Thursday, February 21, 2013

Football and Strength Sports By Media Online

Football and Strength Sports By Media Online. Maybe an online state will appear in 10 to 20 years. Yes, we often see how the power of online media in creating a mass movement which sometimes blocked the government or other agencies in the "real world". Prita Mulyasari, Chairman of the Commission To Low known as the "Lizard vs. Crocodile", and several other examples show how great the online media in influencing a movement. Special football, the power of online media to build public opinion can be seen in the following cases.

Power of Online Media - Mario Balotelli

Perhaps, the most unique players in the world is Mario Balotelli. He is arrogant, mischievous, witty, and also have such an amazing talent. Where there are players who are proud to wear costumes that defended rival club ? It's never acted Balotelli in Italy. He wore the uniform AC Milan when he was playing for Inter Milan.

On British soil, while playing for Manchester City, Balotelli is equally excited. He several times to act silly. For example, kicking opposing players. Balotelli also scored as did not intend. When there are more liberal colleagues, Balotelli just kicking the ball with the heel off the field as he does not like if it was not a goal. This incident took place in the pre-season tour of 2011/2012.

However, the downside of Balotelli much less than fascinated action. Goals from birth, almost all classy. Even in England, which was mostly stunned fans like players, but genius, Balotelli is a hero favored by other supporters and the team itself. Unfortunately, online news media in Indonesia about Balotelli less balanced so that he is often considered bad in our country.

Power of Online Media - Propaganda Marca and Mundo Deportivo

It is no secret that Real Madrid and Barcelona have eternal rivalry. Both compete for the best, whether the title of La Liga, Copa del Rey or the Champions League. Duel them, titled El Clasico has always seized the attention of the world. Whoever wins the game will be praised to the skies, while the loser blasphemed all-out, especially if you play poorly. Beyond this eternal feud, there Marca and AS, two daily City of Madrid are a mouthpiece Real Madrid. They delivered the news that demonstrated the superiority propaganda Los Blancos, nicknamed Real Madrid. However, propaganda is still packed with cutting-edge data so that no impression plebeian.

In the stronghold of Barcelona, ​​at least there are Sport and Mundo Deportivo. They always defend the Blaugrana, Barcelona nicknames. A unique, two camps herald news often highlights events that hurt the team that defended or profitable team sworn enemies. For example, if Real Madrid get a controversial penalty, Sport and Mundo Deportivo will show footage of the incident on their online site. Conversely, if the referee benefited Barcelona, ​​Marca and AS are also showcased the refereeing mistakes in the online sites anyway.

The most fun is the writing style of online Spanish media. They are apt to use metaphors beautiful, even quoting the scriptures (Bible) so that the quality of online media is so weighty.

Power of Online Media - Spotlight For Real Madrid vs Barcelona

El Classico duel has become the hottest in the world. Whatever presented before to after the game, has always been the media spotlight. Especially for the players, there are some footballers who should enjoy the bitterness of the power of online media in creating a negative public opinion against them, including Pepe brutal action. Portugal international defender has twice felt the blow of online media. The first happened in last season's Champions League semi-final 2010/2011. At that time, almost brutal leg breaking Dani Alves. Since then, nicknamed The Beast attached to Pepe. He also re-engage in horseplay in the season 2011/2012. Pepe proved accidentally stepped Lionel Messi who was sitting. In effect, extraordinary. In fact, players like Wayne Rooney, known temperamental, called Pepe as an idiot.

Mass media online world also had agreed to punish Pepe. Many have criticized Real Madrid at times because of the sly fielding will only damage the reputation of the club. Pepe image itself is pretty bad in the eyes of football fans the world online. Every time there is an article about Pepe and usually always associated with bad things, sure there are thousands of negative comments from visitors to the site online.

Action Diving The Barcelona player and referee Sweet Attitude

In contrast, online media is also quite critical of Barcelona. Their players as if it would fall only by the wind. Often a harmless violation of the players Real Madrid, Barcelona will cause the player rolled in pain for a minute, even after the player can run fast. In fact, to the extent there is a Youtube user that shape compilation Barcelona players diving action.

Until now, many have commented on the less admirable tactics Barca players on Youtube as a place to view videos online. Although the video is too much for some of them set in such a way that it looks just how cunning the Barcelona players, many who believe in the video.

Meanwhile, at a news online site, usually sweet talk of the referee's attitude towards Barcelona. There is a tendency, many opposing players are given a yellow or red card when facing Barcelona. There are two possibilities about this. First, El Barca too strong so that their actions should be stopped by a rude way. Second, because the beautiful game Barcelona were uncomfortable to watch, create its own credit with the referee giving the players Barca protect little excessive. With all the controversy, it is natural that many online media readers, especially teenage labile, commenting spicy enough for Barcelona.

Power of Online Media - "Character Assassination" Chelsea and Arsenal

Dailymail, the largest online news channel in the United Kingdom and the world, is widely known as a supporter of Manchester United. Many of their stories that contain alignments against the Red Devils, the nickname of Manchester United. But not infrequently, Dailymail negative view of the clubs rival United. Especially, which competes with Manchester United in the hunt for the top. For example, Chelsea. This club, since the days of Jose Mourinho, always under attack from Dailymail.

When Jose Mourinho was Chelsea coach, any statement that cited controversial and embellished with ear-warming spices. For example, the Chelsea coach criticize the lazy players. So, Dailymail will write, Chelsea fight with the player. Similarly, if there are players who performed so poorly opponent. For example, a player with a transfer price of 50 million pounds, Fernando Torres. If he is not scoring goals, Dailymail will be the first online media failure spraying.

You love same goes for Arsenal, Manchester City, or other big clubs that could potentially interfere with Manchester United in the standings. Not that Dailymail not deliver impartial news, they're just fanning a small incident to make headlines.

Unfortunately, sometimes online media Indonesia, quoting or translating articles Dailymail, swallow raw information provided online media. For example, there are rumors of a transfer to the club B. Although Dailymail use it to simply look for the issue rating reader, most online media Indonesia did not catch this as a rumor, but a fact. As a result, sometimes gossip gossip light that doubles as a major by the Dailymail, change seems to be a factual news site online Indonesia.

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