Monday, February 25, 2013

Family Tips For Better Life

Family Tips For Better Life. In general, all families would want his family remained harmonious, happy, harmonious, and prosperous forever. However, it is a desire that is not easy to implement. Being a close knit family needed a prescription and motivation in order to create harmony in the family. Family harmony is my family full of love, compassion, and understanding. This then affects the condition of the family. The family becomes a family that is able to avoid the tempest of a family of problems that plagued the family. Not just a dream for every family in the world, a harmonious family is also one of the most desired by every person in the world.

Building a household or family harmony, harmonious, and happy requires a heightened awareness of some family members. This awareness should also be accompanied by a responsibility of every member of the family, according to his religious beliefs and applicable state law.

Here are some basic tips to consider in building a harmonious family :

Compulsory Husband to Wife Gives Livelihoods

As already known, the obligation of the husband to support his family is, well it provide for his wife and children. Providing a living for the family is to be done by a husband. Husband had the obligation to give maintenance to the wife of a lawful business and do not wish to include any element that could be bad for his wife and other family members. In religion, especially Islam, provide for the family has the same position by giving alms. While the wife and kids charity reward greater than the charity to other people.

Their need is not only property, but also the spiritual needs such as affection and attention. Living inner harmony important for the household or family of husband and wife is a biological necessity. Despite this biological need is not everything, but many households or families devastated husband or wife because of imperfections in providing a living inward.

Not only as a step in having offspring, the human biological needs also aims to achieve happiness with family life, which in this case are husband and wife. Fulfillment biological activity in general is a total surrender, surrender themselves to the husband or wife that nurtured relationships deeper.

Principles of good marital relationship is the openness and honesty of their individual needs. Marital relationship will provide a positive impact for both husband and wife if done with fun and a good way of course.

Husband Wife Obeying Commands
The husband is the head of the family and leader of the family in every decision. A woman when already married by itself will change the status of being a wife. That way, a wife was bound by the law of marriage. A wife can not act arbitrarily without permission and pleasure of the husband. Similarly, the behavior, not as free as when I was single.

A wife should always be at home if the husband has been able to meet the needs of their livelihoods. Moreover, if the husband was not at home, a husband and wife are obligated to protect confidential and keep the family name. A wife should avoid too long talking to the neighbors. This is so that the wife can maintain the good name and the words are wrong in these talks.

Many of the duties and role of a wife in the household, not just as a mother or a wife, but it must be a good steward for the husband and his family, a protector and a sedative in the family, even a wife should also be able to double as finance personnel, nurses, teacher, and motivator for his family.

Even though the wife is very big role in the family, every behavior and action of a wife must still get the approval of her husband. It is clear that the position of a husband in the family plays a very tall, so anything that happens in the family, including the child's behavior or the wife, the husband should know.

Married Dutiful to Parents
Although there were already married, couples should not forget the existence of both their parents. Dutiful to parents do not know the status of whether we are single or already married. Prayer parents is the pleasure of God on this earth. Therefore, if we want to have a harmonious family not to forget the services of our parents.

Parents are always praying for her son to be happy, successful and happy life and the hereafter. No matter want any children are married yet, parents always expect the best for their children. Therefore, we as children are supposed to preserve, protect, care for our parents as loving parents from childhood to adulthood.

Prayer supplied by parents accompany the child to form a harmonious family. The formation of a harmonious family have a large effect on the peace and tranquility of the community where you and your partner live. Therefore, prior to educate and advise others to educate the family must take precedence. Family education is particularly associated with the cultivation of the values of behavior, manners, and other sciences.

Keeping Communication and Trusted in Families
Not only keeping obligations in the family, a harmonious family tips should also be strengthened with the communication that exists. Communication is a strong pillar in the course of the marital relationship. The loss of communication also meant missing one of the pillars of the household. How could a family will walk in harmony if the family does not create a good communication among family members.

Many cases occur, the husband or wife being indifferent to his family because of too busy working. Husband and wife work, while the children busy with their own affairs, so the house is only used as a bed that is not much different from rooming. In fact, it could lead to the absence of mutual courtesies scolds among family members.

It is certainly very worrying, family situation like this could have been destroyed because they no longer feel the comfort of the family. Spend at least five minutes every day to communicate with each other, giving little attention in times of busyness. By taking the time to maintain communication, at least each family member will feel mutual need.

Mutual Praise and Attention Fellow Family Members
While this is trivial, praise and attention has a profound influence on a family relationship. Speech-pitched praise will further strengthen the bonds within a family, especially marital bond. Without praise or attention then there is probably only mutual reproach and condescending.

Speech is simple but contains a little praise or attention will give a boost or a remarkable spirit in a family. With praise and attention, each family member will feel valued and respected presence. Praise and attention does not need a certain amount of money for that. Praise and attention only requires sincerity, compassion, and love expressed by family members.

Tips harmonious family over a small part of the many steps that can make a family remain in harmony. Tips can be made more harmonious families with small things, such as keeping the romance in the family, mutual trust among family members, be objective, and keep unique in marriage. Those things are the things that can make a harmonious whole family is still alive.

Hopefully with the discussion in this article, can help you in step family building a harmonious, peaceful, and happy all the time.

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