Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My - My Music, Yours, and Sing of The Universe

My - My Music, Yours, and Sing of The Universe. My Music is a site on the internet that has a variety of services related to music content. The sites were located at various will provide music content for you plus news about musicians and singers and band favorites. With My Music You can listen to streaming songs musicians option, see video clips of these musicians, looking for your favorite song lyrics, hear a concert and artist event concerned, see your favorite musician profiles, and much more.

The site is free you to explore all the intricacies of information musicians and idol singers. Just with one click, you can explore any music content related musicians. Indeed, the main content of this site is to offer music. And the music will be manifest in the form of video and audio streaming. But other information related to the musician idol to be missed.

How to join the very easily. You can become a member within minutes. Also, by registering on this site free alias free.

How to Register on My Music ?

Before enjoying all the content on, you must register at the site. The steps for registration, among others, the following:
  1. Go to the site in the My Music address. Upon entry to the site, in the navbar on the far right corner click SIGN UP. Enrollment in can be done in two ways. The first way to register using your email address. And the second way to use social login, Facebook and Twitter. It is recommended to use the first method.
  2. After clicking the SIGN UP button will display a pop up a new window containing the registration form. In the registration form, fill the necessary data. Starting your name, email address, user name you choose, as well as passwords. Remember to choose a strong password and not easily guessed.
  3. Once the required data has been filled in, and then click Sign Up! to continue the registration process. Then open the email account used to register. Find email from in and verify your email inbox. If you have, then you've officially become a member of this site.
Setting Profiles in My Music
The next step is to log on the site. on the main page, please click on the LOGIN button located in the upper right corner of this site. After clicking on it, it will pop up a new window containing the login box. Enter your username or email and password that you have chosen. If you have press Enter.

Upon successful entry, click the MY PROFILE in the navbar above right. Then you can set up a profile on with these steps, as follows.
  1. Upload a picture of you. On the profile page, you will find the upload button to upload photos. It is recommended to not upload photos with width and large capacity.
  2. Edit your personal information. If the data are incomplete fix soon. For example, user name or email address. Still on the same page, you can display a Twitter account and blog URL or website owned. Notify me with updates checkbox if you want to receive all notifications via email by And check the Make my profile public if you want your profile to be viewed publicly.
  3. If you've set up all of them, do not forget to clicking the Save Changes button. If you want to reset any changes to the information you have written, please click Clear.
My Music Progress has a unique feature in the My Music Progress. With this feature, you can see the extent of the exploration of your favorite music. will give achievements (awards) in the form of the badges (badge). And badge will be adjusted to your progress on this site. One badge in is Noob! This badge is a badge for members who are still newbie

Another badge is Loyal Fan. Member will get this badge when it had roamed favorite musicians and artists for as few as three times. Then what use the badge ? This badge will be collected to obtain points. And all these points will be accumulated and are ranked by the leaderboards.

In the leaderboards page, you will find the ranking member based on points accumulated. The more points, the more likely to rank first. So how tips to get more points ? Expand obtain badges. Cruising your favorite musicians, watch videos, and share content to a network sosial.Cara Content Exploring Music in My MusicLantas how surf music content in ? It's easy. Follow the steps below.
  1. Visit the main page and do not forget to login first. Later in his landing page, you will find a search box artist, musician, singer, or band. Fill in the search box. Let's say you fill it with the artists 'Lady Gaga'.
  2. On the search results page, you will find some information about Lady Gaga. Such information including profiles, album, song lyrics, video clips, concert schedule, artist news related, streaming music and video, and much more.
  3. Want to get a badge of ? Watch all the videos recommended by this site. The more you watch the video, the more badges earned. The more badges earned, the more points you anyway.
  4. Weakness Site My Music
  5. Although somewhat incomplete, has many drawbacks. Indeed, the site is free, but behind it is free gaps appear to be shortcomings. Weakness site, are as follows.
  6. The site is still beta. Thus, all features and menus are not perfect. Still common errors and bugs in the database each time you access it.
  7. very poor interaction. On this site we seem to only communicate in one direction, namely to enjoy the content, content, and music content, but no interaction with the artist as well as the other members.
  8. Although the music content offered vary, but all the content is not derived from own. Call it music video has to offer. Video is taken from Youtube. Concert schedule and news about related artists also come from external sources.
  9. The absence of a significant award for our members. Indeed, members will be given badges and points. However, these two things mean nothing to users The members will only be placed in the top position based on points they receive.
  10. Any music content can not be downloaded in, both audio and video. We can only enjoy it online via streaming. This is unfortunate. Given the contents are being sought by true music lovers.
  11. This lack of clarity whether any content on music has originality. only collect information about the content and related music artists selected. However, this site does not give details of how the status of the content.
My Local Music ?

There is a local site that is similar to The site is named MusiKKamu the address in Member MusiKKamu called Mumu. D site, you will get all information and music content related to the artist and favorite musicians.

Unfortunately the site is implemented in the subscription fee to access it. You have to pay a certain rate for either daily, weekly, or monthly. Although paid, MusiKKamu is one of the most complete music sites in the country. You could say this is MusiKKamu local version of My Music.

My Music, Yours, and Sing of The Universe

My music or 'my music' is a term used by a person to express his musicality flow master or just influence in everyday life. Want to learn more about this term? Enjoy following exposure. No special life than to fulfill your life with music. Music coloring your life. Furthermore, to represent your life, you will often choose a particular music genre so you confidently declared, 'Well this is my music!'.

Music has many perks. Besides being one of the results of creativity, music is also considered to be capable of stabilizing human thoughts and feelings, and even affect a person psychologically. Therefore, the selection of the type of music she would enjoy will differ according to the understanding of the musical, especially his heart. In other words, when you select a genre of music as a part of your life, whether consciously or not, your choice is influenced by your heart.

My music, yours, and sing of the universe, that's the title of this article. Title I raise in this article because it's quite describe the points I'm trying to convey. My music is a term used to describe the selection of music by certain persons by reason of each. You will read a description of why people choose his own music in various ways, perhaps you too will be included in this description.

My music, yours, and sing of the universe described briefly that in unity, music is able to reconcile the world, regardless of the selection of each. My music also yours are still music all around the world, and because of it, universe keep singing in harmony and should dancing together in peace.

What is My Music ?

Musical tones are harmonized by the arrangement or merger between the thoughts and feelings of the musicians involved in producing music. If it has been integrated between thought and feeling, then the instrument involved to complement its existence, including lyrics conveyed in the music. So that's where the music begin! My music could be create in a natural way.

Did you know that real music is not created through the technical structures that rely solely on the musical development of technology for the development of these instruments would not have been meaningless without the existence of natural processes. This concept may appear in a variety of conditions.

The first condition, this concept appears in the process of creation. Further conditions, this concept appears in the electoral process by someone musical genre. The condition first appeared in conjunction with the process involving the creation of a natural process.

As mentioned in the previous exposure, the most natural process affecting the existence of the music is engaging thoughts and feelings in the creation of music. Both of these play a major role in the creation of the concept of one's music. However, the sustainability, natural processes such as these are often overlooked because the musicians are more dependent on his instrument.

However, make no mistake, many musical instruments created by inspired tones created by nature. It is found in many traditional musical instruments, both of which produce a tone diatonic or pentatonic.

If the traditional musical instrument commonly found natural processes, it is possible in the development of modern musical instruments are also found similar processes. Some musicians teaching and tools to engineer his own music to create the concept of music in their idealism. Ingenious process that is a part of the natural process of creating music.

In addition to describing the creation of music, the concept is also used to describe the selection of music performed by a person. This is a concept called by someone to establish a musical genre which he matched or appropriate coloring his life. Well, this is my music, this is my minds colors. Music is the color that meets a person's thoughts and feelings.

My Music - My Colour of Mind

The concept of my music a person chooses to take it consciously or not will color his thinking in everyday life. Maybe you also experience it for yourself when you choose your own music. Anyway, you choose your own music roomates should coloring your mind.

Maybe you can believe it or not. In your own experience, you will find that someone who has been in a state of fanatical about a certain musical genre will also involve values ​​or messages conveyed in the music on the daily behavior and patterns of thought.

With the influence of fanaticism, the selection of a person's concept of his music will be delivered to the desire to explore and get to know the ins and outs of the music chosen. Psychologically, the fanaticism of something, in this case musical fanaticism, will give birth not only false love, but rather the formation of a strong bond up to the formation of identity.

Identity of the concept of my music created man from a deeper understanding of the historical roots, values, meaning of work, until the trend used by the musicians he chose as his musical idol representing the genre. The trend is such jargon that is often expressed as well as apparel and premium concert imposed.

Results from a deep understanding of the chosen genre of music then obviously be represented in everyday life. The impact will be seen in the lifestyle, how to dress, to the code of conduct and the investment value of the social relationships within the community, or simply in the relationship between people musical community members.

Many people in the most fans on a particular musical genre will behave more or less the same as the musician who became their idol. Principles of fanaticism in the inaugural musical concept considered not playing. In fact, there is prestige involvement in the selection of this concept within individuals and communities united as fellow lovers of the music genre.

My Music - My Prestige

The music is chosen by someone to dye her usually chosen to raise the prestige of the definition of musical idealism. Deep understanding by the individual in question will lead someone to the level of fanaticism which will be appreciated by fans of the same music, even at a higher point, the prestige that would be applicable in a greater influence.

The purpose of this statement is when we understand a genre of music with very deep, more of an understanding of music lovers (fans) always, it will be appreciated not only by the community of fans of one genre of music. However, he also appreciated on a bigger level and have 'rank' specifically as a music expert or observer. My music, my prestige, also yours.

A deep understanding of one of music (read: fanaticism) in some point someone may raise place it, certainly in terms of music. It is not excessive considering all the effort that it takes a person to achieve a high level of understanding of something, especially a particular music genre, not an easy achievement.

He will strive to provide the best understanding, for himself, fellow fans of the genre of music, and the music world in general. In this kind of understanding, one can develop themselves. When someone appreciated from love of a particular object, in this case music, not only made himself proud, perhaps even those who stood around him.

At this level, one can declare, "My music is my prestige". Sure, especially if the love of this music can improve his standing in the community, especially the music. However, make no mistake, psychologically, love someone in a certain musical genre in depth, although not to the level of musical observer, can be perceived as enhancing self-esteem.

Make My Music All Around The World Sing Together

Harmonization of music around the world will be able to reconcile all its contents. Harmony of nature created by reconciling man sitting, sleeping, and eating in it. Harmonization wonderful children's work will be able to reconcile the human mind and taste.

Whatever type of music, however the existence and euphoria created by a musical genre, and anyone who deliver it, must have the same goals and create a comfortable atmosphere of the world, and peace. In fact, some of the genre of music that sounds 'hard' in the ear was created to urge the birth of peace.

My Music - Rock 'n Roll
Did you ever know the King of Rock 'n Roll, Elvis Presley ? So This is my music. Yes, I have the same musical genre base with the king, rock 'n roll. I chose this genre because the music flowing with a unique touch on balance, making thoughts and feelings when I sing this genre sounds.

Besides being kind sounds, rock 'n roll appealing because musical tones and lyrics that sounds singing discordant tunes in fairy society. Rock 'n roll save a beautiful mystery criticism though sometimes the lyrics element of love. This musical genre developed in American culture, is a development between multiple genres of music, the traditional music of the Afro-American people, jazz and blues (since the 1920s), rhythm and blues (R 'n B), country music (since 1930 - s), and then boogie woogie that culminated in the 1950's. The reason is because at that time many emerging social musical tones as problems occur.

Birth of the musical genre of rock 'n' roll in the world is thought to be one of the triggers of the emergence of social impact in the global scope. The number of discordant tones have existence of social problems led to various rock 'n roll good in music, lifestyle, thought, and style of dress. Not satisfied with the genre of rock 'n roll, this music evolved into a genre of rock that is considered more mature and hard. Rolling Stones is one of the world's great bands that carry the genre.

I, even my parents, and social communities I almost have the same admiration for this band. Although not exactly the same, the flow is complete a thought and my own code of conduct. Rock 'n roll is my music, how about you ?

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