After that, click the arrow labeled "continue"
  • Next, click on "New Blog".
  • The next stage, you will be asked to fill out a form for your blog, such as: Title: type the name of the blog that you want, for example stroke of a pen mother Address : type the address of your desired blog template: select the blog that you like Continue with the click of a button " create a blog ". At this stage you have successfully created a personal blog
Free Software

Usually free software facilities are given as a promotion of the companies that provide public accounting services, advertising, and other similar companies. Analogues, you will feel the need for the software and are willing to buy it, after trying or benefit. The Company will not be at a disadvantage, because free software download is relatively small.

Free SMS

Various methods are used by telecommunications companies, in order to remain faithful customers using its services supervisor. One way is to give an award in the form of free SMS. This free SMS subscribers get the points given after the specified number. Customers have to recharge it first, before getting points. If the points have reached a predetermined amount, then the right to free sms received by customers. So like the saying goes, no pain first, swimming later. Buy pulse first, free SMS later.

Free Mass Media

The more dynamic urban lifestyles, including in terms of information, "forcing" the mass media to publish the news in the form online. We do not need to buy and store paper sheets of newspaper or magazine, simply click the magazine or newspaper website that we want to read, the news can be eaten as much.

All the news you read it did not charge a penny or free. Companies benefit from the many readers who visit the web site or from magazines or newspapers online. A large number of readers significantly, will attract businesses to advertise in the magazine or online newspaper.

That's all that completely free to be found in the internet world. Good luck !

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