Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Know the Process and Advantages of Streaming Technology.

Know the Process and Advantages of Streaming Technology. Talking about our streaming directly lead to online video services. Streams derived from the root "to stream" means a stream in a row. Meanwhile, the literal meaning of the word stream in terms of technology, is a method or way of sending video and audio files from the server to the client so that it can be seen directly, without having to download and save the file.

Video files and audio is still stored in the server. Multimedia technology is now likely to lead to applications that are based on video, audio, text and data. As the streaming service has been widely exploited by users in different electronic media. Impressions can be enjoyed streaming instantly without having to wait for all the requested data packets sent. When we watch a video stream, the server sends the data requested gradually.

Impressions on the first phase will immediately be enjoyed while still waiting for the next shipment data packets and gradually watched anyway. Understanding the summary, the video requested will be broken down and shipped in stages, gradually airing later anyway.

Streaming technique has two advantages, namely :
  1. Saving time, we can watch the video and audio directly without having to download it.
  2. Saving the data on my hard drive, despite repeatedly watch, the files are still stored on the server and do not need to download it locally although still can be downloaded and used as archival video and audio files on the hard drive.
Process Streams

A sequence of events that occur during the process of streaming is the various processes on the streaming server until it finally happened row of frames that can be accessed by the user. The initial process is streaming video being captured by the camera in an analog format which will be first converted into digital format. Changes in analog format to a digital format aims to facilitate the process of synthesis or engineering. The process of change in an analog format to a digital format in the image occurs digital.

After the video in a digital format is obtained, then be compressed by the image compression for smaller file size than the source file. Its main goal is ease in the process of transmission or the storage to storage media. In addition to the above two processes, there are also other processes such as packetiser, mux, and other video until ready to be transmitted or stored.

Video and Audio

The service has been very popular of internet users are streaming video service streaming from Youtube. But is there any other services other than Youtube ? Many, only in our country for the layman only knew this Youtube service. Some services streaming video and audio in addition to the famous Youtube:
  • Metacafe, a streaming site which is headquartered in California's use video sharing web community base. At its contents are filtering that contain pornography so safe access by children under age.
  • Revver, a video streaming service sharing sites was pressed ads on video clips accessible users. The video can be viewed, downloaded and can share / share with other friends through social networks like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Metatube, presenting various types of video and audio streaming can be watched online. Simple and attractive appearance make uniqueness visit this website.
Broadcast Television Streaming
Users video and audio streaming services are connected to the server can also enjoy the services of its live streaming video and audio via the player in addition to the already widely used as the base web using flash media player. The use of video and audio players immediate access to the playback of streaming TV service to get the video in real-time according to the current televised reception of local television.

Generally, live streaming services do not charge monthly fees on its users. Can be used free of charge as long as the network has adequate internet. Here are a number of service options from streaming broadcast television :

1. Blog TV

This online streaming television service calls itself a social broadcasting. Users can broadcast live events through WAP. Category events broadcast over TV this blog also varied from music, sports, movies to a variety of tutorials.

2. Blogstar

This service not only offers a social broadcasting. But also a number of internet TV channels. In the Beta status of services, private broadcast broadcast might be some celebrity world. Feature to download broadcast recordings are also available. Impressions Blogstar we can enjoy streaming using a stable internet connection.

3. JustinTV

Pioneered by Justin Kan of San Fransico, USA. This service is a premium network for Life casting activities and live video streaming. Live streaming is here divided into several categories according to themes and activities.

4. Ustream TV

This website displays streaming video services for television talk shows, speeches, debates, interactive games and events personal vent.

5. Mivo TV

This website is a streaming TV service in the country featuring some of television stations that exist in our country. But it also displays television services from foreign countries like Lejel, DW-TV, Lunartv and so on.

Almost all private television stations that exist in our country that we can enjoy through Mivo TV such as just Metro TV, SCTV, ANTV, RCTI, Indosiar, Trans7, Trans TV and many more. Watching streaming television through TV Mivo also need a good internet connection, stable and smooth so that shows we watch TV uninterrupted.

Video Conference

Other forms of impressions are streaming video conferencing or commonly referred to as tele conferencing which can be interpreted as a long-distance video conversations in person or online. So called, because the video conference participants can converse with each other while looking at each face through video screens available.

Video conferencing is a service breakthrough in the world of information technology is quite useful. Its use is very diverse, eg for distance education as in UT (Open University), meetings between branch offices of a company, even in the medical field can also be used to perform remote surgery.

Besides being used in this case is also very supportive of the work is used for entertainment, such as air-ria chatting with a friend or group of friends, or it could be used to meet up with old relatives and family who are far abroad to be able to know the state of each each.

Video conferencing is very useful when family relationships are separate space and time. For example, when a father working abroad. To be able to communicate while looking at the children and his wife, the father took advantage of video conferencing which is much cheaper than using a long-distance call. Sound is generated via a video conference is also much cleaner than communicating through a long-distance call.

In addition, by video conference longing to the family can be relieved because we can actually see the faces that we missed through video streaming facilities accompanying video conferencing.

The creation of streaming technology is truly an excellent achievement for the development of computer technology, communication and the Internet for the entire world population. Because indirectly, this streaming technology has facilitated a lot of people's work, also facilitates sustained relationship between family relationships apart.

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