Thursday, February 21, 2013

Regarding Online Radio - Broadcasting and Streaming Radio

Regarding Online Radio. Online radio is one of the phenomena that arise with the development of Internet technology in the world. Media type is the development of a concept previously used conventional systems based on radio frequency that has many limitations. Online radio itself is a type of media that actually has a basis equal to the radio in general is already widely known. However, if the device requires capture conventional radio waves such as radio to listen to, then another case with online radio.

In addition, the frequency of which can be reached by conventional radio is very limited. Therefore, the process of transmitting of the wave still using frequency system that has a lot of limitations to reach out to a specific area. Such as distance, the areas should not be getting a lot of obstacles such as mountains or tall buildings as well as the restrictions on the frequency of which is owned by another radio. If there are similarities wave frequencies, the radio transmission power will be defeated by a weaker radio with transmit power stronger.

These are the conditions faced by the radio broadcasts that still use conventional concepts. They will face many challenges associated with the delivery of their broadcast. In the old days when the internet age was not known, the choice of the wave is considered as a solution to overcome the obstacles in the process of radio broadcasting. In the era of the 80s and early 90s, many radios are choosing to move their broadcast frequency of the signal amplitude modulation or AM, to the type of wave Frequency Modulation or FM.

At that time, the radio was on track FM is considered to have many advantages. In addition to its prestige is considered higher than that uses radio waves AM, FM route selection was considered to improve the quality of broadcast. Among the captured sound can be heard more radio listeners than AM radio clear. In addition, any broadcasting reach further than a signal that can be transmitted by radio wave AM.

That's why at the time - this time, a lot of radio broadcasts move them from an AM to FM. In addition to providing satisfaction to the listeners, it is also chosen to maintain their competitiveness against other radio, especially in efforts to get the attention of advertisers as a radio source of income.

Internet Era

As Internet technologies become known by the world community, it is also affecting the world of mass media, especially the electronic media. They began to choose the Internet as a way to expand their market segment particularly in the efforts to maintain the number of listeners.

This is related to the discovery of the weaknesses that still exist in the radio system with conventional broadcast models are based on radio waves. including the limitations of the coverage as well as the listener must have a special device for listening to radio broadcasts. In addition, the broadcast wave system has a dependency on geographic conditions in the environment of a radio listener.

Finally, starting in the 2000s began a new trend emerging in the world of radio Indonesia. The changes that occur are from known radio broadcasting system that utilizes Internet technology known as radio or online. With streaming systems, radio broadcasts using the internet can answer various weaknesses that originally appeared in the broadcasting process with conventional systems.

With the online radio, one can listen to and enjoy the radio without having a limited distance. We can listen to the radio in Indonesia despite being abroad. This is possible because the system is not broadcasting over the internet bandwidth systems, but based on digital data that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

In addition, the presence of online radio we can get a clear radio broadcasts without having to fear the condition of our environment. Typically, in a conventional radio system the tall buildings or mountains around where we are impacting on the level of radio signals can we catch. By using the internet, all of these factors do not need to worry about. The most important is the internet we have enough ability to capture data online radio broadcasts stable so we can hear clearly.

With the online radio, can bring several benefits for both the company and the owner of the radio station's loyal listeners radio. For the company, with the system online radio broadcast range can be achieved to be unlimited. In addition, from the cost would be cheaper and risks faced by even smaller.

If using a conventional system, for emit broadcast a radio station transmitter tower had to put up as high as possible. From the cost of making the tower obviously this requires no small budgets. Therefore, the high radio tower shall be made as safe and strong as possible to avoid the risk of collapse. In addition, the presence of a high tower has another risk that is no less dangerous. This is related to the weather, when the rainy season which will appear a lot of lightning and thunder can strike objects on the high place. One is a radio transmitter tower. If the tower was struck by lightning it can be calculated how much it cost to fix it.

Online radio system does not recognize the risk. Because for the broadcasters no longer use the transmitting station uses the tower. Thus, the risk of a lightning strike could be dropped and the cost of making emitted tower could be diverted to other headings. Thus, it can provide a significant savings.

In addition, the presence of broadcast coverage without limit could be added value in achieving the company's radio advertising. Therefore, the ad will be aired on the radio listeners have more opportunities than if companies advertise in a limited range of conventional radio broadcasts. It is associated with the condition, that a company is bound to have its own considerations in determining the selected media to advertise their products. One component is used as the deciding factor is how much the media has a wider range of consumers and how these media.

With the online system, then the radio will have more listeners with broadcast coverage without limits. Thus, it can be a selling point in attracting radio companies to serve ads on the radio. For radio listeners are loyal too, will benefit from online radio. Therefore, they can listen to their favorite radio despite being far away from where they were. This could give a little nostalgic for those drugs in listening to their favorite radio broadcasts.

This will especially be felt by those who are far from their homes as being in a period of duty in other countries. With online radio, they can still get information on where they live or even just exchanging greetings with relatives at home. Online radio is one of the communication tools developed from conventional radio types that already exist. Radio Online is also also has stolen the attention of many people. The Javanese once said, all his fortune there is allocation respectively. No exception to the radio. Well, what to do ?

Because although many people say that history is finished because the radio can not compete with TV, telephone, let alone the Internet, in fact there are many radio stations that are still broadcasting today. Even many who put up the latest mobile features FM Radio and promoted as superior features. This is the proof that the existence of the radio is still popular and has not been abandoned by society. While it is possible with the development of information technology, suggestions for obtaining this information more diverse. Technologies in the development of the members are also the ease of acquiring this information.

Online Radio : The development of technology

As a result of the development of technology that exists today is the development of online radio. This type of radio is the result of processing more advanced and sophisticated than conventional radio stations that already exist.
Online Radio is also often referred to by other names internet radio. This is because it is in the use of internet radio requires a network connected to the Internet. This is the meaning of meaning online, which is interlinked with the Internet network.

In addition to internet radio, online radio is also known to many as the web radio, net radio, streaming radio or e-radio. System broadcast by internet radio is also using the internet. This system is known as web casting, this is because in the process of transmission, radio or internet broadcast via the internet without using wires.

Many existing conventional radio, developed one of its facilities by providing access to internet radio. Thus, these radios can be heard properly in addition to conventional radio via a network cable, can also be heard through the Internet. But there too, which was broadcast on internet radio specifically for the Internet only. Radio like this is not an outgrowth of the existing conventional radio.

With this internet radio service, allowing the listener to listen to radio broadcasts from anywhere in the world. People in Indonesia, for example, to listen to the broadcast Dario's in Australia, Europe or America, and other parts of the world. This has been one of the hallmarks of the internet radio compared to conventional radio. Conventional radios can only be heard on limited area. It was also influenced by the reception of radio waves which are owned by the listeners.

In the program presented a problem, true internet radio have in common with a conventional radio. Programs offered in conventional radio can also be enjoyed in this internet radio, and vice versa. But sometimes, Internet radio provides more information than the information provided by conventional radio. This information about the music-especially like alternative music, entertainment or other info-that can not be accessed via conventional radio.

But there are also several internet radio in several countries, especially in European Countries such as the UK which limits this internet radio broadcasting. Internet radio is only allowed to be heard and accessed in the domestic UK alone. This is mainly related to the flow of certain types of music that had an issue with the permission to listen to outside the UK. Also there are several types of advertisements that really should be heard locally in the UK alone.

Internet radio broadcast with a technology called streaming technology. This technology is the process of receiving and transmitting information from one party to the other party using a tool that can receive streaming flow as well. This technology uses a computer program called a lossy audio codec. With this program, allowing entire audio or video file that is in the computer reduced into audio format. With this audio format, all data can be accessed via streaming media.

The development of internet radio shows a very significant figure. In the last few years since the emergence earlier this internet radio, now there's about 3000 internet radio in Indonesia. Not to mention a number that indicates the existence of Internet radio in the world. Especially after the emergence of a variety of local host server that provides streaming radio services pay, the number of Internet radio is increasing from day to day. This is because internet radio gives a fairly promising market seen from the development of the demand.

Even in the world is internet radio enthusiasts also showed high numbers. According to some studies, from day to day, this internet radio users more added. It also shows that the more people who listen to Internet radio in comparison to other kinds of radios such as satellite radio. Some sites provide internet radio service is Yahoo Radio, AOL Radio, and many others. For you who are accustomed to using a modem or WiFi surfing time, would you be able to easily listen to internet radio on the go.

Unlike conventional radio transmitter of limited range (usually FM radio waves could only be heard in the city where it resides only), unlimited internet radio reach. Through streaming facility, now you can even hear the local radio in the United Kingdom or the United States.

How to Listen to Online Radio ?

For those of you who want to listen Online
Radio via the Internet, you must set up the necessary tools first. First, you must have supporting software internet radio. Typically, the software that you must have to listen to internet radio, such as Real Player, Windows Media Player, or Winamp. For the browser, you can use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Each internet radio have different software requirements specification. To listen to internet radio, there was a radio station that requires Real Player, but there is also just need a browser and Windows Media Player.

So that they are readily accessible and you are not confused, just install the two software. Already ? . Go to internet radio page, you want to hear and enjoy. With a simple browser like that, you can easily listen to internet radio. For practice, for example, just try to open the internet radio Voice Surabaya on the page www. Later in the upper right corner there is an icon choices to choose from.

There is internet radio, radio on demand, and streaming video (with access to this, you can look straight face announcer studio as well). For Internet radio, you need to install Windows Media Player on your computer. Simply you just press the play button to listen to their broadcasts. Easy is not it ?

Deep in the Eye, Beautiful Ear In

Although different countries or even continents, you can still listen to the radio broadcast clearly. If you find that streaming is not smooth, and the dashed, likely due to the time it accessed the internet radio is high, or maybe because you're accessing by using non-local bandwidth. Meanwhile, streaming internet radio with Winamp 5 + the SHOUTcast Radio is one of the features of the world to the music lover. Way too easy to use, and good audio quality. The way is by accessing the Online Services menu >> SHOUTcast Radio.

Then genre radio stations are displayed in alphabetical AZ or numbers 0-9. Indonesia To listen to radio stations, select the letter I and select the word Indonesia. Select one of the radio station list, and click TUNE IN!. So that's your favorite radio you can hear properly. It is undeniable that the development of technology has brought mankind to recognize and use the radio medium called the internet. With this facility, people easier to obtain information. The information obtained can be more diversified and no longer constrained by time or place.

Internet radio can be used as a means of communication is more sophisticated than conventional radio stations that already exist. Therefore, yuk, busy to listen online radio !

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