Thursday, February 28, 2013

Know Running Short Distances

Know Running Short Distances. Sprint is one part of the athletic sports, which is one part of the track. Named to the sprint, because the distance from the start position to finish no more than 400 meters. For distances over 400 meters, runners will be categorized as a middle-distance running and marathon running. Indonesia has had some famous names in Southeast Asia level in this sport. Evidently this sprint into one of Indonesia every sports arena Southeast Asia, the Sea Games is known. In the era of the 80s to mid 90s, Indonesia has the king of the short tracks. Name Purnomo Muhammad Yudhi be one sprint athlete who respected in Southeast Asia.

In the era of the 2000s, Indonesia has returned this sprint king. Name Suryo Agung Indonesia is a mainstay for the number. Athletes of Central Java is recorded several times for Indonesia in the Games and has always managed to win a medal.

Know Running Short Distances

For those who do not understand about athletics, especially the branch run, might be a little confused by the term sprint. In addition to prescribed distance, running is known as the sprint. Called sprint because this sport relies on speed of muscle, especially in the leg muscles to be able to work with full force or full speed.

Leg muscle will be used to work in order to produce the maximum running speed of the athlete. This is because the sprint is demanding a runner to reach the finish quickly without the need to set the rhythm running or breathing. This is what distinguishes the kind of run the other as in the intermediate sprints and long distance running or marathon.

In both types of running it, a runner must be able to maintain the rhythm of their run. The athletes have to know the time when to run at a moderate pace and also when running at full speed. On the other hand, runners must also be able to regulate their breathing so that stamina that there can be used to complete the entire stage race.

For the sprint itself has some unusual numbers competed. The usual distance contested composed into five types. Ie for a distance of 50 meters, 60 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters and 400 meters. But at this moment the most contested in various official championship was just the last three numbers. As for number 50 and 60 meters, usually only used for amateur race.

Sprint technique

 All the people who under normal conditions would certainly be able to run. Thus, running glance seems not something hard to do. But for those who've been in this sport, it will understand that running well is not as easy as we used to do.

In the running, especially sprinting, we should be able to know how well the technique in sprinting. It is intended that the power generated in the leg muscles can be optimized. In addition, we can maintain balance and also minimize wind resistance will come when we ran. But the main thing is, knowing a good running technique we can prevent injuries that may occur.

In the run there are three processes that must be considered. The third process is when preparing or start, while running technique and the last one is the technique by the time we entered the finish line. All three must be done correctly in order to achieve optimal results when we do run short distances.

Running is a method of removing and blow up the steps with a high rate, in which an athlete runs as fast as they can for a short distance without the need to stimulate themselves. Races up to 400 meters sprint in world athletics is considered, but the distance is most associated with running the 100 meters. Winners in each Olympic event is automatically labeled the world's fastest man or woman. The principle Sprint has strict rules. Runners start the game at the beginning of the block, which they can push off at the start of the race. Runners go into the so-called "runner's stance," which means they bend with one or both hands to the ground and burst out of the position that they start running. The beginning of a sprint race will feature the official starter says "On your marks" and then "Get set" before firing a starter pistol. The runners will adjoin and repulsion to take off running toward the finish line.

Sprint Type

Distance running contested in meters 100, 200 and 400 on the Olympic track events and other matters. Indoor track will often display the 60-meter sprint. 60 and 100 of the sprint meter is always running on the track immediately, but 200 and 400 requires runners to go around the bend in the oval. A runner has a line width of 4 feet in which to run; deviate from this path will lead to disqualification from the competition. The track is numbered one through eight, and at a distance running distance of more than 100 meters runners are staggered at the start, which ensures that each runner covering the same distance. The first runner to cross the finish line area of ??the body they are declared the winner, and of course there is that does not need things like throwing bodies at the finish to win in it's very dangerous, if you want to go much past, try handing chest pectoral first. The technique itself is running in more detail will be outlined as follows.
  1. Techniques Start On start point to note is the position of athletes behind the starting line. The thing to do is to put the body on the foundation board. Here, athletes must run in a squatting position, with both arms in a straight vertical position. While both arms pinned on the ground parallel to the starting line. A referee will give the signal before the participants ran. When the referee shouting the word "Ready" runner immediately lift the pelvis to the top. In this position, the pelvis will be in a position higher than the shoulders and head. That should not be overlooked is, at this concentration should be fully installed to listen further cue from the referee. And when the referee is shouting the word "Yes" or by using tools such as the "gun", then the runner must immediately stomping of the foot that is on the board rejected. At this time, the runner must be able to produce explosive movements to encourage runners to be able to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.
  2. Running Technique When running, athletes should pay attention to coordination with the movement of the arm swing limb sections. The position of the arm should be swung to the position of bent 90 degrees. The swing should reach the front or slightly below the chin. As for leg swing, had swung perfectly. That swing was appointed to the forefront of the thigh.
  3. Engineering Sign finish Finish Position time of entry will have an important role considering the difference between the sprint runners are very thin. When entering the finish, a runner should position itself to gain a little upright and on the chest low up. This is a way for the body can be faster runners caught on camera at the finish line that is also used as a tool to determine the winners.

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