Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Knowing About Adolescent and Identity

Knowing About Adolescent and Identity. Adolescence is a period of transition from child to adult period. When observed more closely, the growth of children from birth to large, will obtain an understanding that child grows gradually with age. Similarly, the growth of identity or self-concept in children is also growing due to the increasing variety of experiences and knowledge. Experience and knowledge in these children come from families school education like any of the people in the surrounding environment.

Identity Youth

When discussing the teenager, of course it is closely related to this is identity. Identity is often a trigger teens to look for something called identity. However, the identity of the youth is mostly not know specifically what is called identity. Here are some terms that referred to the identity :
  1. Identity can be defined as a personal core that remains, even if the identity of the many gradual changes in accordance with the growth of the age and the changing environment.
  2. Identity can be defined as a system of life that have been formed in some previous years. In addition, the identity will also define social roles should be chosen to live his life.
  3. Identity is the result obtained by each human being in adolescence, but this identity will continue to experience change and renewal over time.
From the above, it can be concluded that the identity is a unit that runs on human adolescence. Unity was formed from the principle, way of life, these views, which define how the next life. This unity is the core of a person to look yourself in social.

Characteristics of Adolescents

As we already know, is the transition from adolescent childhood into to adulthood. Of course, many of the characteristics and developments may indicate that the child has turned into a teenager. According to Hurlock (1992), there are some characteristics of a person toward adolescence, which are as follows :
  1. Adolescence is a critical period, the changes experienced in adolescence would have a direct impact on the individual concerned and will affect further development.
  2. Adolescence is a period of training. Adolescence is used as a means of training future with the development of childhood. Juvenile status is not clear, this situation gives the time in humans to try a different lifestyle and determine patterns of behavior, values, and traits that best suits him.
  3. Adolescence is a time of change. This is evidenced by the changes in the body, interests and roles (being an independent adult), changes in the values espoused, and the desire for freedom.
  4. Adolescence is a period of identity search. At this time, people will try to explain who he is and what role it plays in society.
  5. Adolescence as a time that causes a lot of fear. This is because at this time people will be difficult to set up, tend to behave poorly, and so forth. It is also the one who made parents became afraid.
  6. Adolescence is a period that is not realistic. Teens tend to look at life in himself. Teens will see themselves and others as they want, instead of the actual events occurred. It also looks to the ideals of teenagers who are mostly selfish, not the ideals that can provide benefits for others.
Adolescence is the time that puts children change growth with age. At this time the teenager will experience confusion and difficulty in trying to leave the habit at an earlier age. In the teens also will give the impression that they are nearly or already adult behaviors that he deserved.

However, most of today's youth suggests that aberrant behavior, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs, involved in sexual behavior, and much more. From this it appears that the role of parents is crucial in assisting the child when in transition.

It was concluded that in adolescence, people will experiencing physical changes like any psychic change. Teens will have a tendency to have problems in adjusting to the environment. It is expected that teenagers can undergo developmental task nicely and full responsibility.

Changes Occurring During Adolescence

Adolescence is a time that put a man through many changes. These changes generally occur in adolescence is a period of transition from children to adulthood. Here are some of the changes that occur when a child into adolescence :
  1. Increased emotional is rapid in early adolescence. This period is known as the time and stress strom. Increased emotional is the result of physical changes in hormones that occurs primarily during adolescence.
  2. Changes occur rapidly followed by physical sexual maturity occurring in adolescence. Sometimes this change will make the teen feel confident about yourself and abilities.
  3. Changes in adolescence are also accompanied by changes in interest to themselves and relationships with other people. During adolescence a lot of things that would attract young people brought from childhood is replaced with a new exciting and more mature.
  4. Changes in the value, what they consider important in childhood become less important because of the effect of the transition from childhood approaching adulthood.
  5. Most of the teens have an ambivalent attitude or stance that has two conflicting sides. On the one hand, they want freedom, but on the other hand are recording a fear of the responsibility that accompanies freedom. adolescents also sometimes have doubts about its ability to assume responsibility for his shoulder.
The changes that occur in adolescence is often a trigger misunderstanding between parent and child. It is a natural thing, because a lot of things that parents fear the changes experienced by the child. While the children are grown and have the right to choose his own path.

Factors in Adolescent Identity Development
In the development of adolescents, there are several factors that influence adolescent identity development. These developments include the following :
  1. The confidence that has been gained and continue to be cultivated and developed
  2. Attitudes are independent and do not want to ask for help from others
  3. Family circumstances with the factors that support the realization of self-identification
  4. The ability of adolescents themselves and the level of intellectual ability adolescents.
In addition to the above factors, there are several factors that are not less important in the development of the adolescent identity. These factors are a factor or factors experiment They were made by teenagers experience. This factor plays a role in assessing adolescent mindset thing, like where behavior is good and what is bad behavior.

The role of parents and schools in the adolescent developmental period in children is also very important. This is because in the teenage years, children are still not ready to face the social environment. Guidance of parents and teachers is needed, so teenagers do not choose the wrong direction. This is because many communities can be devastating to the negative effects that the future of these youth.

For teens face well, supervisors may invite discussions of children with all your heart and listen to the teen's complaint. Let them work freely and express themselves, but with their record should still be guided and supervised by educators, such as teachers and parents.

So is the discussion about growth and development in adolescence, may be useful.

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