Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Delicious Indonesian Culinary Tour

Delicious Indonesian Culinary Tour. When you get bored with tours to places of interest outside the city, culinary tour can be an alternative. Culinary Tour no need to get out of town. You just look for references or information about where good food in your city. Sure to culinary need a budget is not small. And we should not be preoccupied with the choice of tourist sites with culinary tourism. Activities that you do not exhausting activity, you just ate.

With a culinary tour you can find various types of food be it traditional or even foreign countries. Culinary tourism is very interesting, we learned a flavor richness of our country. Perhaps this time we do not know the specific type of food. With a culinary tour you come to know and would not hurt you to try at home cooking recipes.

Culinary in the Veranda of Mecca

Articles culinary tour this time down the pleasure to invite you to the typical dishes porch of Mecca. What are the foods that, consider the following.

Cheap Budget Travel Culinary

If you come to Aceh, you should not be surprised if every stride 10 yards down the road wherever there is a coffee shop and a wide open waiting for buyers. The people of Aceh are people who loved to sip the coffee. So do not be surprised if the main streets of the city of Banda Aceh, the smell of coffee wafted up into the street. Call it Black & White Coffee Seuti, The Next Coffee, Dhapu Kupi Simpang Surabaya, and many other distinguished.

Taverns were generally has exclusive class. There are presents live music even install wifi to attract buyers.

The same is not true for the coffee shop in the Ulee Kareng. Shop located at the Ulee Kareng is famous for very simple serving specialty coffee Aceh, Sanger. Sanger is made from a mixture of coffee and milk are filtered to sight. That reportedly Aceh coffee Ulee Kareng already famous to foreign countries.

Down the Kingdom Lhong area, your eyes will be focused on a small shop called Mibo Mie Aceh. There is presented an assortment of noodle dishes Aceh, Aceh ranging from crab noodles, fried noodles until noodles seafood, everything is delicious. The price offered was not expensive, ranging from $1-$1.5/porsi.

Tasting Canai

Down the street at Seutu Uma, you'll find plenty of restaurants and coffee shops. One of the restaurants serves Malay is Canai Mamak, a Malay restaurant that sells a wide range of grind. Perhaps Canai Mamak is the most loved by teens Aceh, because it's a comfortable, full music, also fasilitast wifi. It feels good, no doubt. The price offered was varied ranging between 6-8 thousand.

Kare Shark

Aceh is famous for its enchanting beaches. Call it Lampuuk. Near the beach there is a restaurant called Lam Lhom Rasai simple. The place is simple, even far from luxurious. Outdoor cooking can be seen clearly from the dining room. But the cuisine offered here are amazingly cheap, tasty and tempting. Curry goat and curry shark into the restaurant's menu favorites. Well ..., kare shark ? Usually sharks that eat humans. But this time people are eating sharks! You should try. It was tasty and not fishy.

Catch Chicken, Chicken Culinary Typical Aceh

You can also visit the area Lampineung. There are a restaurant named Cut Deck. In the restaurant there are special menus named chicken catching. Acehnese people used to call it with chicken litter. This chicken is chicken which burned with a typical trap Aceh. Chicken not presented in full gear, but cut into small pieces. Sambal is a chili chicken companion plek-u, and the typical prawn sambal Aceh.

In addition to the above culinary tourism, there are still a lot of the menus served at the Veranda of Mecca this earth. Indeed, you should visit the city of Aceh alone than to read the story. Sure, if you are the trip here, for sure you will be satisfied with her cooking. Congratulations on Earth foyer culinary Mecca.

Some place in Mojokerto Culinary Tour

Mojokerto is one small town is about sixty miles from the center of the level of the local government of East Java, Surabaya. Mojokerto divided into two regions, districts and cities. But, nevertheless culinary attractions in the region would be able to say the same. Actually, since the first Mojokerto known as a destination for culinary tourism. There are many foods that are typical food Mojokerto, one onde-onde. However, if you search every corner of the region Mojokerto, both city and county, the culinary tourist spots alike.

Mojokerto is one area of the country which in ancient times was the center of the largest royal government in the country, the Majapahit. However, if you browse some corners region, then there are plenty of places that can be used as a culinary tourism destination. Some places are :

1. Meatballs gravel in front of the Heroes Cemetery

Meatball gravel is simple culinary because they are not too fancy and is only there when before sunset only. Meatball gravel can actually be used as a culinary tour so presentative cause has its own peculiarities than the other types of meatballs. If during this presence in front of the Heroes Cemetery just as 'ampiran' only, then the future must be managed systematically. Culinary meatballs gravel if managed properly, it can be introduced icon Mojokerto region.

2. Krupuk Upil in Alun - Town Square

Krupuk upil is a type of crackers that the pan is done using hot sand. And, snack crackers are already so prevalent in society. Typically, crackers eaten as a dining companion. As a snack, to refine the taste, the chilli crackers upil accompanied by thunderstorm. Sambal is a condiment pastes are delicious and can increase the pleasure of eating crackers upil. If you by Mojokerto, you should make a quick stop into the Town Square, especially at night to enjoy this culinary upil crackers .. We can satisfy our culinary tastes there. And, most importantly the price is not expensive, even very economical.

3. Sate Keong SMK UB

The conch is a type of shellfish that many living in the rice fields. The presence of these snails are considered nuisance by farmers because if they live on the sidelines of rice straw, the snails eat the rice stalks. However, if they are processed into food, is actually very prospective as a culinary interest. There are 2 (two) types of slugs, snails are small and large snails. Both of these kinds of snails actually have taste delicious when cooked into food. Obviously in this case it takes creativity so we can make the food of snails as part of a culinary tour. And, one of the delicious dishes that can be seeded is snail satay.

To cultivate a sate and making culinary tourism destination, we must issue a snail from its shell. Process output snail from its shell begins to boil until boiling. After that, we pick the snails from their shells. If the snail is out of his shell, then we can be pierced with a skewer and burn them on charcoal. Then be snail satay was delicious if flavored as general. This snail satay skewers snail known as SMK UB stand for the place in front of SMK UB. Therefore, you can only eat the night there. With such a beautiful atmosphere, then the actual snail satay SMK UB has a good prospect to be a culinary tour in Mojokerto. Especially if you know the price is very cheap.

4. Sambel Wader in Swimming Segaran

Wader is one of the many freshwater fish found in the waters of the country. Each area actually have these types of fish. Wader including swift water fish species. Apparently, if we cultivate these fish into food, very tasty and tasteful. The more creative we are in the process of fish is, the more delicious flavors available. Hence, we need to think how to make it as a culinary tourism destination.

In areas Segaran, the large pool of relics of the Majapahit Kingdom is a shop that is so good at processing Wader fish into delicious dishes. Actually not a cuisine that well, but really enticing pleasures. At any time the shop is always full of shoppers. If this place is managed as a culinary tourism destination Mojokerto, certainly can thrive.

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