Monday, February 25, 2013

Prepared before the baby is born !

Prepared before the baby is born ! Before the baby is born, there are several things you should consider, one of them baby supplies. Welcome the baby to the mother giving happiness itself. However, happiness will soon be cradling a baby should not make you forget to prepare for baby supplies. Thus, after the baby is born, you can care for your baby comfortably. Baby should start long before you want your baby is born.

There are some baby items that you must prepare, well before the baby is born or after birth. If you're going to have a second child, baby equipment may already be familiar to you because you already have it. However, for those who will be having her first child, baby gear must you prepare and find out what baby gear would be required. Although you will have a second child, does not mean you do not need a baby, especially if the first child and both sexes differently.

Baby - Regarding Important Things Baby

Baby gear you can get at specialty stores selling baby gear. There provides a variety of baby items for both baby boys and girls. All baby equipment consists of various forms and functions. All are available at baby store so you can freely choose which baby gear you need. However, the complete baby equipment available does not mean you can buy everything. There are some baby gear you should consider whether you need it or not.

There are some important things you need to know related to baby gear. Important things you need to note is that the baby gear you need useful later. What are the important things about baby gear that need our attention? Here are some important things that need your attention.
Do not be stuck with an expensive Baby People think if you buy an expensive baby gear means higher quality. However, in reality it is not so because it is not always the expensive baby gear followed by a good quality too. Many baby items are a little more expensive but the quality is as good as the expensive.

Do not glued to One Brand Baby

Almost the same as the expensive baby gear means good quality, well-known baby brand means quality is also good. Sometimes as many customers, a particular brand or just stay brand we buy brands. Indeed, every brand gives different products in terms of quality, but not necessarily well-known brand that is better than the other brands. In addition, branded baby gear tends to set prices high. So, you choose the brand or quality ?

Do not be wasteful with Baby

You are not required to purchase all of the new baby. These tips can be applied for those who already have children earlier. Especially if the sex of the first child to be born, and that is the same, you should not buy another new baby because you can use a baby of her first child. Even if the two children of different sexes, the older sister still supplies you can use. Only after the baby went two months added up your baby according to his brother.

Consider Baby Equipment
Not all the baby gear you should buy and provide. There are some baby gear that you should consider again whether to buy it or not. What is it ?
  • Baby Books. Baby cribs no longer used, usually used in infants under one year of age. Even for the most part there are babies who do not like to sleep in the crib. However, you can make a crib for the baby to sleep train yourself, just that you should pay attention to in terms of safety. If you choose to purchase cribs that do not have bars lest your baby will be sandwiched in between the bars. Without a crib, baby can even sleep alone beside you. Now there is not a special baby bed complete with pillows and long pillows that can be placed on your side.
  • Stroller. Buying baby gear such as strollers actually not that urgent supplies. Stroller used if we want to invite your child to walk out of the house, but if your baby is more at home, you should not need to buy a baby stroller. If you want to take your baby out, simply use a baby carrier.
  • Table Baby. Baby table ware or commonly called the baby Tafel is a kind of standard-sized tables that are used to change diapers and other baby environment. Changing diapers is usually done in the Tafel baby before the baby is six months old, through six months of worry baby will fall from Tafel baby because your baby can roll over.
  • Baby Basket. Baby basket is typically used when a new baby is born. However, age is not old baby basket, especially if the baby is able to tilt the body, bassinet so dangerous for your baby.
  • Sleep bag. Sleeping bags used for babies to go outside the home such as a doctor, or in the car and the air-conditioned room, instead of a baby blanket. Sleeping bags can only survive until the baby is three months alone, more than three months of the baby's body grow so that the baby is not comfortable using it because of smallness.
If Enables Use Rental Baby
Your baby does not have to buy, especially baby equipment that are not urgent as baby crib and bassinet. You can use baby equipment to hire. So, when you're a big baby, baby gear, and you can revert to it later if you want to have more kids can rent back. More practical way is not it ?

Baby - Baby list the Compulsory You Know

As an expectant mother, you should at least be familiar with and know some kind of baby gear. Especially if you have never set up baby before, you should find out what baby gear you should provide. Baby gear you should provide, among which are the following.

Baby After Childbirth

Long before you give birth, your baby should prepare in a special bag. This is done considering the hospital or maternity home limited supply of baby gear. What are baby items that should be taken ?

You should at least be prepared baby equipment, baby clothes short sleeves and long sleeves as much as 3 pieces, gloves and socks at least 6 sets baby, baby blankets, hats, diapers as 6 pieces, the baby octopus as 6 pieces, cloth to wrap the baby , baby towels, and toiletries such as baby soap, baby oil, shampoo, baby oil, and so on.

After Baby Born
If your baby was allowed to go home, you need to prepare baby gear, including the following.
  • Baby Sleep Current. Baby gear consists of baby bedding, set of pillows, waterproof, mosquito nets, pillows, bolsters baby, and baby blankets.
  • When Baby Shower. You should at least prepare for a baby shower as a bucket baby bath, baby towels, washcloths, soap and baby shampoo, oil, round cotton, sterile gauze, place baby powder, cotton buds, baby nail clippers, baby comb and tweezers.
  • Equipment Baby Clothes. Besides diapers, you should prepare items of clothing such as baby clothes amputated, long and short sleeve shirts, long pants and short baby, baby, gloves and baby feet, baby shoes and baby hats.
  • Other Baby. There is another baby you should prepare well in advance such as thermometers, suction snot, baby carrier, baby bags, bottles to store breast milk if the mother had extra milk so the baby can still drink it, as long as it is stored in the refrigerator, baby tableware, aprons and baby .
In order to prepare the baby better you read the information about baby gear peeling. This is done to avoid having the baby excessive and improper use.

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