Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Knowing About Print Media Mass

Knowing About Print Media Mass. Raised the question of the print media in the work of historical fiction, Minke, the main character in the novel Earth Man filmed Pramoedya Ananta Toer, experienced an adverse event in his life. The government, in this case Dutch, bring an Annelies custody who had become his wife to return to the Netherlands. This is because Dutch law that determines Annelies be maintained and preserved by the Dutch, because he was of Dutch descent.

Even his mother, Nyi Ontosoroh, was not allowed to keep her child. In such circumstances Minke wrote in Malay language, which had always written in Dutch, the case that happened in the print media. Publication of the case through the media owned by Minke managed to insult the colonial propaganda that the rules of Islam in their area. Many reacted to the news written Minke it. Posts in Malay-language print media it up cause bloodshed between the community and Madurese are raging in the Netherlands.

So great was the impact of mass media on a case alone. These effects have been discussed in bukunyaPsikologi Communications Jalaluddin Rahmat, according to Steven H. Caffee, in Grace, there were five mass media effects occur: economic effects, social effects, the effect of scheduling activities, the effect on the distribution or elimination of certain feelings, and the effect on people's feelings towards the media.

Effects that occur in the story above could said that Minke as the social effects of mass media. Social effect with regard to the structure or social interaction. The message sparked condition media or a stimulant for the emotional state of the community in the Netherlands at that time pressures.

Overview and History of Print Media Releases Indonesia
Talking about print media must not be separated from how the functions of the print media as one of the media struggles of colonial Indonesia. Through this we can learn how the little reactions caused through the content of the existing print media ranging from the colonial period.

Colonial period was a time of war for a lot of press. Some local newspapers have long been a tool in the war against the Dutch government. Among other regional papers Palita petty (Padang 1893), Otoesan Melajoe (Padang, 1911), Retnodhoemilah (Yogyakarta, 1900), the Indian Star (1901), Herald Betawi (Jakarta, 1902). Managed by the intelligentsia and newspapers at the time it was used as a propaganda tool.

One of the leading pioneers of the Indonesian press, Minke or Tirto Adhi Soerjo, the founder of the weekly newspaper field Prijaji in 1907. Tirto take editorial policy make allowances for what readers post and complained his rights were fair.

Recorded field Prijaji 225 residents experienced in handling litigation on the government. In addition, the tradition of print media is also a limiting all of period of feudalism and the rise of modern political tradition. Even more news of the colonial period, such as De Express that have by a triad of Douwes Dekker, Suwardi Suryaningrat and Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo that brings magic words "freedom" and also a sworn enemy of the Dutch government.

De Express also includes legendary Suwardi Suryaningrat posts entitled "Als ik Nederlander was". There are many more such as caring for Muslim Meda Hadji Mohammad Misbach, Siti Rohana Bergerakasuhan Holy Women, Soeara Moehammadijah care Ahmad Dahlan and others, they appeared to support the movement of each character.

From here, it can be seen that almost all journalists Indonesia at the time this was the politicians. Order entered an era long after many questioned the independence of the press. Since its inception the PWI (Indonesian Journalists Association) Soekarno felt disappointed and managed to force PWI originally independent to the National Front with a doctrine Nasakom Guided in press system as a chart of the system.

At last by Soekarno utilizing PWI to hit his opponents. During the reign of the old order of freedom of the press is really stagnant. Not to mention the institution rules SIT (Tjetak Permit). Bans and ongoing crackdown on press publications that are not in line with government policy. All political news counterrevolution would be considered subversive. The new order is a marker of the migration of the government by force by some elements that led to the Suharto government.

After the events of September 30 New Order using PWI as a means to clean national press from the elements of the Old Order. All the reporters of suspected communists fired up. PWI was helpless as an independent organization. PWI can not protect its members when the government banned dozens of newspapers which contain the Malari. In others there is a glimpse of the history of stretching the campus press. Daily campus newspaper We are the only student press that morphed into the general press as well as credo that the student press as the press amateurs.

Constraints they experience rather than conflict with the general press, but the peak power apparatus premises is when the Malari. Entering the 1990s, the government's crackdown on the press. Tempo, DeTIK, and Editor banned. The journalists who are not satisfied then unite stance and declare a new reporter by the name of organ alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI). Formed on 7 August 1994 in Bogor declaration known as the Declaration sinargalih.

Until the reforms embodied media did not stop but instead grow faster. Until the reforms that occurred from 1998 to present media began to emerge and evolve with various shapes. Not only newspapers, television, radio and so on but also the internet is now known as Media Online.

Media Print
VS Media Online

Reformation has more than ten years, it is less rapidly with the development of online media that difficult to stop the flow of information faster speed as 100 years of the reform itself. Online media to survive and more is known now there are many, among them the,,,, and more online news portals.

It is said that the movement of 1998 made the dissemination of information via the Internet, through The difference between print and online media for the production, distribution to consumption. In print media production course will relate to how his presence kept the company that supplies newsprint, printing and graphics enrich employers, providing jobs in graphic design expert journalists, dealers and retailers in the distribution, advertising and so the search.

Unlike print media, online media easier in terms of production, distribution to consumption. Is it only took renting online media portal or web and then designing the shape and she can immediately start work without having to contact the paper mills, printing or the like.

In terms of online media employees can use their own journalists or managers who become journalists. News published also do not have to wait long as the paper has to go through the printing process during production. Online news can directly publish shortly after got the news. In this case, obviously online news faster in speed reader and the information required in terms of the distribution can be done for free. However, the weakness of the print media that is covered by the online media also have other disadvantages.

Weaknesses of online media such as news sources that can not be ascertained if the form of blogs or their online media social media property or personal account when making online media poll could be many irresponsible people polled more than once so that the validity of the data is questionable . Go to the area of ​​distribution, online media will be consumed only by people who can access the Internet in the region where he lived. Of course, in a state of rapid information technology so do not rule out that the print media will be lost.

However, further research is needed to get close to possible hypotheses. To this day people still consume print media. In fact, in many emerging areas of local media from a subsidiary of the national media, such as the Tribune whose name is paired with the issuance of such areas where there is Tribun Jogja in Yogyakarta or Jogja Yogyakarta own existing holders and much more.

However, to connect print and online media to be balanced, many are now using the mass media convergence journalism. Convergence journalism is when asked they were printed to be converted to the news for radio, television and online as well. For example Compass conversion to KompasTV and

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