Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Various kinds Start and Finish Movement Today in Athletics

Various kinds Start and Finish Movement Today in Athletics. The term start and finish is certainly not an alien thing else in sports, especially in athletics branch run. Yes, the start and finish are the two times will be every athlete altetik branch run. However, do you know if how to make a variety of start it was his technique ? So, how well did finish a good technique it ?

On this occasion, the author will discuss all things about the start, from the definition, various start, until the movements in it. Not only that, the author will provide an overview of the techniques or move good while doing finish in athletics branch run. You're curious, is not it? Here is the discussion.

Understanding the Start

Start is the attitude at the beginning or prefix will make the road or running (especially in a race) by the feet or hands should not be touching the boundary. In other words, we should be in position behind the boundary line. Anyone who violates these rules, competitors who do will be declared to "false start", which is likely to make it disqualified.

Various Start

Various start or prefix in athletics running branch consists of three types. First is the start squatting, both start to drift, and the last start up. Each movement start usually adjusted to the distance that will be pursued. What is the attitude advocated in performing each of these start ? Here is the explanation.

1. Start Squatting

Start squatting is a type commonly used when trying to do the sprints (100 meters) which is known as the sprint or sprint. In practice, when to do start using a beam is usually always start as a footstool. Start squatting movement can be divided into three stages, namely attitudes start at the cue "willing"; attitudes start at the cue "ready", and attitude start when start.

The following describes the movements performed at each stage.

a. Attitudes Start in Aba-aba "Willing"

At the command "ready", the runners advanced to the front of the starting line a little. Then followed by a backward movement of foot to put the feet resting on a block start. The feet are considered more powerful should be placed on the front. Some important things to be aware of the attitude of this start, which is as follows.
  1. The location of the hands slightly wider than shoulder width. The fingers and thumb forming letters V upside down, shoulders forward, slightly ahead of the hands and straight.
  2. Arranged such that the head is not strained neck, jaw slack, eyes looking to the track about 2 meters dep0an starting line.
  3. Body not to tense and labored cool possible.
  4. Focus on the next cue.
  5. Distance lies the legs to the starting line depends on the attitude of the start shape is used, ie the bunch start, start medium, medium elongated start, and the elongated start.
b. Movement on the stay "Ready"

Upon hearing the cue "ready", the movement should be done is as follows.
  1. Tilt your pelvis forward on the quiet to slightly higher than the shoulders. Thus, the line dropped back slightly forward. Weight pinned on the front. This attitude is maintained by keeping the balance of about 2 seconds until the next cue instructed (usually a sound gun).
  2. Low head, neck remain relaxed, down view, about 2 feet in front of the start line.
  3. Arms straight, do not bend your elbows.
  4. At the time of lifting the pelvis, should be accompanied by a deep breathe.
  5. Focus on the next cue or sound of a gun.
c. Start Movement

Movement should be done at the time heard the pistol or the cue "yes" are as follows.
  • Swing your left arm forward and right arm back strongly.
  • The left foot beam resist strong start with, then step right foot as soon as possible, as low as possible, and eventually reach the ground. The first step is approximately 45-75 cm in front of the line start.
  • Weight loss should be rolled forward. From attitude change to stance squatting run, the weight should go up little by little. Do not make a move to the side.
  • Step Running increasingly widened. Six to nine first step is a step in the transition from the steps to the steps start running at full speed.
  • Gradually, eyes shifted to finish line.
  • During the run, breathe normally hold your breath because means be stressful body.
  • There are some mistakes to avoid when conducting start, especially for beginners, is as follows.
  • Lifting the pelvis with moving too fast and suddenly that upset the balance of the body that result in having to wait longer for the next movement. This usually causes the runner made a mistake too early, before the next cue or sound is given a gun, and would precede the other runners so that was declared "false start".
  • Lifting the pelvis up so high that at the time the motion start, too quickly run up and this will result in a reduced speed of the runner.
  • The neck is too tense because looking too far ahead.
  • Do not steal start because it will hurt you. Practice focusing on the cue to start the reaction sharpen.
  • Before you do start, you should warm up properly beforehand, for example by conducting experiments. The aim is to avoid the risk of injury.
2. Start Drift

Start float used in middle-distance running, especially running on or relay, especially in runners second, third, and fourth. The first runner in the relay normally use start squatting. The movement is not as difficult start flying start squatting. Here is a movement made at the time of start flying.
  • Standing posture slightly leaning forward.
  • Foresight.
  • One foot in front of the weight rests on the front foot.
  • The rear leg is used as a stabilizer.
3. Standing Start

Start standing use in long-distance running, such as the marathon and cross-country. Start standing start is a movement of the easiest because it requires no special technique other than stand and focus on cue.
Finish Definition and Technique

Set; ah knowing and understanding a variety of start, now you will be invited to know the finish and technical understanding. Finish is the final gesture at a track meet run branch which is done by touching the finish line. The technique of the finish line of good can be done 3 ways, ie touching the head, chest, and legs.

Engineering touches the finish line with his head bowed head and be done with hand forward. When using the chest, runners have to puff out your chest forward movement. While the technique of touching the finish line with his feet done by one leg stretched forward with long strides.

Well, that's a little discussion about the start, various start and movement, as well as the technical definition touch finish and the finish line well. Hopefully nothing is discussed in this article can give benefit to you, the readers who love sports especially athletics branch run.

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