Sunday, February 24, 2013

Easy Ways to Put Time on Blog

Easy Ways to Put Time on Blog. You've found the clock on another blog ? Simply beautiful is not it ? More fun again, it turns out, put the clock on our blog is very easy. This is because many sites that provide installation service hours that can be installed in your blog or web. As already mentioned, a lot of sites that provide this service. Here are a few of the most widely used site because it looks nice and unique.

The trick is as follows :
  1. Click
  2. Select the tab "Gallery" or you can click on
  3. Choose a theme "Gallery" and look at the picture that you like. There are forms of analog, digital, animation, animal, and others. Then, click "View Html" under the picture of these hours.
  4. Furthermore, it will show a page containing box licenses and agreements. You just click the button "Accept".
  5. Then, select the local time where you are. For example, for western Indonesian time is GMT +7 or just select the city where you live.
  6. On the next page, you will see the box that contains the code. No need to bother, just select and copy the code above. This code may be stored first in notepad or directly open your blogger account.
  7. Once logged into your Blogger account, select "Page Elements", click on "Add A Page Element" and select "HTML / JavaScript", then save the code, click "Save".
  8. It's finished, you can immediately see the results.

How installation is not much different from the way hours of web clocklink. The point is that you copy and paste the code provided into your blog widget. Display a free clock on the given site one is pretty nice and cool. If you love the look of the animation, will definitely like the hours on this site.

For you are Muslim, one site may be an option. In addition to the unique, featuring hours of breathing Islam, present calendar, the Islamic pearls, and many other accessories that can complement your blog. Actually, there are many other sites that provide the clock that can be used on your blog or website. At the very least, you can begin to learn and make the clock on the blog by selecting one of the three sites.

A bit short of clock widget makes you a little slower when accessed. This happens because when your blog is opened, automatically going to look at loading time of the site provider earlier. If you're still a little confused or want to further deepen more ways to beautify and create a web blog. You can study online at Life is Beautiful. In addition to providing an easy to understand tutorial, you have the opportunity to get a decent side income

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