Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Knowing about TV

Knowing about TV. TV or television and other glass display media, such as laptop computers, or mobile phones, has become an indispensable part of life. Day-to-day seldom passes without watching television or enjoy the impressions of the laptop computer. When the power goes out or television broadcasts have been affected, some people had to be cranky.

Then, frantically looking for a replacement activity of watching television shows. While that sort of thing, it's not as bad as the past era, where the TV is still so appealing to most people. But now TV alternatives floating around everywhere, such as the internet on the tablet. But can we agree on this TV effect is still noticeable.

All Because Effect

Not only adults, the phenomenon in children and adolescents did not differ. The kids seemed to be no longer within the communication technology products. Such children at home to sit for hours in front of the "magic box" is. Unfortunately, parents are rarely aware that children watching television habits should be aware of. In fact, many parents are delighted and grateful when the children are still toddlers or elementary school age linger at home watching television.

This is because the children watch television, parents can do the job without the distraction, fatigue does not supervise the child, or the child reached serve various requests. However, for smooth work or the convenience of the parents actually immerse the child into the middle of the potential danger extremely powerful. Why is that ? Let us find this issue so that we all get the picture plain.

Bad Television

Is television an important source of entertainment for you ? Do you sit down to watch television without knowing the time and place, from home to work ? Are your children with you to watch or slipping regular soap operas and reality shows ? So this is an alarming bell alarm, worry ! for you ! Television, though seems to be a stress buster, later even really adds to your mental stress. Television may appear to help you get rid of tension but rather adds a burden to the brain. Yes, television manifests negative effects. It has a very negative impact on the minds of the viewers.

Spending too much time watching television, consume valuable time that could be spent over the useful and healthy activities like exercise or reading. It will also use the time that you are more able to spend with family and friends. Chatting with people who are close, spending time with people who are close is a better expenditure of time than watching television.

Time claimed the Child Growth

Children today watch television for hours on end. Many times fake useless, they spend their nights watching any kind of program 'favorites' on television. By the time they stayed up late to watch a movie. This activity adds hours awake for young children. This means that when a break, in which the mental health center was built and nourished in body and brain a break and development, instead hit distract television.

Even if the hit television addiction makes them lose their time to play. Children have little physical activity during the evenings. They had to go to an open space to play with friends or spend time reading some good books. In addition, watching television harm one's vision. Reading books, offline from this television can help them lead a healthy life.

The researchers claimed that attention deficit disorder in children and labor is the result of watching television in your daily routine without the clock. They say that watching television causes developmental disorders, affecting stuffing and faculty of the brain responsible for language skills. Children who watch more television and read less, indicating difficulty in paying attention or concentrating on lessons. The kids spent hours in watching television prone to be affected by attention deficit disorder.

Dangers TV In Children

In addition, the children are always curious and experimenting. They constantly learn and imitate what they see and hear. They learn from parents, peers, caregivers or domestic helpers, also from the television and video. When they watch a lot of television so much to learn and imitate them from the media. Meanwhile, you can measure for yourself how the quality of the majority of television shows and video. Television is filled educative impressions, such as violence, pornography, mystical, horror, slapstick comedy. Includes video of porn that can be easily downloaded from the internet.

That means that television is a poor source of learning for children. That is also, together with television, children learn a lot worse things then imitate the doings of acting. Besides since childhood is a period of imitation, they also do not have the ability to draw a firm line between the real and virtual world, as well as sorting out which ones are good or bad. They consider what other children or adults should not they have done.

Not surprisingly, we commonly see toddlers vocabulary fluently speak a sort of boyfriend or love. Not to mention the results of studies showing violent and aggressive behavior in children, which after further investigation turned out to be the result of watching television or videos. Television and video is not only bad for the behavior and character formation of children, but also on their health. Watching television makes children less physical activity. Of course this affects the quality of children's health. Plus a variety of snacks, the child potentially obese.

Eye health will also be affected if it is too long in front of the television screen. The habit of watching television or videos for too long can also impede social and communication skills of children. Being at home all the time while enjoying television makes children reluctant to socialize with the environment so that the loss of the opportunity to develop communication skills.

arguably terrible. This is not mere assumptions, but has been demonstrated in various studies. In order for these adverse effects are not further contaminate the kids, they watch television activities should be restricted and monitored.

Tips-Tips to Protect Children from Harm television footage and video :
  • Set the maximum amount of time watching television during the day, such as 1 or 2 hours. Discipline with these limits and do not compromise, even if the child whining to watch television.
  • Give example. No point parents forbid their children to watch television or videos if they own or elderly people in the neighborhood the child actually likes to watch TV or video.
  • Accompany children when watching television. Immediately change the television channel and give the sense that if children watch shows that are inappropriate for them.
  • Encourage children to play, for example, guessing games, do crossword puzzles, or snakes and ladders so they forget about television.
  • Replace the TV with VCD or DVD that educates, but still have limited hours of watching it consistently.
  • Beware of ads and movies of children. Not all movies kid friendly kid. Many cartoons contain scenes of violence or words "inappropriate". So is the ad.
  • Engage children in jobs, such as washing, cooking, or sweeping. Children will be happy and increase knowledge and skills.

    Invite your child's activities outside the home, such as sports, gardening, or recreation.

Table of contents
  • Development of TV in Indonesia
  • From analog to digital
  • Developed countries compete to broadcast TV
Anyone would know the object image and voice box on this one. His name TV, television or regular. Yes, television or TV such a part of modern human civilization are difficult to separate. Almost every day on the sidelines of a variety of routine, men must always took time to watch the box on this one thing.

Whether it's as a distraction activity, unwind, and activities that are deliberately intended to watch a particular show that has been eagerly awaited. In the world, the invention is a phenomenal TV, some aligned with a variety of other great inventions such as the invention of the wheel, because it can change the shape of world civilization.

The word itself comes from the word television and television. These two words have a meaning that is tele (distant) and vision (looks). So if you are connected in a sense, television or abbreviated TV has the meaning "look" or "can be seen from a distance".

Television became very very meaningful as a measure of determining whether or not a nation forward. In Indonesia, the mention of the word television is not formally be replaced often TV, tivi, television or tipi. There's no definite name which is identical with the discovery of the first television time. This is because the TV or television is the inventor projects involving multiple parties. So the TV can be called a mass work progress gradually from year to year with the actors involved from the individuals and companies.

But if it came to the name, then the name of Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday (1831) is difficult to not dealt with. These men are the inventors Electromagnetic Waves law which is the beginning of the era of electronic communication (forerunner television or TV).

Development of TV in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the television industry or television has begun since about 1962. Its history began when the first president of Indonesia, Sukarno, who at that time was in Vienna, Switzerland, sent a telex to the Ministry of Information was held by Maladi on October 23, 1961. President orders ministers to prepare it for enrichment projects and TVnya own TV channel in the country. So from that moment was born a proud nation station named TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia). This station which is the first television station established in Indonesia.

For the first experimental broadcast, TVRI using a backup transmitter power of 100 watts on August 17, 1962. And for the first time TVRI aired officially on August 24, 1962. At that time, the event was first broadcast live the opening ceremony of the IV Asian Games main stadium Senayan Jakarta (now called the Bung Karno). TVRI television appearance of the starting gate area ..

The presence of a TV station TVRI Indonesia's first sustainable impact pioneered the development of local television stations (STD) in late 1964. After that, following the establishment of the production stations circumference (SPK) in various provinces in 1977. Stations around the production is intended as part of the production and recording activity event packages to be sent and broadcast by the central station TVRI Jakarta.

Along with the development of technology and the advance of civilization of a nation, requires m
igration broadcasting of TV system from analog to digital broadcasting system. This technology was developed in Indonesia in 1990. And for the first time tested in 2000 with the operation carried out jointly with analog broadcasts as a period of transition. In 2006, then some businesses Indonesian television began broadcasting a digital TV trials.

TV - From Analog Goes Digital
Digital TV is a TV broadcast system uses digital modulation technology and compression system to broadcast video signals, audio and data to the TV. Many factors behind the development of this technology, such as changes in the external environment, analog TV market already saturated, complaints from the public about the presence of noise, ghost at analog TV, and also follow due to competition with satellite broadcasting and cable systems (cable television) .

Digital TV or digital broadcasting has many advantages over analog TV broadcasts. A wide range of advantages that include :
  • Some advantages of Digital TV
  • High Definition Halis 5-6 times better than analog TV.
  • The ability to produce sound as the original source.
  • Having the ability to record and edit broadcast.
  • One channel can be filled with more than five different programs.
To support the application of digital TV broadcasting system, Indonesia through the MCIT issued Ministerial Decree No.. 27/P/M.Kominfo/08/2008. The contents of the field trials Organizing Digital TV broadcasts, digital technology will be used is a broadcast system for Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (DVB-T). Broadcast system is claimed to have many advantages over analog TV broadcasts such as resistance to interference effects, high image quality, without the noise and ghost, interactive, has EPG (elektronic program guide).

In addition, the efficiency of digital TV is also superior in terms of bandwidth efficiency, the efficiency of network transmission and power consumption efficiency. With a wide range of advantages, digital TV with DVB-T broadcast system believed it is appropriate to be adapted in Indonesia are very large population and diverse culture.

Developed Countries Vying Implement Digital TV Broadcast
You do not need to buy a new TV-based digital, but enough to buy an additional tool called converter circuit or known by the name of Set Top Box. Digital broadcast signals will be changed by the Set Top Box is an analog signal, so your analog TV to digital TV broadcasting.

This way you will slowly turn to digital TV broadcasting technology, but without breaking the analog TV broadcasts that you've been using. If the condition is growing day by reality as above, would make electronics manufacturers must be prepared to welcome a new era of television.

They must have the latest innovations in digital TV products that will be planned a champion respectively in the electronic market in Indonesia. The producers have had to prepare for the implementation of digital television broadcasting system that has received approval from the government. The transition existing analog TV set in your home into a digital TV set requires the transmitter and receiver turn your TV broadcast. This is where the role of the electronic manufacturers to provide products based digital TV. Although actually if you still want to use the current analog TV in the house also.

Transfer of broadcast signals from analog to digital has been done by some developed countries for some time. As call it in Germany. There, the project uses a digital signal has been started since 2003 in the city of Berlin, while for the other major cities such as Munich began in 2005. Meanwhile, for the French and British had first stop broadcasting their analog TV completely and switch to digital TV broadcasting.

For the United States, one barometer of the developed countries in the world, the use of digital TV broadcast signals is set in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. This law was approved by Congress and require every local television station asked to turn off their analog channels since February 17, 2009. And since 2011 the past, other developed countries, such as Japan, have begun broadcasting digital TV masse.

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