Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Understanding Of Electronic Media

Understanding Of Electronic Media. More recently, the development of electronic media or electronic media increasingly unstoppable. It was difficult to find a house without any electronic media such as television are regarded as the most widely used media. Not only houses, cars are now equipped with a variety of electronic media, such as DVD players. Virtually all new cars are equipped with electronic goods definitely sophisticated. Development is extraordinary, is not it ?

Understanding Electronic Media

We all are very familiar with the media on this one. But, do you know the definition of electronic media ? Electronic media is all media tool that uses electromechanical energy for the end user to access the content. This understanding is in sharp contrast to static media, especially the print media. Although often generated electronically, requires no static electronic media to be accessed by end users.

Media sources is the most familiar to users that audio record, video recordings, online content, and multimedia presentations. In addition, these media can be analog or digital form though most new media digital form. Not only that, all equipment used in the process of electronic communication such as radio, television, telephone, mobile devices, game consoles, and desktop computers, also included in the category of electronic media.

Sense simpler than the media is all information or data that is created, distributed, and accessed using an electronic form, electromechanical energy or equipment used in electronic communication. The equipment most commonly used form of electronic media to access the radio, television, cell phones, computers, and other devices.

Advantages of Electronic Media

The most commonly perceived benefits of electronic media is shaped as a means of entertainment, relaxation, and for education. With the presence of the media, we all can learn about other cultures, to promote creativity, knowing the other person's perspective, gain inspiration, and others. In essence, we can learn everything.

A study concluded that children's learning from television. Children also take advantage of a variety of media in electronic form in order to develop an important platform for social purposes. Capacity or the capacity of the media to influence the beliefs and behaviors can be exploited for the benefit of children such as promoting physical activity and use of internet-based services in support of learning. In addition, watch educational television offerings early childhood also affects the academic performance increase.

Obtaining news and information that fast is a primary requirement of modern society. With the kind of electronic media, we can all easily get the latest news and information, both from within the country or abroad.

Negative Impact of Electronic Media

In addition to positively impact the lives of, any kinds of electronic media have a negative impact. One consequence is compromised health if too long or too old to watch television on the computer. Other impacts, particularly for children and adolescents, the moral degradation, lazy learning because most of the time spent on internet. The teenagers and school children now no longer embarrassed to open porn sites on the internet.

That's a fraction of the negative impact of electronic media types. Want to know the negative impact ? It's her full review.

Electronic Media Effects on School Children

From time to time, the development of media in Indonesia, especially the electronics, the more vulgar presents a variety of programs that are no longer educating moral children. A survey shows that about 84% of impressions cartoons for kids who now dominated the airwaves in Indonesia was not worth watching by children of school age.

In addition, other impressions are often aired on television and not suitable for consumption of school children is cruelty, violence, crime, immorality, creepy figures, and so forth. The entire display is presented in the channel was deliberately targeted for children. Media in Indonesia did not seem to want to know the bad effects of such exposure on morale and the future of the children of Indonesia.

The negative effects of electronic media types for school children in them are as follows.
  • Effects of radiation. Here the effects of radiation is radiation from mobile phones. For us, especially for children, the radiation emitted by mobile phones are very dangerous because they can cause cancer and brain tumors.
  • Bullying. Phone, SMS, and email is often used as a medium of terror in action on school bullying.
  • Pornography and violence. Media such as the internet and television contains a variety of information that can be easily known to the child, including the matter of pornography and violence.

Students Disrupt Electronic Media in the Classroom

It is true form of electronic media can disrupt a child's development ? Some people are concerned that the various gadgets that is now widely known among child can have a negative impact to growth. A study to inform you that the amount of usage and the types of electronic media types can affect the performance of the children in the classroom.

An organization called Common Sense Media that focuses at the effect of media use on children has conducted a survey on the effects of media on children. This survey involved about 685 teachers from various private and public schools in the United States. These teachers were questioned how habits watching TV, playing video games, mobile, music, social media, and other types can affect the ability of students in the class.

As a result, about 71 percent of teachers responded that the form of electronic media reduce students' attention in class. Meanwhile, as many as 59 percent teachers replied that students who access entertainment media to communicate directly impaired. In fact, as much as 58 percent of teachers strongly believe media can have a negative impact on a child's ability to write.

Then, another 50 percent of teachers say that using electronic media at home affect affect the quality of children's homework. Most of the teachers found that students spent too much time with the media tend not care homework and unprepared when learning in the classroom.

Typically, children aged 8 to 18 years spend about 8 hours a day to have fun with media access. Television, video games, computer games are the main causes of students' problems in the classroom. In addition, there are also teachers who feel disturbed by their students or messaging and accessing social media during the learning in the classroom.

However, the teachers admitted that the entertainment media in the home was a positive impact. As many as 63 percent of teachers strongly agreed that the entertainment media is able to help students obtain information more efficiently and quickly. In fact, 34 percent of teachers think that the entertainment media can improve multitasking abilities of students.

Children in modern times like these a lot to learn from a variety of media consumed. Certainly not all learned in the media that is suitable for them. Therefore, parents should guide their children begin to choose the good and the media are able to balance their time.

All parties should have an awareness that the future of the nation is on the younger generation. In addition to parents, teachers, family, child observers institutions and governments, the mass media must also give attention to the future of the children of Indonesia. Regulatory agencies need to be more assertive public policy agenda again made specifically to protect the welfare of children and Indonesia.

With regard to the negative impact of electronic media, especially television and the Internet, which is needed now is concrete action steps and all the parties in giving more attention to the children. All parties are responsible for the future of children because they were part of the community that need attention and protection of the state.

May be useful and thanks.

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1 Response to "Understanding Of Electronic Media"

  1. Actually I read it yesterday but I had some thoughts about it and today I wanted to read it again because it is very well written. YouTube Comments


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