Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Closer to Sports High Jump

Closer to Sports High Jump. Sports high jump is formed of two word, jump and high. Jump significant move by lifting the leg forward (down or up), and then lower it back immediately. While the high word means the furthest distance from the bottom to the top. Thus, the high jump can be interpreted as a form of jumping movement upward by lifting the front foot up in an effort to bring the highest possible point weight by means of repulsion on one foot to reach a certain height.

High Jump Equipment

In particular the high jump athletics there are several components that must be in place before implementation begins. The equipment in question is a field, with a meter ruler, and mat. Meanwhile, the high jump underwear typically use special sports clothing that is not too tight nor too loose. Clothes that are used should provide maximum comfort to every jumper in order to provide maximum support. In addition, the high jumper jumps may perform activities with or without the use of footwear. However, it is recommended to use footwear to reduce the risk of dangerous injuries.

Basic Techniques High Jump

To get the maximum jump, it takes a good mastery of basic techniques. As for some of the basic techniques that must be mastered in order to do a good high jump, include prefix, repulsion, posture over the bar, and the landing attitude. How he explained overview of each of these basic techniques ? Consider the following blurb.

1. Prefix

The prefix is the beginning of the movement in an effort to get a chance at the time will do the repulsion,. There are good execution prefix is as follows.
  • Distance prefix personal relies heavily on the run will do the high jump. Typically, the range of distance to take the prefix is 7 to 9 steps. Distance prefix should be far enough and should quickly be able to run get greatest momentum.
  • Prefix pace and rhythm of the steps to be fixed, then at the concentration step should be completely focused on the highest jump.
  • At the time it reaches the last step, the distance should be shortened in order to able to step up with the perfect repulsion.
  • Attitude running is done in the high jump is not much different from the attitude of running sprints.
2. Repulsion or pedestal

To repulsion or pedestal, foot position with athletic type jump another branch, which should be strong or swing hard with the aid of both hands to help lift the entire body. When repulsion using the right foot, then the prefix must be done from the left bar. At jump feet, should be coupled with both hands upward swing in the side of the head, where the body jump up and make a 180 degrees and conducted simultaneously or together.

3. Attitude Agency on Top Ruler

Posture on the ruler should be supine with legs hanging limply seeing, chin slightly pulled up to his chest, and the back is above the bar like a bouncy bow. Try not to any part of our body that come into contact with the bar. In other words, we have to jump over the bar to be declared successful.

4. Landed

As a place to land should be prepared foam rubber with a size of 5 x 5 meters with a height of 60 cm or more thick. On top of the foam rubber was coated with a thick mat of 20-30 cm in order to maintain the security and safety of high jump athlete. In so doing, an athlete should not do it at random. There is an attitude that must be done well when the landing.

Yes, the attitude that should be considered in a landing is to strive for back of the head on the mat first, then proceed to roll to the back and stood up. Before going to leave the mat, there is no harm in issuing cries to reduce tension. Once the condition is really quiet, then walked out of the mattress.

Style in High Jump
In the high jump sport there are several styles that can be performed by each athlete according to their ability and mastery. The force is actually done posture while you are on the slide. As for styles in the high jump, including scissors style, style belly roll and flop style. Here is an explanation of each of these styles.

1. Scissors Style (The Sissirs Style)

Athletes who want to force scissors can do or follow the following steps.
  • Jumpers take the prefix from the side. If the jumper did repulsion with the left foot, then the prefix carried out from the left side anyway. Similarly, athletes who want to perform with leg repulsion kana, the prefix was carried out from the right.
  • At the swung leg (leg near the bar) reaches the maximum height, leg reject (the farthest distance from the bar) lifted straight forward in order to pass the bar.
  • When the legs are swung gone downhill over the bar and body nearly upright and crossbar under hips, legs that are used for repulsion landed with body facing sideways.
2. Bolster Style Belly (The Straddle Style)

How to do a belly roll style is as follows.
  • Jumpers take the prefix from the side, at an angle of 35 to 45 degrees prefix. Distance prefix depending on the jumper, but typically uses an odd move. Three final step should be faster.
  • Doing repulsion with the foot closest to the bar up the top of his lungs, aided by the rear leg swing (swing leg) to the front of the top, and aided by the arms swing back up.
  • After reaching the maximum height of the swing leg, immediately skip over the bar. The left arm should avoid touching the bar. Once the legs swing over the bar, the body immediately turned to the left with your head over the bar precedes. Replay the chest and abdomen so that the body face down while flying over the bar.
  • If leg swing using the right foot, the foot which first landed on the mat should be right leg and right hand together. Then, continue rolling to the side to the front with a rounded body and resting on the right shoulder.
3. Style Flop (Fosbury Flop)

How do flop style are as follows.
  • At the time of the prefix should be running with long strides and cornering body slightly leaning forward. number of steps used to prefix range from 5 to 9 steps.
  • Posture repulsion using the right foot, then ran the prefix carried on the left bar. However, when using the repulsion with the left foot, then do the right prefix rule.
  • Posture body over the bar at the time, should such throw body backwards over the bar. Both arms swung up beside his head back and open. At the time of passing the bar, both legs must thrown straight up and not to touch the bar.
  • Posture and limb movement after passing the bar, should land on your back and neck simultaneously. Both arms should be supine.
Well, that's a few things you should know about the sport of high jump. Hopefully nothing contained in this book is able to provide additional insight to its readers.

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