Monday, February 25, 2013

Free WordPress Complete : Know Your Dashboard page

Free WordPress Complete : Know Your Dashboard page. For those of you who have long been involved with the world of blogging and the internet, certainly no stranger to WordPress. WordPress is a website that provides the service of making a blog for free using blogs machines that have been provided by WordPress. In the WordPress have used terms. For you are already accustomed to using WordPress, surely the following terms may not be familiar to you. But for beginners or people who had previously used other blog creation services, maybe this article can serve as a complete guide that can make WordPress Blogging. Of course also would not hurt for those who want to complete this article by adding comments in the space provided.

Dashboard is a "headquarters" to control our blog on WordPress. All activities can be done here blog, from setting, posts, and so on. Of course people can change the dashboard is a person who has done the first login in WordPress and blogs are changed in a blog of his own. Since we can not change the look of another blog because it is their privacy.

For more details, let's take a look one by one the important parts of this dashboard page.

1. Dashboard

Used to control all the activities of our blog, consisting of:
  • Blog Stats, see the blog visitor statistics by day, week and month. This facility could be featured on our blog or do not appear on our blog. However, there will always be people to report traffic statistics blogs that we make.
  • Blog Surfer, browse other blogs that you have created a subscription (subscribe). Usually you will be notified if there is activity on other blogs that have subscribed.
  • My Comments, look at the comments ever written, either on his own blog and other blogs. Here we can remove or add our comments on our own websites or in other people's websites. We can also delete other people's comments on our website that we do not like it.
  • Tag Surfer, subscribe to blog content with a specific label.
  • Subcriptions, subcriptions management is managing the blog where we subscribed to.
  • Readomattic, displays blog content contained in the blog and tag surfer surfer.
  • My Blogs, posting via e-mail settings and create a new blog with the same account (one account have multiple blogs).
2. Post

Used to create and edit posts, consisting of:
  • Edit, edit the text. When the articles that we have uploaded to our blog to edit, you can edit the text to this feature.
  • Add New, create a new post. We can make a new post on the blog we have to use this feature. In addition to writing, we can also insert images into articles that we make them.
  • Post Tags, add a new label to our writing is good writing new posts or posts that long.
  • Categories, adding new categories for our writing whether they are new or long.
3. Media

Used to store various files, consisting of:
  • Library, contains the files you have entered.
  • Add New, upload files such as jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, ppt, odt, pptx, docx and. With this, we can more easily manage text in our blog.
4. Links

Used to create a link (blogroll), consisting of:
  • Edit, edit an existing link.
  • Add New, add new links.
  • Link Categories, add a category link.
5. Pages

Used to create new pages and edit them, as follows:
  • Edit, edit existing pages.
  • Add New, add new pages except the Home page and About, for example, you can create pages, My Books, Links, etc.. In each of these pages you can add articles that correspond to the page you created. For example, you enter the articles related to books have you published in page My Books. The function of these pages is to facilitate visitors to find the information they need on our blog.
  • Used to view and manage incoming comments on the blog that we have. We can reply to incoming comments or even remove comments that go to our blog if we do not like the content of these comments.
7. Polls

Used to create polls (polls), consisting of:
  • Edit, to edit the poll that has been made.
  • Add New, to create a new poll.
8. Appearance

Used to manage the blog, consisting of:
  • Themes, change the theme of the blog. Here we can change the look of your blog with a variety of themes that have been provided by WordPress. We can also use other man-made themes that are not on WordPress or we can also use the theme of our own.
  • Widgets, add and arrange widgets. For example, we want to add a calendar on our blog, or an analog clock on the blog that we have, can use this tool.
  • Extras, extras general set.
  • Custom Header, replacing the header (head) blog.
  • Header Colors, change the color of the header.
  • Edit CSS, to edit the CSS code (specifically the paid version).
9. Users

Used for setting the blog users, comprising:
  • Authors & Users, authors and blog users settings can be made more than one (blogging).
  • Your Profile, set the profile.
  • Invites, invites others to join in WordPress by sending them an email.
10. Tools

Used to set some additional tools, comprised of:
  • Tools, tool settings.
  • Import, include writings from other services, such as Blogger, Livejournal, etc.
  • Export, save the contents of your blog, then send it to another WordPress blog.
  • Videos, video settings.
11. Settings

Used for setting the blog in general, consist of:
  • General, general settings, such as the blog title, slogan, language, etc..
  • Writing, writing arrangements.
  • Reading, reading the blog settings, such as the number of posts shown per page.
  • Discussion, setting discussion (comments) blog.
  • Media, blogs media settings, such as image size.
  • Privacy, privacy settings, such as that the blog can be indexed in search engines or not.
  • Blog delete, to delete the blog permanently.
  • OpenID, an ID using the settings that can be used for all services.
  • Domains, put the blog on a specific domain, for example;
12. Upgrades

Used to upgrade from the original blog free to paid, consisting of:
  • Upgrades, paid feature settings.
  • Gifts, to purchase a variety of knicks and knacks from a blog service.
  • Domains, put the blog on a specific domain, for example; When you do the upgrades, the address of your blog will no longer show the use wordpress domain. For example, if the first address of your blog is then after the process of upgrading to a paid facility, the name of your blog will turn into
How, in full, is not it ? Hopefully your blogging activity more exciting and beneficial to the complete article on this WordPress guide.

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