Thursday, February 28, 2013

Numbers in Sports Athletics

Numbers in Sports Athletics. Do you know if the sport of athletics is one of the oldest sports ? Yes, according to history, athletics had been around since ancient Greece. Some exercise numbers even contested, and the participants are people of ancient Greece.

Athletics Sports - Local Culture of Ancient Greece

Although not use sophisticated equipment, as now, the sport of athletics in ancient times already offers the hot. Some games must always boisterous by the audience as well as those following the race. The race in the various branches of athletics has even got the attention of an ancient Greek king who was then in power.

Excitement generated by the athletics sport turned out last. Based on the traditions of the ancient Greeks, athletics is then developed and well known to many people of the world until now. Conservation of athletics can be seen from the convening of the Olympics. In the past, various sports athletics championships not too much as it is now. The numbers also do not much contested.

Athletics is a sport that includes numbers running, jumping, throwing, and roads. The most frequent athletic competitions are track and field competitions (track and field), ran the highway, cross-country running and brisk walking. The simplicity of the race, and no need for expensive equipment, makes athletics a sport most often contested in the world. The rules also tend to be simple, so anyone can play it.

Etymology Sports Athletics

Athletics comes from the Greek word "athlos", which means "the race". Formerly, this term refers to the general athletic contest, the race sport which is mainly based on physical strength. In the 19th century in Europe, the definition of the term athletics narrowed so that only refer to numbers running, walking, jumping, and throwing.

Athletics have competed at the Ancient Olympics since 776 BC. Currently, under the athletic sports body the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). In addition to the Olympics, the most prestigious athletics championships is the IAAF World Championships and World Indoor Championships. With regard to the origin itself athletics, athletics has become one of the sport that a lot of attention by students of history as well as sports.

Branch Sports Athletics

Developments ensued. Initially only a few numbers, athletics was finally increased. Here are some numbers that regular athletic sports are contested :

Branch Athletics Sports - Track and Field (track and field)

Stadium track and feld form an oval running track and the grass on the inside. Number of track and field events held at the stadium indoor or outdoor use. For indoor athletics championships are usually held in the winter, while the outdoor championship held in the spring and summer. Number includes sprint track (sprints), middle distance running, long-distance running, hurdling and relay.
  1. Sprint includes number 60 m (special indoor), 100 m, 200 m, and 400 m.
  2. Middle distance running include the 800 m, 1,500 m, and 3,000 m (special indoor).
  3. Distance running covering the 5,000 m and 10,000 m.
  4. Hurdles include the net number of 60 m, 100 m wicket, wicket 110 m, 400 m hurdle, hurdles and 3,000 m.
  5. Relay consists of 4 × 100 m and 4 × 400 m.
In addition to the track number, also known athletic field numbers. Number field includes jumping and throwing. Numbers jump itself includes long jump, jump transmissible, high jump and pole vault. To throw numbers include shot put, discus throwing, palm hammer, and javelin. In addition, there is also a combination of numbers, the pentathlon (especially indoor), and the decathlon. All numbers in athletics is widely contested on various sporting events.

Branch Sports Athletics - Road Running Number

Numbers run from athletics was held on the highway, even though the big championships, finished the race settled on the track stadium. Highway running for the most popular is a marathon (42.195 km is). Other distances usually contested on the highway includes 5 km, 10 km, 10 miles, 20 km, and a half marathon (21,097.5 km).

Running Trails - Sports Athletics

In athletics this one, participants must pass through the countryside, fields, mountains, rivers, forests, and so on. Competition can be a cross-country race or group of individuals. Cross-country race is the most prestigious IAAF World Cross Country Championships. Nature trail is also part of the modern pentathlon competitions at the Summer Olympics. Type athletics seems very fitting for you who want to exercise at the same time admiring the scenery in the countryside.

Cross country has also been contested at the Summer Olympic Games between 1912 and 1924. However, after it was removed from the Olympic cross country. The most commonly contested distances are 12 km (men), 8 km (women and junior men), and 6 km (junior girls). Between 1998 and 2006 at the World Cross Country Championships, also held a short distance number, which is 4 km sons and daughters.

Cross country also often held for students ranging from elementary school through high school. Distance competition for high school students differed by age of the participants. In this race, all school students certainly enthusiastic. They even can not think of a gift given, but the satisfaction of "play" with friends. Running around not hobby some of them ?

In a number of athletic sports cross country, track crossings were adjusted for age levels.

Age Group Distance
  • Under 6 years of 1 km
  • 7 and 8 years 2 km
  • 9-12 years 3 miles
  • 13 and 14 years and 4 km
  • 15-18 5 km
  • Fast Way - Sports Athletics
Sport athletics brisk numbers are usually held on the highway, though sometimes also competed on the track. In a fast road race, the participants must always be one of the stamped their feet on the street or the track and stepped in front of the leg should be straight, not be bent at the knee. Competitors who violate this rule will be disqualified.

Sport athletics brisk numbers were first introduced in the Olympics in 1908 (London Olympics). Who competed at that distance is 3,500 m and 10 km. Fast street number is not contested at the Olympics 1928. However, the 1932 Olympics, contested number brisk 50 km sons. Since the 1956 Olympics, added the number brisk 20 km sons. Number brisk new daughter held at the 1992 Olympics.
Sport athletics in modern championships contested distances covering 10 km, 20 km, and 50 km. Especially for indoor track, the distance is contested is 3 km (daughter) and 5 km (son). All developing athletics really up to date. At the age was no longer young, athletic sports still not losing demand. Athletes from sports athletics keep looking at sport as a masterpiece. They continued to hang on and try my best to provide the best performance for this athletics.

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