Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Knowing About Online Media

Knowing About Online Media. The presence of online media in the life of modern man is one proof of the rapid development of technology. The development of technology has a lot of involvement of all areas of human life. Improvements in technology are also very rapid effect on the existence of media, including online media.

This happens because the current pattern of human development that is almost instantaneous. The mass media had metamorphosed into a more sophisticated direction. Today, magazines, books, newspapers, and other print media are not only use paper, but it has penetrated into the online world.

Development of Online Media in Indonesia

The development of online media began to be felt along with the proliferation of the Internet throughout areas of Indonesia and many phones that can easily access the Internet. One impact of this development is a mass media company reaching the world come online, which are as follows.
  • Kompas.com. At first, Kompas.com made just for kicks and to anticipate the rise of online media in Indonesia. But, now, online media has been a success, just like the print version.
  • Okezone.com. This site first appeared in early 2008 with a practical and easy for visitors surfing the various news channels.
  • AFP
  • Tempointeraktif.vom
  • Vivanews.com
  • Metrotv.com
  • Liputan6.com
  • Republika Online or ROL
In addition, there are a number of other online-based media, whether it is an online forum or format in newspaper online. This development is one of the efforts of the owners of capital to respond to technological developments. Yes, a communication can not be separated from all the technological developments that impact on the development of the media.

Form of online media presence has changed the mindset of the business media. Previously, they argued that the print media is ideal to meet the needs of the general public. Meanwhile, television and radio will not be able to match the accomplishments of the print media, both in terms of the depth of the material and the freedom of viewing things. Although it has its own advantages, television and radio still does not reach what has been accomplished print media.

However, the development, the three types of media is considered as the traditional media because new media now appears to be based in the virtual world. New media is present in Indonesia to replace and get rid of the dominance of traditional media in Indonesia. Without thinking, business media, both print and electronic, expanded to come explore the world of online. This is done to improve services and provide satisfaction to its loyal customers. Employers media does not want to be left loyal customers began to turn around and enjoy the ease of access to new media.

Technical Difference Media Print and Online Media

Basically, not just the traditional media (newspapers, television, and radio) that penetrated the online world can apply what is in conventional media into an online-based media for different characteristics of the two media.

Here are the technical differences between print and online-based media.

1. The manuscript length restrictions
  • The print media. The manuscript is usually limited, such as 5 to 7 quarto pages typed 2 spaces.
  • Media-based online. There is no term limit rules text for web pages to accommodate the script with unlimited length. But for reasons of access speed, beauty, and other technical reasons, the length of the manuscript should be avoided.
2. Procedure Scripts
  • The print media. The manuscript should be in-ACC first by the editors before being loaded.
  • Media-based online. Procedure is the same text as the print media rules. But, there are some online-based media who invited reporters in the field to upload directly writings.
3. Editing
  • The print media. If you have entered the process of going to press, the manuscript can not be edited anymore.
  •  Media-based online. Although it has been online, the script can still be edited freely. But usually, the editing process only deals with technical issues such as fixing typos and the like.
4. Task layout
  • The print media. Each edition, layout and designers have to keep working.
  • Media-based online. programmers and designers to work just enough so, that at the beginning of the manufacture of the site.
5. Schedule Published
  • The print media. Published periodically (daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.).
  • Media-based online. Sunrise at anytime and there is no specific timetable, except for the types of rubrics or specific posts.
6. Distribution
  • The print media. Although finished printing, the print media can not be directly read by the general public before passing through the distribution process.
  • Media-based online. when uploaded, all news can be directly read by all people around the world who access the internet.

Online Media - Characteristics of Online Journalism

In addition to having the technical differences with the print media, online media based journalism also has its own characteristics. Here are the characteristics of online journalism.
  • Real time. Events, news, and other information can be instantly disseminated when the incident is ongoing. This nature may not be too different from the kind of traditional media such as TV and radio.
  • How real time publication these are liberal because not constrained by the limits of time and schedule publication or broadcast. That is, it can be published at any time and at any point during the network connected to the Internet. The publisher can publish events and news instantly. This factor is very allows Internet users to obtain information about the development of the latest events.
  • Characteristics next online journalism is to present multimedia elements. Multimedia elements makes online journalism can deliver the form and contents of this publication are more diverse than traditional media journalism. This characteristic is especially present in web journalism.
  • Are interactive. By leveraging existing hyperlinks on a web, online journalism works to provide information that is connected to other sources. This means that users can enjoy a variety of information effectively and efficiently. In addition, the comment form fasilities reader comments on a paper in the online journalism is a value that is not owned by the conventional media.
  • It does not require a formal organization and formal legal press as an institution. In certain contexts, this organization could even be eliminated.
  • It does not require the editor or editor as in a conventional newspaper. Thus, there is no party that can help people to choose which information that makes sense and is not.
  • Not known to the subscription fee so that the user has the freedom to choose the information. In this case, users only have to subscribe to access the internet.
    More likely to be documented because the shape of the digital network

Although the issues presented is the same as the conventional media, but its real-time, online-based media makes more up to date because it raises issues that are central warmly discussed. In fact, today many conventional media coverage of the mimic-based online media. Thus, it can be said online-based media has more value than the conventional media.

Online-based media has now proven its glory. Yes, the print newspaper for decades controlled the majority of people as readers, are now supplanted by online-based media presence. For the first time in the history of media, ad revenue and readers of media in cyberspace has surpassed print newspaper.

Well, that's the reviews about the online media began to rule the world. May be useful !

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