Monday, February 25, 2013

Free Make Your The Beautiful WordPress

Free Make Your The Beautiful WordPress. For those of you who have just learned to make a blog on WordPress tutorial, you can learn well in this blog, footsteps still has not stopped there. Aftershocks that there is still work needed to become more charming WordPress. Next you need to enhance your WordPress blog so that interested visitors to take a stroll on your blog. With the beautiful views of WordPress then visitors will always take the time to read the blog that has been painstakingly created these

Beautify WordPress

Nothing more fun activities in addition to beautify and adorn the look of a blog. For those who like to write in a blog then it is very enjoyable because of the look of the blog owned will look different from the others.  Impress to continue to look at and admire the beauty of WordPress that has been prettified. WordPress with an unusual appearance or other standard display will certainly steal the eye to notice. Of course, in addition to the content that is delivered or written in the blog.

 The following will discuss some guidelines to make your WordPress more beautiful. Some things can be done, which are as follows.

 1. Themes

Themes is the look of your blog. Perhaps the simplest, such as clothing metaphor for the body, the body is content / content of your blog, while the theme is clothing. Thus, it is important to choose the right themes, because it is a reflection of your personality. To change the theme, go to "appearance", "themes", and clay in the "browse theme". There are many free theme you choose. When you have found a suitable theme, click activate. To be sure, see the first example of zoom (preview).

The view is one step that is usually done by a person to change the look of their blogs in order to look beautiful. But there are some things that must used as a guide when choosing the themes that will serve as the theme of the blog. Some things that can be taken into consideration in the selection of themes are as follows.

a. Select the appropriate

Choosing themes that fit the character of the writing is a somewhat tricky. Included in the selection of tricky because it requires careful consideration tailored to the content of the writing. Choosing themes had to be tailored to the content of the blog. For example, if a blog that is being done to contain vast amount of literature about the vent and feelings then it is better to choose themes that use muted colors such as pink or beige.

Not only that, it can also select the themes that have various pictures show as a friendship or a quiet place to devote all his feelings. Do not let the themes that are used just the reverse of the content of a post in the blog. When writing about the outpouring of feeling it will be very contradictory if themes is about a robot war. It is OK to do whatever is preferred according to the predilection of the author's employer. But it would be nice if there was writing and themes that are aligned resulting in harmony in writing and media used.

Harmonize or adapt the content of the posts with the theme will also help shape the reader feel and permeates psychology article being read. Why did it happen this way ? Because the brain will send the picture in the theme to then permeates every article has been written by the author or owner of the blog.

 b. Color

Color selection is actually the case that is not too difficult, but there are some people that are sometimes difficult to choose the color according to their blog. For color selection is noteworthy writing and must be different themes. The contents of a web writing must be different from the blog themes. The purpose of doing it is to make the writing is still able to be read by visitors to the blog. For example if the dominant themes used black then the contents of the blog posts should use white or could use a bright color such as yellow. Do not use black for text or use other dark colors. If this is done the writing certainly does not appear and was not read by visitors to the web. So good choose color themes used on your blog.

2. Widgets

On the "appearance", click on "widgets". The menu is very functional and much needed by the blogger mania. By utilizing the "widgets", the blog you will have a very diverse functions, including :
  • Archive: save and display the monthly archives.
  • Author: displays the owner of the blog, with photos / pictures avatar.
  • Calendar: displays the day, date and month.
  • Categories: category or grouping of articles that you post, to make it more organized, and easy to find.
  • Recent Post: With this widget, visitors can instantly view the latest article that you are posting.
  • Twitter: what is written on twitter you can also see on the blog through this widget.
  • Text: This function is free, you can fill it with writing aphorisms, motto, or can also be filled with the HTML code that perform certain functions, such as online chat, shoutbox, visitor data, etc..
There are many other widgets that you can use. How to set it up on the blog very easily. Click on the widget you want, and then scroll to the column that has been provided on the right. Then, adjust as necessary. For example, click on "recent posts", slide and place it in the right column. Give the name in the "tittle", for example, "recent articles". In the column "number of posts to show" browse 6 (maximum 15), and then click "save". Actually the use of widgets is only to assist in facilitating the course blog. But there is also that gives a wonderful impression on a blog that gives the impression that pretty to be attached to the blog.

Using the widget is one should not be done but it's also worth considering that its use should not give the impression that your blog is also the home of our writing become rundown. Too many widgets to make your blog look crowded and rundown. Similarly, the house has a lot of furniture in it. If there is no furniture neatly arranged will certainly make the house a mess, but if it would give the impression neat and nice.

Too much furniture in the house also makes the house look narrowly wide. Everything that can happen because of the many items in the house so that the extent of apparent reduced. Similar to widgets that will be used in a blog. Not too much to add a widget in a blog that the future will only give the impression of slums and irregular. More simple is actually better because visitors will be more focus on writing and not diverted to a widget in a blog.

3. Background

Blog background image can be changed. Go to the menu "appearance", "background", then "browse" in the "upload image" the image you want to make a background. Then click "save changes". Elections are also expected same background as in selecting themes that use color with a fitting and appropriate. Do not change the background of a blog if it will only make the text in the blog is unreadable. The whole point of a blog is the personal expression of a matter in a dignified manner. Therefore, it would lose all if only because blog posts and thoughts that represent personal opinions can not be conveyed to others.

4. Header

Your blog header image can be changed as the background. Go to the menu "appearance", "header". You can choose whether to use your own header image or an image that has been provided. Select "browse" in the "upload image", or select a picture on the "default images", then click "save changes". Well, after you have set all the accessories on top, it's time to see the final look of your blog. Now your blog more beautiful than ever, is not it ?

When it is still lacking, please go back to your "dashboard", and set the other functions, to your blog that seeing tasty, so visitors linger and addicted to visiting again.

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