Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Knowing About Game

Knowing About Game. Feel the sensation of a tough player Roger Federer. Experience the challenge of this game and be ranked first in the world tennis championship. Roger Federer was born in 1981 the young tennis player who was ranked No. 1 in the world tennis. He still played to this day. With the game Roger Federer's Tennis Open on the phone, you can feel the thrill of playing tennis. Feel the spirit of competition to be the top like Roger Federer.

Games Roger Federer's Tennis Open consists of 5 languages, namely English, French, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish. You can directly compete on a world tour or practice first so proficient. You also can choose the championships that will be followed, namely U. S. Cup, Australian Slam, Inter Paris, and London Thropy.

The steps to change the settings
  • On the start menu select [Options]
  • In the settings menu you can change the language, specifying volume, number of sets per match, and the number of games per set
  • The last option of the menu setting is [Skin] to specify the desired background color game, there is a choice of 7 colors background
How to Play :
  • At the start menu, you can choose whether you want to practice first or go straight into the game world tour. Select [Training] to practice and [World Tour] for direct entry into the long game
  • If you select [Training], then you will go into the choice of the game, players who want to play and players who become your rival. Once completed specify, press [Play]
  • Use the center navigation key to hit the ball, and the navigation key way to catch the ball
  • To exit the game, press the right soft key, then it will be out to continue the game menu, or specify a new game
  • The menu on the game options [World Tour] is almost the same as the training, the difference is when you stop the game in the middle of the game, when you want to play again, There is only option to continue the game. You can not start a new game
  • In addition to the World Tour menu is [Ranking] to see the development of your ranking during the match, while the [Global Ranking] used to see your ranking compared to other players who also play this game. You will be connected to the server to see this Global Ranking.

Privileged Games
  • You can practice to be proficient in Tennis court
  • Compete with other players around the world in 4 kinds of championships
  • Available in a choice of 5 languages and a choice of 7 colors background
Large File: 327kB
Price: free
Mobile: Symbian S60 OS
Website: http://www.ninj.com

Rinso, a detergent product, never give a gift of a booklet containing information about the game of Indonesian children are now being forgotten. Especially, in the big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, and other big cities in Indonesia. It is natural to happen because children who live in urban areas spent more time at home and shopping malls nearby.

In addition, the city kids tend to like the game. Because it is practical and can be played anywhere and anytime. Distinct as a classic game
require another player to be able to play it. Call it playing hide and vituperation, then we need a hide and seek a job other opponent.

But there are also classic game can play alone without a friend. For example, a kite, play gangsing, or yoyo. It's not easy to change habits of city kids in choosing the type of play. But all these efforts will not be wasted. Gradually, the children in the city will be familiar with
classic game if there continues to introduce to them.

Children learn in the world of play. The game can not be released to the world of children, ranging from small to the present time we are still true phenomenon. The action that forces a child to not play it is currently assessed as a fatal error. Why? Because kids will train the intellect, emotional intelligence and motor skills through play.

A child who used to play with kids his age would have the courage and good communication. Compared with children who always spends his time at home, playing with the game console or online games. This is why we invite kids to get out of the house and he introduce with games that involve a lot of children.

In addition to playing with
classic game, children can also invite us to adventure or camping in a natural. Suppose we take the kids to camp in the woods or a campsite if you want a natural atmosphere. Nature of free will give freshness to the children. Can also refreshing to children after school once weekly.

Trans7 TV

Trans7 with his "Si Bolang" program is also trying to promote traditional games native to Indonesia. Through the adventures of the boy taken by adventurers who come from various parts of Indonesia, is looking to promote the program to the community that Indonesia is rich with children's games.

Effect Game Against Traditional Games
Games that use computers and the internet has been blinded and made the children of Indonesia is not easy to get along and are less able to negotiate with others. The situation is quite alarming among educators. Interpersonal intelligence is expected to grow through the game turned out to be difficult to do if the child is too fixated on individual games that do not involve real people, as happened in the game play online.

Many times, education observers and people who care about education invites parents drive their children to want to play outside and breathe the air outside to play with their peers. The fact that parents prefer to take their children to the mall is also a concern in itself.

Technology in the world of kids' play now much more negative impact on the development of children. This is also due to the negligence of parents who relinquish children to play unsupervised. Online game types do exist in terms involving communication and cooperation between players to each other,

But engagement with someone through online will not have much effect on the mental development of children. Indeed, we often encounter even the words that come out of their speech, because it mimics speech adults who also play online games at Internet cafes or in the game itself.

To avoid addictive game kid online, then introduce children to the traditional type of play is interesting. For example, such plots vituperation, gobak Sodor, hopscotch, etc., they would be more happy to get along with other children.

Physical and Mental

1. Kite

Flying kites not only teaches patience and strategy to know the wind direction. This game also requires a physical specimen. Happiness can raise the kite at a certain height will make a child's brain secrete endorphins which are natural morphine. When the child is getting happier, intellectual and emotional development will also be developed.

In order to know how useful this kite game, every year there is a kite festival at the international level Parang Kusumo Beach, Yagyakarta. In addition, the game teaches kite diverse cultures that exist in Indonesia. It can be seen in the Kite Museum in Jakarta. Making kites are also taught simple math laws.

Playing kite can make children practice some motor skills and power he thought. In addition, children are often running around will have a strong and healthy body. Chasing a kite dropped like a race run between his hunters. Of course this also adrenaline in children, so that they also honed courage to pursue competition kite.

Flying kites there also showing the beauty of the kite when flying in the air. With each show the beauty of the design competition kite. Children will learn to design and design, expertise is needed in improving the skills of children as they grew up.

2. Yoyo

Indonesia has international yoyo players. Even so, it still is a very exciting game was lost with the rise of facebook and online games made by children. Creativity makes various movements and forms of Games yoyo not only train the child's imagination, but also the development of their motor skills.

3. Congklak

Congklak game is very simple. However, this game teaches honesty and the art of calculating and implementing proven strategies to win.

4. Jump Rope

Jump rope game that usually involves a lot of kids, in addition to fostering the physical, will teach children to be able to tolerate each other and appreciate the friends who were waiting their turn.

Efforts to Introduce Kids To
classic game

Now there are numerous associations parent or event which aims to remind and enhance the children of today about the game in the past. Past games are very exciting for the play. But not necessarily with the kids today are already in love with the digital and online world.

But if you think about it
classic game effect is very good for children who are still in period of development and growth. Therefore adults today need also to pay attention to the plight classic game left by the millennium generation.
Classic game that traditionally is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia. Therefore it is the responsibility of all parties concerned with the problem of culture and education. It seems that awareness began to grow flowers education and among practitioners and social institutions in the society. Introduction classic game been done by the media such as television and print media Trans7 others.

There are also some teachers who consider trivial the issue. Because they think only spent
classic game children. Where time is supposed to be used for learning. This argument may be true, but if it is returned to the theories of education and growth of children then the opinion is wrong.

We can not force a child to continue learning endless. If we were smart to nurture children, then we make or communicate to kids about schedules play, rest and play. With communication can give the child the option to determine their daily activities. So kids do not feel the compulsion to learn school material but learning with the awareness, of course, he will learn more heartily because the feelings were excited.

In addition to games, there are many other games. Including, soccer, gobak Sodor, indoor soccer, hide-and-seek, marbles, dakocan, engkling, and the type of exercise that will help children's physical and emotional development.

Hopefully writing about classical
classic game can add to our concerns would heritage. Precious heritage but are now beginning to be forgotten by the nation. Indonesia has a cultural nation wide and very beautiful when it delved further. Classic game also like that, to actually play the kids practice for tolerance and mutual respect.

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