Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Watch Online TV Through Internet ?

How to Watch Online TV Through Internet ? Who does not like to watch Online TV via the Internet ? Sure everyone likes to watch TV via the Internet activity, especially with the kinds of program that aired the show. In fact, when a TV station broadcasting your favorite program, we will be willing to break for a moment from the other activities we do to enjoy our favorite TV shows.

In fact, there are times when we cancel out the house to be able to watch football games broadcast live by some TV station, or perhaps live music events featuring our idol. However, advances in technology increasingly makes it easy to access your favorite TV show. To be able to watch live TV, now we do not need to stay at home alone. The era of information technology, more and add our options for alternative entertainment, including watching TV over the internet.

Watching TV over the Internet provides the video that concept, not static, and always updated every time to keep track of events. Excess TV viewing via the Internet than conventional TV is broadcast online TV can be accessed freely.

To be able to watch TV via the Internet, you need to do is connect the computer with an Internet connection. Internet TV or TV Online is also known as the Television on the Desktop (TOD), TV over IP (Television over Internet Protocol) or Internet Protocol Television, Vlog, and Vodcast. Internet Television, the system works very different to conventional TV.

Both conventional TV and online TV show many similar events. However, online TV providing more choice, and can be enjoyed for free with no subscription fees broadcast TV, except for the cost of the internet connection. Watching TV on the Internet more accessible to internet users seeking the shows that appeal to them whether it's entertaining or educational. A variety of themes ranging from the reality show events, the latest news from around the world, to celebrity gossip abroad, available in many sites that can be accessed online TV for free.

Growth of online TV era could not be separated from the role of Steve Mann. He recorded his daily life and spread Life casting video via the internet. Recordings are then uploaded to a personal website which then attract more people to watch it. What was done by Steve Mann was followed by many people that in 1998, Mann founded life caster community who have an interest in making online TV on the Internet.

Then, in 2003, the concept of Web 2.0 was introduced by O'Reilly Media. After the concept was launched web, a wide range of emerging Internet services, such as Internet TV stations, which are not only managed by the TV station, but mostly run by individual Internet users are showing their daily lives (Life casting). Well, maybe you're interested in creating their own online TV? The equipment required is quite simple, namely a video camera, computer, and Internet connection. Imagine, to capitalize these tools, you can have your own TV online broadcast.

Watch Online TV Through Internet - Types Through Internet TV Show

Watching Online TV on the internet can be divided into several categories as follows :
  • Vlog (video web logging) is a kind of blog that displays the information in the form of video and is usually found in personal blogs. Watching TV on the internet with this kind of ease viewers choosing TV shows anytime and anywhere according to their respective tastes.
  • Vodcast or video podcast, which is broadcast online TV system is commonly used to refer to broadcast video on demand, broadcast TV is broadcast via the RSS or Atom. Excess impression is you can download it in a file format or streaming directly witnessed.
  • Life casting is broadcast streaming video of a person or an object with digital media. Video streaming life casting is usually broadcast live and constantly so that the audience can witness the development of video objects in chronological order. One website that makes it easy for internet users to make these types of online TV is
Watch Online TV Through Internet - Method in Internet TV Broadcast

In the world of internet TV, there are two methods of broadcasting, which is a technique broadcasting and streaming techniques.
  • Broadcasting Engineering. Broadcasting techniques developed from the vodcast. This technique is supported by a number of applications such as Miro, Blinkx, and Joost, which serves to record the number of events from multiple sites. Visitors to the site simply select what shows to watch in person or downloaded first.
  • Streaming Technique. Streams can also be referred to as direct broadcast multimedia data from a service provider's server to our personal computing devices. The smoothness and quality impressions played very dependent on the speed of your Internet connection. Initially, the technique uses streaming QuickTime Movie (. Mov), but is now more widely used Flash Video.
Tools Needed for Can Watch Online TV Through Internet
To be able to watch TV via the Internet, of course we need the computers, both personal computers, laptops, netbooks and tablet PCs are now being popular, or device smartphone with high speed mobile internet. High speed internet connection will affect the quality of broadcast that we watch online. Internet connections were still using dial-up not recommended system because multimedia archive data distribute very large.

A broadband connection is recommended because it has a higher speed internet connection than dial-up system. The greater the speed of the Internet connection, the better the quality impression. At speeds of more than 512 kbps, we will be pampered with a quality display of HD (High Definition). Certain PC specifications are also required to be used to watch TV over the internet.

To be able to watch TV via the Internet with a comfortable, PC has a specification that is used at least Windows XP Service Pack 2 with DirectX 9.0c, Pentium 4 1GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 32 MB graphics card with DirectX support. Speakers with good sound quality and the screen is sharp and wide will add comfort in watching your favorite shows broadcast TV online.

Keep in mind, some sites online TV providers require computer equipment that we use have had limited applications such as Adobe Flash Player or Java. But if there is no, the application can be downloaded easily and free. For smartphone user, broadcasters also have special application for smartphones that use the Android operating bases. Recently, Trans Corp (Trans Tv and Trans7) launched the My Trans whose applications can be downloaded and installed on your Smartphone. Earlier, Metro TV have been first launched similar applications.

Watch TV Through Internet by P2P Streaming
One technology that is used for the purpose of watching TV over the internet include P2P streaming, which promises a more diverse digital entertainment. P2P allows us to watch more than 3,000 international TV channels online. P2P streaming is a software which is distributed directly without going through a central server. Compared with traditional streaming media, P2P Stream can broadcast TV programs online with a more stable and smoothly to broadband users. Currently, most of the TV channels online with Streaming P2P system comes from China, Hong-Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.

The websites Watch Online TV Through Internet Indonesia
In Indonesia, many emerging websites featuring broadcast TV online. For those of you who want to watch TV on the Internet, here are some online TV broadcasts run by the private TV station in Indonesia, among others:,, and

Excess watching TV over the internet but can be done from anywhere, of course you can watch the shows TV from abroad without having to subscribe. In fact, you not only get to watch Life casting, but also can be life caster own. How, interested in trying ?

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