Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tips To Beautify WordPress Blog

Tips To Beautify WordPress Blog. Feel your blog in WP (Wordpress) less attractive ? Calm down, no need to rush to move the blog. Actually a lot of the facilities provided by that can be used to beautify your wordpress blog. In fact, you can do it yourself according to your taste.

Armed with this knowledge and a little tweaking, you will be guaranteed a blog look more attractive and beautiful. Interesting blog will invite readers to visit your blog. In addition, your blog will also live with the colors and practical features. WordPress is indeed one choice for a blog, because wordpress has the features and appearance that you can work a. That's why most users WP blogs around the world. WP is used ranging from business, education, lifestyle, until to personal.

Beautify Tips Wordpress Blog

Well, for WordPress you more beautiful and attractive, you can perform troubleshooting beautify wordpress blog below :

1. Choosing a Theme or Template

Theme is the foundation to enhance your blog. Blogs that mediocre would be look more alive with theme options to suit the character and content of the blog. Well, to implement these tips, start by opening your wordpress blog.

Once logged in to your WordPress account, click the "appearance", select the "theme". Well, you just choose a template that matches your desires. For example, for a personal blog to highlight the female owner as a woman, you can choose a theme that seemed feminine colors is also an impressive selection of feminine, like pink and others.

Or to blog product offerings, you can choose the theme is elegant and simple, so that visitors can easily receive your business offerings. However, if only choose a color that will not interfere with your writing. Adjust well to the targeted visitors to your blog.

2. Add Plugin

Furthermore, you can use a plugin to beautify the look of the blog. For those of you who do not know, here's notion plugin by

Plugin is a program or set of additional applications containing script functions in PHP that gives features or specific services to enhance the functionality in use wordpress blog, which can be used with blogs using access points and methods provided by wordpress.

To add or select the plugin, click on Tools, then select add new. After that install and edit. For plugins that are already on your computer or laptop, instantly upload and click install now, whereas if you do not have the plugin file, and then click search plugin installed on the right side of the plugin file you are looking for. After that, activate your plugin by clicking Activate Plugin.

3. Adding Widget

In addition to choice of theme, in the "appearance" You can find a selection of "widgets". You can use it to add a widget in the sidebar of the blog. When the widget or add posts are added then it is not installed and you can still add it to your blog.

Apart from the choice of the existing widget, you can also insert other widgets by selecting the "text", then click "Add" and enter the html code in the box. You can fill it with the html code for the chat box, for example, or to Yahoo messenger online status. So you can connect with visitors to your blog directly.

To install the facebook widget on wordpress, how about the same. First, login to your facebook account. Then, click create profile badge on the left sidebar. After that, click on create a new badge and do the settings on your new badge according to your creations. When finished click save. In your facebook account will appear html code that you can copy and paste and insert in your wordpress.

As for the twitter, how about the same. Log in to your twitter account first. Then, click on settings. Look for the blue writing "You can also add Twitter to your site here". Then, click on Widgets. Then will come the selection of widgets for ... Choose for my site. Then, just set your widget designs. After that, copy their HTML and paste it on your blog.

4. Inserting Images

You can include images in your posts easily, so that your writing more readable visitors. Or you can put your photos on the blog sidebar with additional short info for example. The thing to remember is do not put too many pictures, because it will affect the speed of access to your blog.

How, select the image you want to post on the blog and set up on your computer or laptop. Inserting images done when you create a new post by clicking on the icon upload media. Then click select to select the image file that you have prepared. Click the image you want to include on your post, and wait a few moments after the upload is complete. Then fill in some information about the picture to your taste. The last step, click insert into post.

5. Changing Header Image

Header image is the image located on the top of your blog. This image serves as images that reflect the content of your blog so beautiful header images and interesting to attract the attention of the reader.

To change your header image that looks mediocre, click the "appearance" and select the "header" and click the choose button. Then you can insert pictures from your computer, format jpg, png, gif, or animated images to gif file format. After selecting, click the open button. Then click the upload button. Wait a few minutes. Choose a picture with a nice size and quality so that it looks more clear and not broken. If the image upload process is complete, click save

6. Installing Avatar and Blavatar

Avatars are small images like computer icon, which will appear when we both commented on the blog itself or others. You can install it via the "Users", then select "Your Profile". Then browse the picture you want, and upload them to the "My Picture". You can put a picture of yourself as your avatar.

Blavatar is the iconic image of your blog. Picture a small icon will appear in the visitor's browser, right next to the url address of your blog. To install it, click on "Settings", then "General", then upload your image in the "Blog Picture". Images for blavatar usually a icon or symbol. For business blogs usually use the emblem or for general product could also be a symbol that matches the content of your blog.

7. Changing the font

Login to your wordpress, then open a new tab. Enter the address below.

    <span style="font-family: Huruf"> Your writing code ... </ span>

Then, select a code letter and replace the code word letter to letter code of your choice. For the code letters you can see the font type on your laptop. To name a Times New Roman font, change the code to be Times New Roman font, like this

    <span style="font-family: Times New Posts roman"> you ... </ span>

Then, click the publish button.

Now, with the above tips may look your blog more beautiful and cool. However, the thing to remember is not too much added decoration does not really matter because it will make the loading time of your blog be open longer. Make sure your blog is pretty cool, but still provides a useful and beneficial.

Improve Your Wordpress Blog Display
In addition to changing the look, give an interesting writings on your wordpress. Look good without being accompanied by wordpress content that attracts visitors you will only be impressed at the earliest. In addition, an interesting wordpress also determined from the words you use.

Beautify wordpress blog should be done with a pretty sight. Ask the other bloggers so you can continue the creation of your wordpress display properly. Try not to put too many pictures and videos as it will make you the longer loading wordpress. It will make visitors uncomfortable.

In addition to beautifying the blog, in fact you can optimize your blog into economic value. For example, by adding google adsense or other internet marketing program. More info on this can you learn in Learning makes a good blog while looking for additional income.

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4 Responses to "Tips To Beautify WordPress Blog"

  1. Thanks for the fantastic tips about making an wordpress blog beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Usually wordpress blogs are nice but for some features we need to pay them then only we will get a full access. Nice post and thanks for sharing.
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