Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Enjoying Youtube Movie - Education and Modernization in Technology

Enjoying Youtube Movie - Education and Modernization in Technology. Youtube movie to this day has become a community favorite sites around the world. This is because youtube movie presents an interesting and different from the other sites, because in this movie youtube we can find and download the movie download is that we want to and we love.

Both the latest film and movie that has not come up, so the fans who still want to watch it can easily to watch it again. Youtube movie is a search engine of his film and video, so we can easily search for movies or video we're looking for by entering a key word that we will enter, and then later the results will look like it does on the site google.

Youtube movie also presents both local films in Indonesia, as well as films from abroad. It's not a taboo anymore if our society was very fond of watching movies, once we got to watch the movie or buy the VCD and DVD. However, due to the sophistication of today's technology we have other alternatives as a means to watch movies and other things that a virtue youtube movie because we can download it for free. The fans of the film is of course quite often visit youtube movie, especially if it appears there is a new movie, then they'll look at this film youtube site.

Not only does the film youtube that provide services to download the movie, there are many other sites that provide a practical and movie downloads free too. There are several websites and blogs that can be used to download movies for free besides youtube movies. It certainly makes it easy especially for those who can not afford to go to the cinema or because too much if you have to go to a movie, then a site like this is very suit to download movies for free and practical.

Technology Invention

The sophistication and technological progress today is increasingly fierce and fabulous, various things that were originally considered unlikely and impossible, is now a reality and the benefits can be felt by mankind. And, it is the result of innovation than the human mind.

More and more discoveries here all beyond expectations

However, open means that in ancient times there was no discoveries prestigious. Precisely previous discoveries can still be utilized by mankind to date, and also became the forerunner of modern discoveries in the present. Of course, we are still very great inventor who remember the old days that discovery is still very beneficial to this such as:
  • Electrical inventor Thomas Edison and the light bulb.
  • C. Marconi the inventor of radio.
  • James Watt was the inventor of the steam engine.
  • Rudolf Diesel the inventor of the diesel engine.
  • Inventor Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.
  • Johannes Gutenberg inventor of the printing press.
  • Inventor Christopher Sholes typewriter.
  • J.L Baird and Jenkins C.F television inventor.
  • Alexander Graham Bell inventor of the telephone.
Those are some names famous inventors who have managed to find the tools of advanced technology and outstanding. Since the discovery that they are still popular to this day, and of their discovery became the forerunner also the discovery of the day. Their findings also encountered many challenges in the process, but they often fail to keep trying and trying not to get discouraged until their discovery also led to the results to date we enjoy the benefits.

Surely if they can imagine straight down at the time we may not realize the benefits of their discoveries were extraordinary. Until now many more new discoveries in the world of cutting-edge technology, such as social networks facebook and twitter, google, youtube movies which are also presenting something that is highly unusual for contemporary human civilization.

Of course, we are currently living in modern times, not to human well being technology illiterate classic alias. Because when we are apathetic and lags behind the world of technology tips will have difficulty in carrying out activities of life.

Modernization and Technology

And, the fact is it is still very much the people of Indonesia who have stuttering technology, there are a few factors indeed. Could be because they are apathetic, or indeed the lack of input gain knowledge about current technology.

Especially people who are in the country, most of them still left in terms of technology. So do not be surprised if we see things as we felt like they were in the past, although this time we had already at modern era. Modern life is not enough to be measured by the progress of technology alone, because not all of the people present had already mastered the technology. Modern life seems to still apply to those who are able to follow the flow of time, but for those who are left behind and can not follow the flow of their day can not be said to be modern.

However, modernization did not necessarily make the man may become proud and arrogant, because it did not conform to the prevailing norms of society. The existence of a modern era it describes human life is more advanced than ever. However, this does not necessarily make the condition of society in order to be no dichotomy of life and also left a long tradition, because modernization not only in the technological aspects but also in behavior could certainly be better.

Growing perception that it is currently addressing the modern is left of the old tradition, which though not necessarily the long-standing tradition was always ugly. And, no doubt also if the damage to the nation at this time was due to a modernization and will respond well to use traditional technology. Thus, many more happy BBM's, facebook's, than by reading a book or discussion groups. Things like this is not expected to occur yanh of technological advances and the current modernization.

Old tradition is to educate give a good thing of course, we must keep hold even in the modern era and we can not leave aside, too, that the old tradition also had a great influence on human civilization. One of the old traditions that have kept us maintain until now of course worship, chanting, fasting and pilgrimage. Those are all old tradition that should keep us maintain, as it relates to worship, or in the social tradition of mutual cooperation, then it must still keep us well.


Technology is only a tool that makes our life activities only, but in other aspects of life that we can not leave the old tradition. Although currently youtube movie is popular today, what's the harm if you watch the screen step was held back as long as she had seen the film is a good film and quality.

Watching movie is the need for self-control to do so, because there is rarely watch too much causes a lot of obligations also make yourself a lazy, especially for children who are still very necessary under the supervision of the movies they watch, because if lack of supervision of their parents will be spectators without rules, which should be for 17 years and over, but the consumption of children.

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1 Response to "Enjoying Youtube Movie - Education and Modernization in Technology"

  1. I enjoy a couple of from the Information which has been written, and particularly the comments posted! I will definitely be visiting again! YouTube Comments


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