Monday, February 25, 2013

Early Childhood Education Description

Early Childhood Education Description. As a parent, provide education to children is one of the obligation that is not negotiable. A mother should train and teach children, even some experts recommend to practice since he was in the womb, so soon after a big smart kid. Finding methods of proper education of children under five was a challenge.

Imagine having children who are polite, courteous, happy to help and pay attention to you when it would have been very pleasant old age. But, it's all a struggle of you as parents. How do you provide care for the child to be like that of course must be considered. There is no gain without struggle and sacrifice everything was back again to the parents who are responsible for their children.

There is a saying, he who sows the wind shall reap the storm and who sows he will reap the fruit seeds. The point of this saying is we are not to stand idly by with our current situation. So the parent is an active and instrumental in educating your children.

Therefore, a mother must learn from the experience gained in a family, because it is the custodian of a child of God. Keep your child is lovingly and realize that juvenile delinquents are part of the learning process. Give a good understanding and loving them.

Never give harsh words for their misbehavior, so that they become afraid of you or afraid to even move at all. Let children express themselves. So that they are more confident. Do not allow children to feel uncomfortable in her own home. Often we find a child afraid of the parents, the parents are the cause is irritable. If it is so, then who will educate him be a good boy ? Patience is absolutely necessary.

As equally known that a child is still very innocent, they were surrendered to his parents to form and educate them, whether it will be a good one, people do not care, people are rude, and so on. In the education of children under five is good and true, the role of parents is really needed. Treat it well, then he will grow up to be a good boy.

If you want to realize, the mindset of children is a reflection of the attitude of their parents. So, if parents want to educate children and infants properly, be a good parent, too. Do not get used to lie in front of the child and also do not fight in front of children. Keep high-pitched voice, harsh words from hearing them, because it will cause trauma to children. So, love your children is the attitude that the best attitude in Childhood Education.

Learning Methods for Early Childhood Education

Toddler educational learning method is indeed very important for parents. Having a child's brain growth increased at the age of 0-5 years. At this time the child is introduced to learning activities. In the early recognition of these learning activities, parents play an important role, so that learning can be optimized and the error can be reduced. Parents also need to improve their understanding, because of the lack of understanding parent can be one of the factors inhibiting the kids in learning.

Several methods of learning that you can practice to educate children is as follows.
  • Parents can introduce to start a job and finish the job. Surely not work like adults, let the children play according to what they want and let them do it to finish.
  • Teach your child to complete the task alone. Let your child choose a toy they like and let them play with toys is it without her, you just simply watching. This method will be very influential on her life by doing the job themselves because they will be the one that does not depend on others.
  • Train children to love reading and writing. Give your child is a means to write or draw and release is the kids to doodle their liking. Do not comment while children draw, because in addition to disturb his concentration, it also can make it insecure.
Types of Education in Children
Education there are two kinds, namely formal and non-formal education. Formal education is a systematic teaching, tiered, structured. Formal education is commonly recognized as a school. While formal education is an activity organized and systematic learning outside formal education.

Non-formal education can also mean a learning process that goes on throughout the life. The learning process is more about teaching norms. As parents, of course, we want more children supreme among his friends, sooner than mastering his friends, and had an outstanding achievement. However, parents should not force their children.

When the child was not ready to receive an education, he would be saturated with it. Learning to be the most boring. If you continue to force it with no attempt to make it at home, it can be fatal in. Children can feel frustrated and depressed. Especially if you are demanding more of his abilities.

Never Too Loud Educating Children

You never get angry or annoyed at the child ? Must have. It will be arrested children as something sad, scary, or even children will feel threatened by it. Despite this, the point is not it, you're angry because you care, love, children can not accept that explanation. All he knew, was a sign of affection and concern for doing good, not with anger.

In every man there are two sides. The first of these so-called baby-self. The personality is still present on the child until she was an adult. Baby-self wanted a relaxed, casually itself even as it makes other people angry. The second is a Mature-self. Mature-self, shows the high and responsible attitude will be obvious when the children get older or when he is outside the purview of the most beloved people.

Parental emotion felt is the fruit of love for children. Parents commanding her son to do something because they want their children to learn to do something useful. Parents ask their children to stop doing something because you want it to grow into a good boy. Parents banned him from something that parents want to protect it.

Children can feel the feelings felt by parents just by watching body language. This becomes important when you are talking about happened to be angry. No need to nag, lecture, because by just reading the body language, the child will understand that you're angry.

Basic Education Program Capabilities
Basic activities is prepared to educate toddlers ability to achieve according to the stage of development. Development of basic skills include :
  1. Language, language is the main communication tool for a child to express various desires like any needs. Children who have good language skills in general have the ability thinking and interactive action with the environment.
  2. Creativity; development is to make children creative and flexible in speech, thought, and work out your hands and body as a training exercise fine motor and gross motor skills.
  3. The intellect; development is intended that the education of children under five were able to link the knowledge that is already known by the new knowledge gained. Such as:
  4. Calling sequence of numbers
  5. Count
  6. Know lambing numbers
  7. Classifying color
  8. The name, pointing, and grouping circles.
  9. Skills; skills is one of the capabilities and potential of educational toddler found in every child, so that the potential ability to develop optimally, should be given the basics of skills through training and coaching.
Hopefully with this Childhood Education articles to be useful to readers.

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