Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Understanding Athletics Sports

Understanding Athletics Sports. Athletics is a sport that underlies all other sports. Athletics has the characteristics of the movement that became the basis of our daily habits. For example, walking, running, throwing, and jumping.


Running is a sport that is best known as fat burners. This sport is very easy to do anywhere and anytime, without the cost. The benefits of running is to improve overall health. Research results also show that in addition to increased cholesterol, running also improves the immune system and lung function, and help prevent diseases of blood viscosity.

In athletics, jogging divided into several types, including the following.

1. Running Short Distances

Sprints are run at full speed along a predetermined distance. Sprint consists of the 100 m, 200 m, and 400 m. Although the distance is different, but the technique remains the same. The difference is only in the efficient use of energy, because the distance that must be taken differently. The farther the distance running, the greater the force required.

2. Medium Distance Running

Movement of middle-distance running (between 800 m-1500 m) is slightly different from sprinting motion. Middle distance running, feet on ball-ball hell. Ball-ball hell here means, that body weight in toe heels and refuse to toe. Stage start in middle distance running is done by standing. In the middle-distance running is required running speed, physical condition, and good endurance. Movement in middle distance running should be done with reasonable care, the legs swing forward, step length should not be too wide, except when approaching entry to the finish line.

3. Running Distance

Distance running in track stadium done from a distance of 300 m, 5000 m, up to 1,000 m. Meanwhile, to run a marathon and cross-country should be done outside the stadium. For distance runners, the most important requirement is the ability to support readiness, both physically and mentally. Movement in long-distance running is a swing arm and leg movements are done as possible. The farther the distance run taken, the position of the lower knee raised, and steps are also getting smaller.

4. Obstacle Run

Running hurdles (steeple-chase). Included in long-distance running with various obstacles. The distance the obstacle course run is 3000 m. Obstacles contained in the hurdles run was divided into two, namely water obstacles and hurdles wicket with wicket in front (water jump). Hurdles runner must have a running speed, such as 1500 m runners. Moreover, it also must have endurance runners as 5000 m, and required special skills through a variety of obstacles.

5. Running Relay

Relay race (run grafting) is one of the races at the track meet conducted alternately. The relay team consisted of four runners, the runners first, second, third, and fourth. In the running for grafting required a special skill that can not be found on a number of other runners, the move stick as he ran quickly from the previous runner to the next runner. Numbers are often champs relay is number 4 x 100 m and 4 x 400 m. In doing a relay race, not just the special techniques required in the provision of the stick, but the reception staff turnover in the zone or area.


Jump is a lifting body from one point to another point and relies on both feet, and landed with both feet. In sports, the jump is divided into several types, namely high jump, pole vault, and long jump.

There is also the explanation is as follows.

1. High Jump

High jump is one of the skills to pass the bar on both poles. Jump heights achieved by a jumper depends on the ability and preparation of each of the competing athletes. In the high jump also known straddle style, which is when the body over rule, athletes must quickly rotate or reverse position, so that the attitude of the body face down on the bar. The condition is alarming in this race when athletes have to jump over the bar without making it fall. If three unsuccessful jump bar, the athlete will be disqualified.

2. Pole vault

Pole vault jump is a sport that uses tools such as sticks.

3. Long jump

The long jump is an activity performed in the movement to achieve a leap jump with a distance as far as possible. Size field long jump distance prefix to run until the beam is 45 m pedestal. Basic beam has a thickness of about 10 cm, length of 1.72 m and a width of 30 cm. While the air has a leap length 9m, width of 2.75 m and a depth of about 1 meter.

The motion of the long jump is a movement combination of speed, flexibility, durability, and accuracy.

Researchers have proved that a long jump achievement relies on speed rather than square off prefix or attitude. Therefore, long-distance running not only have the ability to require a jumper running speed, but also the ability of repulsion legs or pedestal.


In sports, the throwing of two kinds, the javelin and discus throwing.

There is also the explanation is as follows :

1. Throw javelin

In this throw, javelin used is made of metal. Used for men's javelin weighs 800 g and a length of 2.70 m. Meanwhile, for the women, who use the javelin weighs 600 grams and a length of 2.30 m.

2. Throw Discs

Throw the disc is one branch of athletics. The disc is thrown, has a size of 220 m diameter. The disc is thrown male weighs 2 kg, while for women 1 kg. Throw disc has competed since the 1896 Olympics in Athens, Greece.

How to throw a disc, starting with two round bodies way of rotating bodies, namely :
  1. Standing back to direction throw;
  2. Arm holding the disc swung back towards the right follow body movements;
  3. Right leg slightly bent;
  4. Right leg loose and the heel raised;
  5. Throw the disc 30 degrees off of the handle;
  6. Swing round disc precedes the body, and
  7. Remove the disc followed by the position of the body leaning forward.
Shot Put

Shot put is one of the branches of athletics. Athletes shot put throw a heavy metal ball as far a distance as possible. Shot put is an activity undertaken to achieve the throw or repulsion at a distance as far as possible. Bullets used iron oval. The bullet weight from 2 kg, 4 kg, 5 kg and 7 kg, with a wide circle of 5 x 3 m.

Important technique in the shot put sport is pushed outwards bullet and maximum speed, with an angle of about 40 degrees. Position to refuse to be emphasized in the legs. because the legs are the strongest part of the body.

Benefits Athletic Sports

In general, the benefits of exercise is to help maintain the freshness and fitness. By exercising means we move all the limbs, so that breathing also become fluent. Athletics is certainly related to running, throwing, diving, and repulsion. Movements that exist in this sport helps strengthen the legs and arms as well. So there's no harm in not, if you do different types of athletics.

So is the article about the Athletics Sports
. May be useful for readers to add insight and knowledge about the sport.

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