Saturday, February 23, 2013

Easy Ways to Make Recent Post at Blogger

Easy Ways to Make Recent Post at Blogger. Recent post or often called the most recent article is one feature / widget featured in the look of a blog. However, many bloggers are still difficulties in making a recent post on blogger. Here's a little review of how to easily make a recent post on blogger.

To make a recent post on blogger, one of the techniques used is to use the blog feed in blogger. Every blog created at always had a feed. What is a feed? Feed can be interpreted as a summary of the content or the content of a blog or website.

And in the feed, the content displayed is only the contents of the blog alone. Such posts or articles. Meanwhile, the other content is not displayed.

So, what makes recent post on the blogger by using a feed blogger ? Here are the steps :
  1. Log in to, enter the username and password as usual.
  2. On the dashboard menu, select the blog you want to set, click on the blog.
  3. Then click the menu layout or design.
  4. On the page layout / design, click the box that says Add a Gadget.
  5. Then you will see several options gadgets available. Then select Feed.
  6. Paste the feed address will be made recent blog post. How do I know if a blog feed address ? Typically, a particular blog blogger automatically have the address of the feed.
In the url box on the browser you use (Mozilla / Internet Explorer) in the upper right corner, when visiting a blog or any site, if there is a red box colored orange, the site has a feed address.

Click on the box to find out the address of your blog or website in question. And addresses blog feed in blogger usually like this:
  • After the address of the blog feed in-paste, it will appear a few menus such as: the number of recent posts to display, gadget title, include the author's name, date, and so forth. Adjust to the needs and tastes. If you already click save or save.
  • Then, back to the design or layout of the page, click Save. And then look at blogs that have been added to the gadget recent post. It will show (5) most recent posts / recent article on the blog sidebar.
Blogging is fun. In addition to hobbies (writing), blogging can also add insight into cyberspace. Do not just write, blogging can also be utilized for business purposes. As an online business or a longer trend now, buying and selling online.
Life is Beautiful as Wawie care site is one reference that can be used as guidelines in studying online business. Wawie experienced in the world of internet marketing is to understand exactly how a blogger problems in entering the online business is still gray.

On its website located at Life is Beautiful strive to give the best to the 'protege'. Such reinforcement blog content, market analysis, market research, SEO maximization, risk management, and of course internet marketing. All of Life is Beautiful is given in full in

So, if you want your blogging activity does not simply conventional blogging, soon to join Feel the benefits and more value
after registering. Good luck.

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